// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/enterprise_util.h"
#import <OpenDirectory/OpenDirectory.h>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "base/apple/foundation_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/process/launch.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
namespace base {
bool IsManagedDevice() {
// MDM enrollment indicates the device is actively being managed. Simply being
// joined to a domain, however, does not.
base::MacDeviceManagementState mdm_state =
return mdm_state == base::MacDeviceManagementState::kLimitedMDMEnrollment ||
mdm_state == base::MacDeviceManagementState::kFullMDMEnrollment ||
mdm_state == base::MacDeviceManagementState::kDEPMDMEnrollment;
bool IsEnterpriseDevice() {
// Domain join is a basic indicator of being an enterprise device.
DeviceUserDomainJoinState join_state = AreDeviceAndUserJoinedToDomain();
return join_state.device_joined || join_state.user_joined;
MacDeviceManagementState IsDeviceRegisteredWithManagement() {
static MacDeviceManagementState state = [] {
std::vector<std::string> profiles_argv{"/usr/bin/profiles", "status",
"-type", "enrollment"};
std::string profiles_stdout;
if (!GetAppOutput(profiles_argv, &profiles_stdout)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not get profiles output.";
return MacDeviceManagementState::kFailureAPIUnavailable;
// Sample output of `profiles` with full MDM enrollment:
// Enrolled via DEP: Yes
// MDM enrollment: Yes (User Approved)
// MDM server: https://applemdm.example.com/some/path?foo=bar
StringPairs property_states;
if (!SplitStringIntoKeyValuePairs(profiles_stdout, ':', '\n',
&property_states)) {
return MacDeviceManagementState::kFailureUnableToParseResult;
bool enrolled_via_dep = false;
bool mdm_enrollment_not_approved = false;
bool mdm_enrollment_user_approved = false;
for (const auto& property_state : property_states) {
std::string_view property =
TrimString(property_state.first, kWhitespaceASCII, TRIM_ALL);
std::string_view state =
TrimString(property_state.second, kWhitespaceASCII, TRIM_ALL);
if (property == "Enrolled via DEP") {
if (state == "Yes") {
enrolled_via_dep = true;
} else if (state != "No") {
return MacDeviceManagementState::kFailureUnableToParseResult;
} else if (property == "MDM enrollment") {
if (state == "Yes") {
mdm_enrollment_not_approved = true;
} else if (state == "Yes (User Approved)") {
mdm_enrollment_user_approved = true;
} else if (state != "No") {
return MacDeviceManagementState::kFailureUnableToParseResult;
} else {
// Ignore any other output lines, for future extensibility.
if (!enrolled_via_dep && !mdm_enrollment_not_approved &&
!mdm_enrollment_user_approved) {
return MacDeviceManagementState::kNoEnrollment;
if (!enrolled_via_dep && mdm_enrollment_not_approved &&
!mdm_enrollment_user_approved) {
return MacDeviceManagementState::kLimitedMDMEnrollment;
if (!enrolled_via_dep && !mdm_enrollment_not_approved &&
mdm_enrollment_user_approved) {
return MacDeviceManagementState::kFullMDMEnrollment;
if (enrolled_via_dep && !mdm_enrollment_not_approved &&
mdm_enrollment_user_approved) {
return MacDeviceManagementState::kDEPMDMEnrollment;
return MacDeviceManagementState::kFailureUnableToParseResult;
return state;
DeviceUserDomainJoinState AreDeviceAndUserJoinedToDomain() {
static DeviceUserDomainJoinState state = [] {
DeviceUserDomainJoinState state{.device_joined = false,
.user_joined = false};
@autoreleasepool {
ODSession* session = [ODSession defaultSession];
if (session == nil) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "ODSession default session is nil.";
return state;
// Machines that are domain-joined have nodes under "/LDAPv3" or "/Active
// Directory". See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32470557/ and
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69093499/, respectively, for
// examples.
NSError* error = nil;
NSArray<NSString*>* node_names = [session nodeNamesAndReturnError:&error];
if (!node_names) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "ODSession failed to give node names: "
<< error.localizedDescription.UTF8String;
return state;
for (NSString* node_name in node_names) {
if ([node_name hasPrefix:@"/LDAPv3"] ||
[node_name hasPrefix:@"/Active Directory"]) {
state.device_joined = true;
ODNode* node = [ODNode nodeWithSession:session
if (node == nil) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "ODSession cannot obtain the authentication node: "
<< error.localizedDescription.UTF8String;
return state;
// Now check the currently logged on user.
ODQuery* query = [ODQuery queryWithNode:node
if (query == nil) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "ODSession cannot create user query: "
<< error.localizedDescription.UTF8String;
return state;
NSArray* results = [query resultsAllowingPartial:NO error:&error];
if (!results) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "ODSession cannot obtain current user node: "
<< error.localizedDescription.UTF8String;
return state;
if (results.count != 1) {
DLOG(WARNING) << @"ODSession unexpected number of user nodes: "
<< results.count;
for (id element in results) {
ODRecord* record = base::apple::ObjCCastStrict<ODRecord>(element);
NSArray* attributes =
[record valuesForAttribute:kODAttributeTypeMetaRecordName
for (id attribute in attributes) {
NSString* attribute_value =
// Example: "uid=johnsmith,ou=People,dc=chromium,dc=org
NSRange domain_controller =
[attribute_value rangeOfString:@"(^|,)\\s*dc="
if (domain_controller.length > 0) {
state.user_joined = true;
// Scan alternative identities.
attributes =
[record valuesForAttribute:kODAttributeTypeAltSecurityIdentities
for (id attribute in attributes) {
NSString* attribute_value =
NSRange icloud =
[attribute_value rangeOfString:@"CN=com.apple.idms.appleid.prd"
if (!icloud.length) {
// Any alternative identity that is not iCloud is likely enterprise
// management.
state.user_joined = true;
return state;
return state;
} // namespace base