<div style="height:10000px;">spacer so that everything below will be offscreen (and won't get viewport-activated)</div>
<div id="locked" style="content-visibility: auto">
<div>child text will be in AX tree but without layout</div>
<div id="nested" style="content-visibility: auto">
nested activatable locked element will be in AX tree but without layout
normal text 1
<div id="nonViewportActivatable" hidden=until-found>
nested non-viewport-activatable locked element will not be in AX tree
normal text 2
<div id="nonActivatable" style="content-visibility: hidden">
nested non-activatable locked element will not be in AX tree
normal text 3
<div id="statusDiv"></div>
// Force layout, then commit everything.
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
statusDiv.innerText = "doneCommitting";