
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/feature_list_buildflags.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"

namespace base {

class FieldTrial;
class FieldTrialList;
class PersistentMemoryAllocator;

class FeatureVisitor;

// Specifies whether a given feature is enabled or disabled by default.
// NOTE: The actual runtime state may be different, due to a field trial or a
// command line switch.
enum FeatureState {};

// Recommended macros for declaring and defining features and parameters:
// - `kFeature` is the C++ identifier that will be used for the `base::Feature`.
// - `name` is the feature name, which must be globally unique. This name is
//   used to enable/disable features via experiments and command-line flags.
//   Names should use CamelCase-style naming, e.g. "MyGreatFeature".
// - `default_state` is the default state to use for the feature, i.e.
//   As noted above, the actual runtime state may differ from the default state,
//   due to field trials or command-line switches.

// Provides a forward declaration for `kFeature` in a header file, e.g.
// If the feature needs to be marked as exported, i.e. it is referenced by
// multiple components, then write:
#define BASE_DECLARE_FEATURE(kFeature)

// Provides a definition for `kFeature` with `name` and `default_state`, e.g.
//   BASE_FEATURE(kMyFeature, "MyFeature", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT);
// Features should *not* be defined in header files; do not use this macro in
// header files.
#define BASE_FEATURE(feature, name, default_state)

// Provides a forward declaration for `feature_object_name` in a header file,
// e.g.
// If the feature needs to be marked as exported, i.e. it is referenced by
// multiple components, then write:
// This macro enables optimizations to make the second and later calls faster,
// but requires additional memory uses. If you obtain the parameter only once,
// you can instantiate base::FeatureParam directly, or can call
// base::GetFieldTrialParamByFeatureAsInt or equivalent functions for other
// types directly.
#define BASE_DECLARE_FEATURE_PARAM(T, feature_object_name)

// Provides a definition for `feature_object_name` with `T`, `feature`, `name`
// and `default_value`, with an internal parsed value cache, e.g.
//   BASE_FEATURE_PARAM(int, kMyFeatureParam, kMyFeature, "MyFeatureParam", 0);
// `T` is a parameter type, one of bool, int, size_t, double, std::string, and
// base::TimeDelta. Enum types are not supported for now.
// For now, ScopedFeatureList doesn't work to change the value dynamically when
// the cache is used with this macro.
// It should *not* be defined in header files; do not use this macro in header
// files.
#define BASE_FEATURE_PARAM(T, feature_object_name, feature, name, \

// Same as BASE_FEATURE_PARAM() but used for enum type parameters with on extra
// argument, `options`. See base::FeatureParam<Enum> template declaration in
// //base/metrics/field_trial_params.h for `options`' details.
#define BASE_FEATURE_ENUM_PARAM(T, feature_object_name, feature, name, \
                                default_value, options)

// Secret handshake to (try to) ensure all places that construct a base::Feature
// go through the helper `BASE_FEATURE()` macro above.
namespace internal {
enum class FeatureMacroHandshake {};

// The Feature struct is used to define the default state for a feature. There
// must only ever be one struct instance for a given feature name—generally
// defined as a constant global variable or file static. Declare and define
// features using the `BASE_DECLARE_FEATURE()` and `BASE_FEATURE()` macros
// above, as there are some subtleties involved.
// Feature constants are internally mutable, as this allows them to contain a
// mutable member to cache their override state, while still remaining declared
// as const. This cache member allows for significantly faster IsEnabled()
// checks.
// However, the "Mutable Constants" check [1] detects this as a regression,
// because this usually means that a readonly symbol is put in writable memory
// when readonly memory would be more efficient.
// The performance gains of the cache are large enough to offset the downsides
// to having the symbols in bssdata rather than rodata. Use LOGICALLY_CONST to
// suppress the "Mutable Constants" check.
// [1]:

// DCHECKs have been built-in, and are configurable at run-time to be fatal, or
// not, via a DcheckIsFatal feature. We define the Feature here since it is
// checked in FeatureList::SetInstance(). See

// The FeatureList class is used to determine whether a given feature is on or
// off. It provides an authoritative answer, taking into account command-line
// overrides and experimental control.
// The basic use case is for any feature that can be toggled (e.g. through
// command-line or an experiment) to have a defined Feature struct, e.g.:
//   const base::Feature kMyGreatFeature {
//     "MyGreatFeature", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT
//   };
// Then, client code that wishes to query the state of the feature would check:
//   if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kMyGreatFeature)) {
//     // Feature code goes here.
//   }
// Behind the scenes, the above call would take into account any command-line
// flags to enable or disable the feature, any experiments that may control it
// and finally its default state (in that order of priority), to determine
// whether the feature is on.
// Features can be explicitly forced on or off by specifying a list of comma-
// separated feature names via the following command-line flags:
//   --enable-features=Feature5,Feature7
//   --disable-features=Feature1,Feature2,Feature3
// To enable/disable features in a test, do NOT append --enable-features or
// --disable-features to the command-line directly. Instead, use
// ScopedFeatureList. See base/test/scoped_feature_list.h for details.
// After initialization (which should be done single-threaded), the FeatureList
// API is thread safe.
// Note: This class is a singleton, but does not use base/memory/singleton.h in
// order to have control over its initialization sequence. Specifically, the
// intended use is to create an instance of this class and fully initialize it,
// before setting it as the singleton for a process, via SetInstance().
class BASE_EXPORT FeatureList {};

}  // namespace base