
// Copyright 2015 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace lorgnette {
const char kManagerServiceName[] =;
const char kManagerServiceInterface[] =;
const char kManagerServicePath[] =;
const char kManagerServiceError[] =;

// Methods.
const char kListScannersMethod[] =;
const char kGetScannerCapabilitiesMethod[] =;
const char kOpenScannerMethod[] =;
const char kCloseScannerMethod[] =;
const char kSetOptionsMethod[] =;
const char kGetCurrentConfigMethod[] =;
const char kStartPreparedScanMethod[] =;
const char kReadScanDataMethod[] =;
const char kScanImageMethod[] =;
const char kStartScanMethod[] =;
const char kCancelScanMethod[] =;
const char kGetNextImageMethod[] =;
const char kStartScannerDiscoveryMethod[] =;
const char kStopScannerDiscoveryMethod[] =;

// Signals.
const char kScanStatusChangedSignal[] =;
const char kScannerListChangedSignal[] =;

// Parameters supplied to a "ScanImage" request.
const char kScanPropertyMode[] =;
const char kScanPropertyModeColor[] =;
const char kScanPropertyModeGray[] =;
const char kScanPropertyModeLineart[] =;
const char kScanPropertyResolution[] =;

// The name used as a source name for the only DocumentSource in
// ScannerCapabilities' source field if the SANE backend does not export a
// source option.
const char kUnspecifiedDefaultSourceName[] =;
}  // namespace lorgnette