// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/base_export.h"
namespace fuchsia_buildinfo {
class BuildInfo;
namespace fuchsia_hwinfo {
class ProductInfo;
namespace base {
// Makes a blocking call to fetch the info from the system and caches it
// before returning. Must be called in each process during the initialization
// phase.
// Returns whether the system info was successfully cached.
[[nodiscard]] BASE_EXPORT bool FetchAndCacheSystemInfo();
// Returns the cached build info.
BASE_EXPORT const fuchsia_buildinfo::BuildInfo& GetCachedBuildInfo();
// Synchronously fetches the system ProductInfo.
// Returns empty ProductInfo if the required service is unavailable or returns
// an error.
BASE_EXPORT fuchsia_hwinfo::ProductInfo GetProductInfo();
// Resets the cached system info to empty so that
// FetchAndCacheSystemInfo() can be called again in this process.
BASE_EXPORT void ClearCachedSystemInfoForTesting();
} // namespace base