
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <string>

#include "base/i18n/base_i18n_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"

struct UStringSearch;

namespace base {
namespace i18n {

// Returns true if |in_this| contains |find_this|. If |match_index| or
// |match_length| are non-NULL, they are assigned the start position and total
// length of the match.
// Only differences between base letters are taken into consideration. Case and
// accent differences are ignored. Please refer to 'primary level' in
// for additional details.
bool StringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents(const std::u16string& find_this,
                                        const std::u16string& in_this,
                                        size_t* match_index,
                                        size_t* match_length);

// Returns true if |in_this| contains |find_this|. If |match_index| or
// |match_length| are non-NULL, they are assigned the start position and total
// length of the match.
// When |case_sensitive| is false, only differences between base letters are
// taken into consideration. Case and accent differences are ignored.
// Please refer to 'primary level' in
// for additional details.
// When |forward_search| is true, finds the first instance of |find_this|,
// otherwise finds the last instance
bool StringSearch(const std::u16string& find_this,
                  const std::u16string& in_this,
                  size_t* match_index,
                  size_t* match_length,
                  bool case_sensitive,
                  bool forward_search);

// This class is for speeding up multiple StringSearch()
// with the same |find_this| argument. |find_this| is passed as the constructor
// argument, and precomputation for searching is done only at that time.
class BASE_I18N_EXPORT FixedPatternStringSearch {};

// This class is for speeding up multiple StringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents()
// with the same |find_this| argument. |find_this| is passed as the constructor
// argument, and precomputation for searching is done only at that time.
class BASE_I18N_EXPORT FixedPatternStringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents {};

// This class is for performing all matches of `find_this` in `in_this`.
// `find_this` and `in_this` are passed as arguments in constructor.
class BASE_I18N_EXPORT RepeatingStringSearch {};

}  // namespace i18n
}  // namespace base