
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/check.h"

// Helper methods used by LazyInstance and a few other base APIs for thread-safe
// lazy construction.

namespace base {
namespace internal {

// Our AtomicWord doubles as a spinlock, where a value of
// kLazyInstanceStateCreating means the spinlock is being held for creation.
constexpr uintptr_t kLazyInstanceStateCreating =;

// Helper for GetOrCreateLazyPointer(). Checks if instance needs to be created.
// If so returns true otherwise if another thread has beat us, waits for
// instance to be created and returns false.
BASE_EXPORT bool NeedsLazyInstance(std::atomic<uintptr_t>& state);

// Helper for GetOrCreateLazyPointer(). After creating an instance, this is
// called to register the dtor to be called at program exit and to update the
// atomic state to hold the |new_instance|
BASE_EXPORT void CompleteLazyInstance(std::atomic<uintptr_t>& state,
                                      uintptr_t new_instance,
                                      void (*destructor)(void*),
                                      void* destructor_arg);

}  // namespace internal

namespace subtle {

// If |state| is uninitialized (zero), constructs a value using
// |creator_func(creator_arg)|, stores it into |state| and registers
// |destructor(destructor_arg)| to be called when the current AtExitManager goes
// out of scope. Then, returns the value stored in |state|. It is safe to have
// concurrent calls to this function with the same |state|. |creator_func| may
// return nullptr if it doesn't want to create an instance anymore (e.g. on
// shutdown), it is from then on required to return nullptr to all callers (ref.
// StaticMemorySingletonTraits). In that case, callers need to synchronize
// before |creator_func| may return a non-null instance again (ref.
// StaticMemorySingletonTraits::ResurectForTesting()).
// Implementation note on |creator_func/creator_arg|. It makes for ugly adapters
// but it avoids redundant template instantiations (e.g. saves 27KB in
// chrome.dll) because linker is able to fold these for multiple Types but
// couldn't with the more advanced CreatorFunc template type which in turn
// improves code locality (and application startup) -- ref.
// worsened by
// and caught then as
template <typename Type>
Type* GetOrCreateLazyPointer(std::atomic<uintptr_t>& state,
                             Type* (*creator_func)(void*),
                             void* creator_arg,
                             void (*destructor)(void*),
                             void* destructor_arg) {}

}  // namespace subtle

}  // namespace base