
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace patchpanel {

// Patchpanel main D-Bus service constants.
constexpr char kPatchPanelInterface[] =;
constexpr char kPatchPanelServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kPatchPanelServiceName[] =;

// Exported methods.
constexpr char kArcShutdownMethod[] =;
constexpr char kArcStartupMethod[] =;
constexpr char kArcVmShutdownMethod[] =;
constexpr char kArcVmStartupMethod[] =;
constexpr char kConnectNamespaceMethod[] =;
constexpr char kCreateLocalOnlyNetworkMethod[] =;
constexpr char kCreateTetheredNetworkMethod[] =;
constexpr char kConfigureNetworkMethod[] =;
constexpr char kGetDevicesMethod[] =;
constexpr char kGetDownstreamNetworkInfoMethod[] =;
constexpr char kGetTrafficCountersMethod[] =;
constexpr char kModifyPortRuleMethod[] =;
constexpr char kParallelsVmShutdownMethod[] =;
constexpr char kParallelsVmStartupMethod[] =;
constexpr char kNotifyAndroidInteractiveStateMethod[] =;
constexpr char kNotifyAndroidWifiMulticastLockChangeMethod[] =;
constexpr char kNotifySocketConnectionEventMethod[] =;
constexpr char kNotifyARCVPNSocketConnectionEventMethod[] =;
constexpr char kSetDnsRedirectionRuleMethod[] =;
constexpr char kSetFeatureFlagMethod[] =;
constexpr char kSetVpnLockdown[] =;
constexpr char kTagSocketMethod[] =;
constexpr char kTerminaVmShutdownMethod[] =;
constexpr char kTerminaVmStartupMethod[] =;

// Signals.
constexpr char kNetworkDeviceChangedSignal[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkConfigurationChangedSignal[] =;
constexpr char kNeighborReachabilityEventSignal[] =;

// Socket service, secondary D-Bus service constants.
constexpr char kSocketServiceInterface[] =;
constexpr char kSocketServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kSocketServiceName[] =;
}  // namespace patchpanel