// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/shell/browser/shell_platform_delegate.h"
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <algorithm>
#import "base/apple/foundation_util.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "components/input/native_web_keyboard_event.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "content/shell/app/resource.h"
#include "content/shell/browser/shell.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
// Receives notification that the window is closing so that it can start the
// tear-down process.
@interface ContentShellWindowDelegate : NSObject <NSWindowDelegate>
@property(readonly) NSWindow* window;
- (id)initWithShell:(content::Shell*)shell window:(NSWindow*)window;
- (void)showDevTools:(id)sender;
@implementation ContentShellWindowDelegate {
raw_ptr<content::Shell> _shell;
NSWindow* __strong _window;
@synthesize window = _window;
- (id)initWithShell:(content::Shell*)shell window:(NSWindow*)window {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_shell = shell;
_window = window;
window.delegate = self;
return self;
// Called when the window is about to close. Perform the self-destruction
// sequence by getting rid of the shell and removing it and the window from
// the various global lists. By returning YES, we allow the window to be
// removed from the screen.
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender {
CHECK_EQ(base::apple::ObjCCastStrict<NSWindow>(sender), _window);
// Don't leave a dangling pointer if the window lives beyond
// this method. See crbug.com/719830.
_window.delegate = nil;
_window = nil;
return YES;
- (void)performAction:(id)sender {
_shell->ActionPerformed([sender tag]);
- (void)takeURLStringValueFrom:(id)sender {
_shell->URLEntered(base::SysNSStringToUTF8([sender stringValue]));
- (void)showDevTools:(id)sender {
namespace {
NSString* kWindowTitle = @"Content Shell";
// Layout constants (in view coordinates)
const CGFloat kButtonWidth = 72;
const CGFloat kURLBarHeight = 24;
// The minimum size of the window's content (in view coordinates)
const CGFloat kMinimumWindowWidth = 400;
const CGFloat kMinimumWindowHeight = 300;
void MakeShellButton(NSRect* rect,
NSString* title,
NSView* parent,
int control,
id target,
NSString* key,
NSUInteger modifier) {
NSButton* button = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:*rect];
button.title = title;
button.bezelStyle = NSBezelStyleSmallSquare;
button.autoresizingMask = (NSViewMaxXMargin | NSViewMinYMargin);
button.target = target;
button.action = @selector(performAction:);
button.tag = control;
button.keyEquivalent = key;
button.keyEquivalentModifierMask = modifier;
[parent addSubview:button];
rect->origin.x += kButtonWidth;
} // namespace
namespace content {
struct ShellPlatformDelegate::ShellData {
ContentShellWindowDelegate* __strong delegate;
NSTextField* __weak url_edit_view;
struct ShellPlatformDelegate::PlatformData {};
ShellPlatformDelegate::ShellPlatformDelegate() = default;
ShellPlatformDelegate::~ShellPlatformDelegate() = default;
void ShellPlatformDelegate::Initialize(const gfx::Size& default_window_size) {
screen_ = std::make_unique<display::ScopedNativeScreen>();
void ShellPlatformDelegate::CreatePlatformWindow(
Shell* shell,
const gfx::Size& initial_size) {
DCHECK(!base::Contains(shell_data_map_, shell));
ShellData& shell_data = shell_data_map_[shell];
int width = initial_size.width();
int height = initial_size.height();
if (!Shell::ShouldHideToolbar()) {
height += kURLBarHeight;
NSRect initial_window_bounds = NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, height);
NSRect content_rect = initial_window_bounds;
NSUInteger style_mask = NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable |
NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable |
NSWindow* window =
[[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:content_rect
window.title = kWindowTitle;
NSView* content = window.contentView;
// If the window is allowed to get too small, it will wreck the view bindings.
NSSize min_size = NSMakeSize(kMinimumWindowWidth, kMinimumWindowHeight);
min_size = [content convertSize:min_size toView:nil];
// Note that this takes window coordinates.
window.contentMinSize = min_size;
// Set the shell window to participate in fullscreen mode.
window.collectionBehavior |= NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary;
// Rely on the window delegate to clean us up rather than immediately
// releasing when the window gets closed. We use the delegate to do everything
// from the autorelease pool so the shell isn't on the stack during cleanup
// (ie, a window close from javascript). Also, releasedWhenClosed == YES is
// incompatible with ARC.
window.releasedWhenClosed = NO;
// Create a window delegate to watch for when it's asked to go away.
ContentShellWindowDelegate* delegate =
[[ContentShellWindowDelegate alloc] initWithShell:shell window:window];
if (!Shell::ShouldHideToolbar()) {
NSRect button_frame =
NSMakeRect(0, NSMaxY(initial_window_bounds) - kURLBarHeight,
kButtonWidth, kURLBarHeight);
MakeShellButton(&button_frame, @"Back", content, IDC_NAV_BACK, delegate,
@"[", NSEventModifierFlagCommand);
MakeShellButton(&button_frame, @"Forward", content, IDC_NAV_FORWARD,
delegate, @"]", NSEventModifierFlagCommand);
MakeShellButton(&button_frame, @"Reload", content, IDC_NAV_RELOAD, delegate,
@"r", NSEventModifierFlagCommand);
MakeShellButton(&button_frame, @"Stop", content, IDC_NAV_STOP, delegate,
@".", NSEventModifierFlagCommand);
button_frame.size.width =
NSWidth(initial_window_bounds) - NSMinX(button_frame);
NSTextField* url_edit_view =
[[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:button_frame];
[content addSubview:url_edit_view];
url_edit_view.autoresizingMask = NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewMinYMargin;
url_edit_view.target = delegate;
url_edit_view.action = @selector(takeURLStringValueFrom:);
url_edit_view.cell.wraps = NO;
url_edit_view.cell.scrollable = YES;
shell_data.url_edit_view = url_edit_view;
// Show the new window.
[window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
shell_data.delegate = delegate;
gfx::NativeWindow ShellPlatformDelegate::GetNativeWindow(Shell* shell) {
DCHECK(base::Contains(shell_data_map_, shell));
ShellData& shell_data = shell_data_map_[shell];
return shell_data.delegate.window;
void ShellPlatformDelegate::CleanUp(Shell* shell) {
DCHECK(base::Contains(shell_data_map_, shell));
void ShellPlatformDelegate::SetContents(Shell* shell) {
DCHECK(base::Contains(shell_data_map_, shell));
ShellData& shell_data = shell_data_map_[shell];
NSView* web_view = shell->web_contents()->GetNativeView().GetNativeNSView();
web_view.autoresizingMask = NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable;
NSWindow* window = shell_data.delegate.window;
[window.contentView addSubview:web_view];
NSRect frame = window.contentView.bounds;
if (!Shell::ShouldHideToolbar()) {
frame.size.height -= kURLBarHeight;
web_view.frame = frame;
web_view.needsDisplay = YES;
void ShellPlatformDelegate::ResizeWebContent(Shell* shell,
const gfx::Size& content_size) {
DCHECK(base::Contains(shell_data_map_, shell));
ShellData& shell_data = shell_data_map_[shell];
int toolbar_height = Shell::ShouldHideToolbar() ? 0 : kURLBarHeight;
NSRect frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, content_size.width(),
content_size.height() + toolbar_height);
shell_data.delegate.window.contentView.frame = frame;
void ShellPlatformDelegate::EnableUIControl(Shell* shell,
UIControl control,
bool is_enabled) {
DCHECK(base::Contains(shell_data_map_, shell));
ShellData& shell_data = shell_data_map_[shell];
int id;
switch (control) {
NOTREACHED_IN_MIGRATION() << "Unknown UI control";
[[shell_data.delegate.window.contentView viewWithTag:id]
void ShellPlatformDelegate::SetAddressBarURL(Shell* shell, const GURL& url) {
if (Shell::ShouldHideToolbar()) {
DCHECK(base::Contains(shell_data_map_, shell));
ShellData& shell_data = shell_data_map_[shell];
NSString* url_string = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(url.spec());
shell_data.url_edit_view.stringValue = url_string;
void ShellPlatformDelegate::SetIsLoading(Shell* shell, bool loading) {}
void ShellPlatformDelegate::SetTitle(Shell* shell,
const std::u16string& title) {
DCHECK(base::Contains(shell_data_map_, shell));
ShellData& shell_data = shell_data_map_[shell];
shell_data.delegate.window.title = base::SysUTF16ToNSString(title);
void ShellPlatformDelegate::MainFrameCreated(Shell* shell) {}
bool ShellPlatformDelegate::DestroyShell(Shell* shell) {
DCHECK(base::Contains(shell_data_map_, shell));
ShellData& shell_data = shell_data_map_[shell];
[shell_data.delegate.window performClose:nil];
return true; // The performClose() will do the destruction of Shell.
void ShellPlatformDelegate::ActivateContents(Shell* shell,
WebContents* top_contents) {
DCHECK(base::Contains(shell_data_map_, shell));
ShellData& shell_data = shell_data_map_[shell];
// This focuses the main frame RenderWidgetHost in the window, but does not
// make the window itself active. The WebContentsDelegate (this class) is
// responsible for doing both.
// This makes the window the active window for the application, and when the
// app is active, the window will be also. That makes all RenderWidgetHosts
// for the window active (which is separate from focused on mac).
[shell_data.delegate.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
// This makes the application active so that we can actually move focus
// between windows and the renderer can receive focus/blur events.
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
void ShellPlatformDelegate::DidNavigatePrimaryMainFramePostCommit(
Shell* shell,
WebContents* contents) {}
bool ShellPlatformDelegate::HandleKeyboardEvent(
Shell* shell,
WebContents* source,
const input::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) {
if (event.skip_if_unhandled || Shell::ShouldHideToolbar()) {
return false;
DCHECK(base::Contains(shell_data_map_, shell));
ShellData& shell_data = shell_data_map_[shell];
// The event handling to get this strictly right is a tangle; cheat here a bit
// by just letting the menus have a chance at it.
NSEvent* ns_event = event.os_event.Get();
if (ns_event.type == NSEventTypeKeyDown) {
if ((ns_event.modifierFlags & NSEventModifierFlagCommand) &&
[ns_event.characters isEqual:@"l"]) {
[shell_data.delegate.window makeFirstResponder:shell_data.url_edit_view];
return true;
[NSApp.mainMenu performKeyEquivalent:ns_event];
return true;
return false;
} // namespace content