<!DOCTYPE html>
<div inert>
<div id="shadow-host">
<span slot="normal">sit</span>
<div style="content-visibility: auto; position: absolute; top: 999vh">
<span inert>adipiscing</span>
<div style="display: none">
<span inert>tempor</span>
<span inert>eiusmod</span>
<span inert>tempor</span>
<div style="display: none">
<span inert>incididunt</span>
<iframe srcdoc="
<div tabindex=0>Normal frame</div>
<iframe tabindex=0 inert srcdoc='
<div tabindex=0>Inert frame nested in normal frame</div>
<iframe inert srcdoc="
<div tabindex=0>Inert frame</div>
<iframe tabindex=0 srcdoc='
<div tabindex=0>Normal frame nested in inert frame</div>
<iframe inert sandbox srcdoc="
<div tabindex=0>Sandboxed inert frame</div>
<iframe tabindex=0 sandbox srcdoc='
<div tabindex=0>Sandboxed frame nested in sandboxed inert frame</div>
// Check inertness with shadow DOM.
const shadowHost = document.getElementById("shadow-host");
const shadowRoot = shadowHost.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
const normalSlot = document.createElement("slot");
normalSlot.name = "normal";
const inertSlot = document.createElement("slot");
inertSlot.inert = true;
shadowRoot.append(normalSlot, inertSlot);
// Check interaction with focusability.
for (let root of [document, shadowRoot]) {
for (let element of root.querySelectorAll("*")) {
element.tabIndex = 0;