
<!-- When an image changes its broken state, it can get an extra user agent
shadow DOM content that visibly displays the alt text. This should not accidentally
cause extra ax children of the image to be created, since an image must be a leaf.
The test toggles the broken state back and forth several times in order to ensure
no illegal states in Blink are triggered (DCHECKs) -->
<img src="pipe.jpg" alt="pipe"><img src="pipe.jpg" alt="control"><img src="pipe-broken.jpg" alt="broken-control">
  let counter = 0;
  function changeImageName() {
    const first_img = document.querySelector('img');
    first_img.src = first_img.src == 'pipe.jpg' ? 'pipe-broken.jpg' : 'pipe.jpg';
    if (++counter == 4)
      document.title = 'done';
  setInterval(changeImageName, 15);