
# When there are multiple owners, the first one assigned wins.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p class="p1" aria-owns="m1"></p>
<p class="p2"></p>
  <mark id="m1"></mark>

// Step 1: create a second owner for m1, which is illegal, and therefore the
// tree should not change.
function p2IsOwner() {
  document.querySelector('.p2').setAttribute('aria-owns', "m1");
  document.title = "p2IsOwner";
  return "p2IsOwner";

// Step 2:
// Remove the original owner, leaving the second owner as the only owner.
// In other words, the second owner (p2) now becomes a legal owner.
function p1IsNotOwner() {
  document.title = "p1IsNotOwner";
  return "p1IsNotOwner";

// Step 3:
// Add p1 as an owner again. However, we already have switched to p2 being the
// owner, and it now takes precedence. Therefore, no tree changes should occur.
function p1IsOwner() {
  document.querySelector('.p1').setAttribute('aria-owns', "m1");
  document.title = "p1IsOwner";
  return "p1IsOwner";

// Step 4:
// Remove all owners. The tree should follow the DOM order.
function noOwner() {
  document.title = "noOwner";
  return "noOwner";

// Step 5: Calls p2IsOwner() again.
// P2 should mow own the mark object again.
