
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

#include "base/i18n/base_i18n_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"

// The BreakIterator class iterates through the words, word breaks, and
// line breaks in a UTF-16 string.
// It provides several modes, BREAK_WORD, BREAK_LINE, BREAK_NEWLINE, and
// BREAK_SENTENCE which modify how characters are aggregated into the returned
// string.
// Under BREAK_WORD mode, once a word is encountered any non-word
// characters are not included in the returned string (e.g. in the
// UTF-16 equivalent of the string " foo bar! ", the word breaks are at
// the periods in ". .foo. .bar.!. .").
// Note that Chinese/Japanese/Thai do not use spaces between words so that
// boundaries can fall in the middle of a continuous run of non-space /
// non-punctuation characters.
// Under BREAK_LINE mode, once a line breaking opportunity is encountered,
// any non-word  characters are included in the returned string, breaking
// only when a space-equivalent character or a line breaking opportunity
// is encountered (e.g. in the UTF16-equivalent of the string " foo bar! ",
// the breaks are at the periods in ". .foo .bar! .").
// Note that lines can be broken at any character/syllable/grapheme cluster
// boundary in Chinese/Japanese/Korean and at word boundaries in Thai
// (Thai does not use spaces between words). Therefore, this is NOT the same
// as breaking only at space-equivalent characters where its former
// name (BREAK_SPACE) implied.
// Under BREAK_NEWLINE mode, all characters are included in the returned
// string, breaking only when a newline-equivalent character is encountered
// (eg. in the UTF-16 equivalent of the string "foo\nbar!\n\n", the line
// breaks are at the periods in ".foo\\n.\n.").
// Under BREAK_SENTENCE mode, all characters are included in the returned
// string, breaking only on sentence boundaries defined in "Unicode Standard
// Annex #29: Text Segmentation." Whitespace immediately following the sentence
// is also included. For example, in the UTF-16 equivalent of the string
// "foo bar! baz qux?" the breaks are at the periods in ".foo bar! .baz quz?."
// To extract the words from a string, move a BREAK_WORD BreakIterator
// through the string and test whether IsWord() is true. E.g.,
//   BreakIterator iter(str, BreakIterator::BREAK_WORD);
//   if (!iter.Init())
//     return false;
//   while (iter.Advance()) {
//     if (iter.IsWord()) {
//       // Region [iter.prev(), iter.pos()) contains a word.
//       VLOG(1) << "word: " << iter.GetString();
//     }
//   }

// ICU iterator type. It is forward declared to avoid including transitively the
// full ICU headers toward every dependent files.
struct UBreakIterator;

namespace base {
namespace i18n {

struct UBreakIteratorDeleter {};

class BASE_I18N_EXPORT BreakIterator {};

}  // namespace i18n
}  // namespace base