
// Copyright 2015 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace debugd {
const char kDebugdInterface[] =;
const char kDebugdServicePath[] =;
const char kDebugdServiceName[] =;

// Methods.
const char kCupsAddManuallyConfiguredPrinter[] =;
const char kCupsAddManuallyConfiguredPrinterV2[] =;
const char kCupsAddAutoConfiguredPrinter[] =;
const char kCupsAddAutoConfiguredPrinterV2[] =;
const char kCupsRemovePrinter[] =;
const char kCupsRetrievePpd[] =;
const char kDumpDebugLogs[] =;
const char kGetInterfaces[] =;
const char kGetNetworkStatus[] =;
const char kGetPerfOutput[] =;
const char kGetPerfOutputFd[] =;
const char kGetPerfOutputV2[] =;
const char kStopPerf[] =;
const char kGetIpAddrs[] =;
const char kGetRoutes[] =;
const char kSetDebugMode[] =;
const char kSystraceStart[] =;
const char kSystraceStop[] =;
const char kSystraceStatus[] =;
const char kGetLog[] =;
const char kGetAllLogs[] =;
const char kGetFeedbackLogs[] =;
const char kGetFeedbackLogsV3[] =;
const char kGetFeedbackBinaryLogs[] =;
const char kKstaledSetRatio[] =;
const char kTestICMP[] =;
const char kTestICMPWithOptions[] =;
const char kLogKernelTaskStates[] =;
const char kUploadCrashes[] =;
const char kUploadSingleCrash[] =;
const char kRemoveRootfsVerification[] =;
const char kEnableChromeRemoteDebugging[] =;
const char kEnableBootFromUsb[] =;
const char kConfigureSshServer[] =;
const char kSetUserPassword[] =;
const char kEnableChromeDevFeatures[] =;
const char kQueryDevFeatures[] =;
const char kSetOomScoreAdj[] =;
const char kStartVmPluginDispatcher[] =;
const char kStopVmPluginDispatcher[] =;
const char kSetRlzPingSent[] =;
const char kSetU2fFlags[] =;
const char kGetU2fFlags[] =;
const char kSetSchedulerConfiguration[] =;
const char kSetSchedulerConfigurationV2[] =;
const char kSwapSetParameter[] =;
const char kSwapZramEnableWriteback[] =;
const char kSwapZramMarkIdle[] =;
const char kSwapZramSetWritebackLimit[] =;
const char kSwapZramWriteback[] =;
const char kSwapSetSwappiness[] =;
const char kBackupArcBugReport[] =;
const char kDeleteArcBugReportBackup[] =;
const char kKernelFeatureList[] =;
const char kKernelFeatureEnable[] =;
// PacketCaptureStart method isn't defined as it's not needed by any component.
const char kPacketCaptureStop[] =;
const char kDRMTraceAnnotateLog[] =;
const char kBluetoothStartBtsnoop[] =;
const char kBluetoothStopBtsnoop[] =;

// Signals.
const char kPacketCaptureStartSignal[] =;
const char kPacketCaptureStopSignal[] =;

// Properties.
const char kCrashSenderTestMode[] =;

// ZramWritebackMode contains the allowed modes of operation
// for zram writeback.
enum ZramWritebackMode {};

// Values.
enum DevFeatureFlag {};

// CupsAdd* error codes
enum CupsResult {};

// DRMTraceCategories flags. These values must align with those in
// org.chromium.debug.xml.
enum DRMTraceCategories {};

// DRMTraceSizes enum. These values must align with those in
// org.chromium.debugd.xml
enum DRMTraceSizes {};

// DRMSnapshotType enum. These values must align with those in
// org.chromium.debugd.xml
enum DRMSnapshotType {};

// FeedbackLogType contains the enum representation of different log categories
// debugd/src/log_tool.h reads from.
enum FeedbackLogType {};

// FeedbackBinaryLogType contains the enum representation of different
// categories of binary data that can be added to feedback reports.
enum FeedbackBinaryLogType {};

// PrintscanDebugCategories flags. These values must align with those in
// org.chromium.debug.xml.
enum PrintscanDebugCategories {};

// Firmware dump types for firmware dump operations. These values must align
// with those in org.chromium.debug.xml.
enum class FirmwareDumpType {};

// Debug log keys which should be substituted in the system info dialog.
const char kIwlwifiDumpKey[] =;

namespace scheduler_configuration {

// Keys which should be given to SetSchedulerConfiguration.
constexpr char kConservativeScheduler[] =;
constexpr char kCoreIsolationScheduler[] =;
constexpr char kPerformanceScheduler[] =;

}  // namespace scheduler_configuration

namespace u2f_flags {
constexpr char kU2f[] =;
constexpr char kG2f[] =;
constexpr char kVerbose[] =;
constexpr char kAllowlistData[] =;
constexpr char kDisableCorpProtocol[] =;
constexpr char kActivateFips[] =;
constexpr char kEnableGlobalKey[] =;
constexpr char kUserKeys[] =;
}  // namespace u2f_flags

}  // namespace debugd