
<!-- Descendants of elements with ARIA childrenPresentational roles tused to be removed,
  but is no longer removed when the content is interactive. In an editor,
  any text cotent is interactive, because the user's caret can traverse it. -->
<div contenteditable="true">
  <div role="button">ARIA leaf content is not removed in editor</div>
  <div role="checkbox">ARIA leaf content is not removed in editor</div>
  <div role="menuitem">ARIA leaf content is not removed in editor</div>
  <div role="menuitemradio">ARIA leaf content is not removed in editor</div>
  <div role="menuitemcheckbox">ARIA leaf content is not removed in editor</div>
  <div role="option">ARIA leaf content is not removed in editor</div>
  <div role="progressbar">ARIA leaf content is not removed in editor</div>
  <div role="radio">ARIA leaf content is not removed in editor</div>
  <div role="separator">ARIA leaf content is not removed in editor</div>
  <div role="slider">ARIA leaf content is not removed in editor</div>
  <div role="switch">ARIA leaf content is not removed in editor</div>
  <div role="tab">ARIA leaf content is not removed in editor</div>