
// Copyright 2015 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


// TODO(benchan): Reorganize shill constants and remove deprecated ones.
namespace shill {
// Flimflam D-Bus service identifiers.
constexpr char kFlimflamManagerInterface[] =;
constexpr char kFlimflamServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kFlimflamServicePath[] =;  //
constexpr char kFlimflamServiceInterface[] =;
constexpr char kFlimflamIPConfigInterface[] =;
constexpr char kFlimflamDeviceInterface[] =;
constexpr char kFlimflamProfileInterface[] =;
constexpr char kFlimflamThirdPartyVpnInterface[] =;

// Common function names.
constexpr char kGetPropertiesFunction[] =;
constexpr char kSetPropertyFunction[] =;
constexpr char kClearPropertyFunction[] =;

// Manager function names.
constexpr char kConfigureServiceFunction[] =;
constexpr char kConfigureServiceForProfileFunction[] =;
constexpr char kScanAndConnectToBestServicesFunction[] =;
constexpr char kCreateConnectivityReportFunction[] =;
constexpr char kDisableTechnologyFunction[] =;
constexpr char kEnableTechnologyFunction[] =;
constexpr char kFindMatchingServiceFunction[] =;
constexpr char kGetNetworksForGeolocation[] =;
constexpr char kGetCellularNetworksForGeolocation[] =;
constexpr char kGetWiFiNetworksForGeolocation[] =;
constexpr char kGetServiceFunction[] =;
constexpr char kSetLOHSEnabledFunction[] =;
constexpr char kRequestScanFunction[] =;
constexpr char kSetNetworkThrottlingFunction[] =;
constexpr char kSetDNSProxyDOHProvidersFunction[] =;
constexpr char kAddPasspointCredentialsFunction[] =;
constexpr char kRemovePasspointCredentialsFunction[] =;
constexpr char kSetTetheringEnabledFunction[] =;
constexpr char kEnableTetheringFunction[] =;
constexpr char kDisableTetheringFunction[] =;
constexpr char kCheckTetheringReadinessFunction[] =;
constexpr char kConnectToP2PGroupFunction[] =;
constexpr char kDisconnectFromP2PGroupFunction[] =;
constexpr char kCreateP2PGroupFunction[] =;
constexpr char kDestroyP2PGroupFunction[] =;

// Service function names.
constexpr char kClearPropertiesFunction[] =;
constexpr char kCompleteCellularActivationFunction[] =;
constexpr char kConnectFunction[] =;
constexpr char kDisconnectFunction[] =;
constexpr char kGetLoadableProfileEntriesFunction[] =;
constexpr char kGetWiFiPassphraseFunction[] =;
constexpr char kGetEapPassphraseFunction[] =;
constexpr char kRemoveServiceFunction[] =;
constexpr char kRequestPortalDetectionFunction[] =;
constexpr char kRequestTrafficCountersFunction[] =;
constexpr char kResetTrafficCountersFunction[] =;
constexpr char kSetPropertiesFunction[] =;

// IPConfig function names.
constexpr char kRemoveConfigFunction[] =;

// Device function names.
constexpr char kChangePinFunction[] =;
constexpr char kEnterPinFunction[] =;
constexpr char kRegisterFunction[] =;
constexpr char kRequirePinFunction[] =;
constexpr char kResetFunction[] =;
constexpr char kSetUsbEthernetMacAddressSourceFunction[] =;
constexpr char kUnblockPinFunction[] =;

// Profile function names.
constexpr char kDeleteEntryFunction[] =;
constexpr char kGetEntryFunction[] =;

// ThirdPartyVpn function names.
constexpr char kOnPacketReceivedFunction[] =;
constexpr char kOnPlatformMessageFunction[] =;
constexpr char kSetParametersFunction[] =;
constexpr char kSendPacketFunction[] =;
constexpr char kUpdateConnectionStateFunction[] =;

// Manager property names.
constexpr char kActiveProfileProperty[] =;
constexpr char kAlwaysOnVpnPackageProperty[] =;
constexpr char kAvailableTechnologiesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kClaimedDevicesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kConnectedTechnologiesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kConnectionStateProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDefaultServiceProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDefaultTechnologyProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDevicesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDhcpPropertyHostnameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDisableWiFiVHTProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDisconnectWiFiOnEthernetProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDNSProxyDOHProvidersProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDOHExcludedDomainsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDOHIncludedDomainsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEnabledTechnologiesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEnableDHCPQoSProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEnableRFC8925Property[] =;
constexpr char kExperimentalTetheringFunctionality[] =;
constexpr char kLOHSConfigProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PAllowedProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PCapabilitiesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfosProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfosProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPortalFallbackHttpUrlsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPortalFallbackHttpsUrlsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPortalHttpUrlProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPortalHttpsUrlProperty[] =;
constexpr char kProfilesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kServiceCompleteListProperty[] =;
constexpr char kServicesProperty[] =;  // Also used for Profile.
constexpr char kSupportedVPNTypesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringCapabilitiesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringConfigProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStatusProperty[] =;
constexpr char kUninitializedTechnologiesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnLanEnabledProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWifiGlobalFTEnabledProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWifiScanAllowRoamProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWifiRequestScanTypeProperty[] =;
// Valid values of DisconnectWiFiOnEthernet
constexpr char kDisconnectWiFiOnEthernetOff[] =;
constexpr char kDisconnectWiFiOnEthernetConnected[] =;
constexpr char kDisconnectWiFiOnEthernetOnline[] =;

// Manager and DefaultProfile property names (the Manager properties that are
// persisted by a DefaultProfile; these are always read-only for
// DefaultProfile).
constexpr char kArpGatewayProperty[] =;
constexpr char kCheckPortalListProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNoAutoConnectTechnologiesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kProhibitedTechnologiesProperty[] =;

// Base Service property names.
constexpr char kAutoConnectProperty[] =;
constexpr char kCheckPortalProperty[] =;
constexpr char kConnectableProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDeviceProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDiagnosticsDisconnectsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDiagnosticsMisconnectsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDnsAutoFallbackProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapRemoteCertificationProperty[] =;
constexpr char kErrorDetailsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kErrorProperty[] =;
constexpr char kGuidProperty[] =;
constexpr char kIPConfigProperty[] =;
constexpr char kIsConnectedProperty[] =;
constexpr char kLinkMonitorDisableProperty[] =;
constexpr char kManagedCredentialsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kMeteredProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNameProperty[] =;  // Also used for Device and Profile.
constexpr char kPassphraseRequiredProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPreviousErrorProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPreviousErrorSerialNumberProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPriorityProperty[] =;
constexpr char kProbeUrlProperty[] =;
constexpr char kProfileProperty[] =;
constexpr char kProxyConfigProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSaveCredentialsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSavedIPConfigProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSignalStrengthProperty[] =;
constexpr char kStateProperty[] =;
constexpr char kStaticIPConfigProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterResetTimeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTypeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kUIDataProperty[] =;
constexpr char kVisibleProperty[] =;
constexpr char kONCSourceProperty[] =;
constexpr char kUplinkSpeedPropertyKbps[] =;
constexpr char kDownlinkSpeedPropertyKbps[] =;
constexpr char kLastManualConnectAttemptProperty[] =;
constexpr char kLastConnectedProperty[] =;
constexpr char kLastOnlineProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkIDProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkConfigProperty[] =;

// Property names in the NetworkConfig dict.
constexpr char kNetworkConfigIPv4AddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkConfigIPv4GatewayProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkConfigIPv6AddressesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkConfigIPv6GatewayProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkConfigNameServersProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkConfigSearchDomainsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkConfigMTUProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkConfigIncludedRoutesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkConfigExcludedRoutesProperty[] =;

// Cellular Service property names.
constexpr char kActivationStateProperty[] =;
constexpr char kActivationTypeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kCellularAllowRoamingProperty[] =;
constexpr char kCellularApnProperty[] =;
constexpr char kCellularLastConnectedDefaultApnProperty[] =;
constexpr char kCellularLastConnectedAttachApnProperty[] =;
constexpr char kCellularLastGoodApnProperty[] =;
constexpr char kCellularLastAttachApnProperty[] =;
constexpr char kCellularPPPPasswordProperty[] =;
constexpr char kCellularPPPUsernameProperty[] =;
// TODO(b/271332404): Remove kCellularUserApnListProperty when is no longer used
// in Chrome.
constexpr char kCellularUserApnListProperty[] =;
constexpr char kCellularCustomApnListProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkTechnologyProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOutOfCreditsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPaymentPortalProperty[] =;
constexpr char kRoamingStateProperty[] =;
constexpr char kServingOperatorProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTechnologyFamilyProperty[] =;
constexpr char kUsageURLProperty[] =;

// EAP Service/Passpoint credentials property names.
constexpr char kEapAnonymousIdentityProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapCaCertIdProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapCaCertPemProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapCaCertProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapCertIdProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapDomainSuffixMatchProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapIdentityProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapKeyIdProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapKeyMgmtProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapMethodProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapPasswordProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapPhase2AuthProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapPinProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapSubjectAlternativeNameMatchProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapSubjectMatchProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapTLSVersionMaxProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapUseLoginPasswordProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapUseProactiveKeyCachingProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapUseSystemCasProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapSubjectAlternativeNameMatchTypeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapSubjectAlternativeNameMatchValueProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointFQDNProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointProvisioningSourceProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointMatchTypeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointIDProperty[] =;

// WiFi Service property names.
constexpr char kCountryProperty[] =;
constexpr char kModeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPassphraseProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityClassProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSSIDProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWifiBSsid[] =;
constexpr char kWifiFrequencyListProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWifiFrequency[] =;
constexpr char kWifiHexSsid[] =;
constexpr char kWifiHiddenSsid[] =;
constexpr char kWifiPhyMode[] =;
static constexpr char kWifiRandomMACPolicy[] =;
constexpr char kWifiRekeyInProgressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWifiRoamStateProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWifiVendorInformationProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWifiSignalStrengthRssiProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWifiBSSIDAllowlist[] =;
constexpr char kWifiBSSIDRequested[] =;

// Base VPN Service property names.
constexpr char kHostProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPhysicalTechnologyProperty[] =;
constexpr char kProviderProperty[] =;
constexpr char kProviderHostProperty[] =;
constexpr char kProviderTypeProperty[] =;

// IKEv2 VPN Service property names.
constexpr char kIKEv2AuthenticationTypeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kIKEv2CaCertPemProperty[] =;
constexpr char kIKEv2ClientCertIdProperty[] =;
constexpr char kIKEv2ClientCertSlotProperty[] =;
constexpr char kIKEv2LocalIdentityProperty[] =;
constexpr char kIKEv2PskProperty[] =;
constexpr char kIKEv2RemoteIdentityProperty[] =;

// Values used in IKEv2.AuthenticationType.
constexpr char kIKEv2AuthenticationTypePSK[] =;
constexpr char kIKEv2AuthenticationTypeEAP[] =;
constexpr char kIKEv2AuthenticationTypeCert[] =;

// L2TPIPsec Service property names.
constexpr char kL2TPIPsecCaCertPemProperty[] =;
constexpr char kL2TPIPsecClientCertIdProperty[] =;
constexpr char kL2TPIPsecClientCertSlotProperty[] =;
constexpr char kL2TPIPsecLcpEchoDisabledProperty[] =;
constexpr char kL2TPIPsecPasswordProperty[] =;
constexpr char kL2TPIPsecPinProperty[] =;
constexpr char kL2TPIPsecPskProperty[] =;
constexpr char kL2TPIPsecPskRequiredProperty[] =;
constexpr char kL2TPIPsecTunnelGroupProperty[] =;
constexpr char kL2TPIPsecUseLoginPasswordProperty[] =;
constexpr char kL2TPIPsecUserProperty[] =;
constexpr char kL2TPIPsecXauthPasswordProperty[] =;
constexpr char kL2TPIPsecXauthUserProperty[] =;

// OpenVPN Service property names.
constexpr char kOpenVPNAuthNoCacheProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNAuthProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNAuthRetryProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNAuthUserPassProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNCaCertPemProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNCipherProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNClientCertIdProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNCompLZOProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNCompNoAdaptProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNCompressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNExtraCertPemProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNExtraHostsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNIgnoreDefaultRouteProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNKeyDirectionProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNNsCertTypeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNOTPProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNPasswordProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNPinProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNPingExitProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNPingProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNPingRestartProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNPortProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNProtoProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNPushPeerInfoProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNRemoteCertEKUProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNRemoteCertKUProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNRemoteCertTLSProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNRenegSecProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNServerPollTimeoutProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNShaperProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNStaticChallengeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNTLSAuthContentsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNTLSAuthProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNTLSRemoteProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNTLSVersionMinProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNTokenProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNUserProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNVerbProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNVerifyHashProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNVerifyX509NameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNVerifyX509TypeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kVPNMTUProperty[] =;

// ThirdPartyVpn Service property names.
constexpr char kConfigurationNameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kExtensionNameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kObjectPathSuffixProperty[] =;

// WireGuard Service property names.
constexpr char kWireGuardIPAddress[] =;
constexpr char kWireGuardPrivateKey[] =;
constexpr char kWireGuardPublicKey[] =;
constexpr char kWireGuardPeers[] =;
constexpr char kWireGuardLastReadLinkStatusTime[] =;
// Property names of a peer in "WireGuard.Peers"
constexpr char kWireGuardPeerPublicKey[] =;
constexpr char kWireGuardPeerPresharedKey[] =;
constexpr char kWireGuardPeerEndpoint[] =;
constexpr char kWireGuardPeerAllowedIPs[] =;
constexpr char kWireGuardPeerPersistentKeepalive[] =;
constexpr char kWireGuardPeerLatestHandshake[] =;
constexpr char kWireGuardPeerRxBytes[] =;
constexpr char kWireGuardPeerTxBytes[] =;

// IPConfig property names.
// kAddressProperty: Defined below for Device.
constexpr char kExcludedRoutesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kGatewayProperty[] =;
constexpr char kIncludedRoutesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kMethodProperty[] =;
constexpr char kMtuProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNameServersProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPrefixlenProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSearchDomainsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWebProxyAutoDiscoveryUrlProperty[] =;

// Passpoint credentials property names.
// EAP properties are defined above for EAP service.
constexpr char kPasspointCredentialsFQDNProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointCredentialsDomainsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointCredentialsRealmProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointCredentialsHomeOIsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointCredentialsRequiredHomeOIsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointCredentialsRoamingConsortiaProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointCredentialsMeteredOverrideProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointCredentialsAndroidPackageNameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointCredentialsFriendlyNameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointCredentialsExpirationTimeMillisecondsProperty[] =;

// Base Device property names.
constexpr char kAddressProperty[] =;  // Also used for IPConfig.
constexpr char kInhibitedProperty[] =;
constexpr char kIPConfigsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kIPv6DisabledProperty[] =;
constexpr char kInterfaceProperty[] =;  // Network interface name.
// kNameProperty: Defined above for Service. DEPRECATED (
constexpr char kPoweredProperty[] =;
constexpr char kScanIntervalProperty[] =;                               // For both Cellular and WiFi.
constexpr char kScanningProperty[] =;  // For both Cellular and WiFi.
constexpr char kSelectedServiceProperty[] =;

// Property names common to Cellular Device and Cellular Service.
constexpr char kEidProperty[] =;
constexpr char kIccidProperty[] =;
constexpr char kImsiProperty[] =;

// kIccidProperty value when SIM card exists but ICCID is not available.
constexpr char kUnknownIccid[] =;

// Cellular Device property names.
constexpr char kCellularApnListProperty[] =;
constexpr char kCellularPolicyAllowRoamingProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDeviceIdProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEquipmentIdProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEsnProperty[] =;
constexpr char kFirmwareRevisionProperty[] =;
constexpr char kFoundNetworksProperty[] =;
constexpr char kHardwareRevisionProperty[] =;
constexpr char kHomeProviderProperty[] =;
constexpr char kImeiProperty[] =;
constexpr char kManufacturerProperty[] =;
constexpr char kMdnProperty[] =;
constexpr char kMeidProperty[] =;
constexpr char kModelIdProperty[] =;
constexpr char kMinProperty[] =;
constexpr char kProviderRequiresRoamingProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSelectedNetworkProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSIMPresentProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSIMSlotInfoProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSupportNetworkScanProperty[] =;
constexpr char kUseAttachAPNProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPrimaryMultiplexedInterfaceProperty[] =;
constexpr char kFlashingProperty[] =;

constexpr char kDBusObjectProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDBusServiceProperty[] =;

// Ethernet Device property names.
constexpr char kEapAuthenticationCompletedProperty[] =;
constexpr char kEapAuthenticatorDetectedProperty[] =;
constexpr char kDeviceBusTypeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kLinkUpProperty[] =;
constexpr char kUsbEthernetMacAddressSourceProperty[] =;

// WiFi Device property names.
constexpr char kBgscanMethodProperty[] =;
constexpr char kBgscanShortIntervalProperty[] =;
constexpr char kBgscanSignalThresholdProperty[] =;
constexpr char kForceWakeToScanTimerProperty[] =;
constexpr char kLastWakeReasonProperty[] =;
constexpr char kLinkStatisticsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kMacAddressRandomizationEnabledProperty[] =;
constexpr char kMacAddressRandomizationSupportedProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNetDetectScanPeriodSecondsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnWiFiSupportedProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnWiFiAllowedProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabledProperty[] =;
constexpr char kWakeToScanPeriodSecondsProperty[] =;

// Profile property names.
constexpr char kEntriesProperty[] =;
// kNameProperty: Defined above for Service.
// kServicesProperty: Defined above for Manager.
constexpr char kUserHashProperty[] =;
constexpr char kAlwaysOnVpnModeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kAlwaysOnVpnServiceProperty[] =;

// WiFi Service VendorInformation dictionary keys.
constexpr char kVendorOUIListProperty[] =;
constexpr char kVendorWPSDeviceNameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kVendorWPSManufacturerProperty[] =;
constexpr char kVendorWPSModelNameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kVendorWPSModelNumberProperty[] =;

// Flimflam state options.
constexpr char kStateIdle[] =;
constexpr char kStateAssociation[] =;
constexpr char kStateConfiguration[] =;
constexpr char kStateReady[] =;
constexpr char kStateNoConnectivity[] =;
constexpr char kStateRedirectFound[] =;
constexpr char kStateOnline[] =;
constexpr char kStateDisconnecting[] =;
constexpr char kStateFailure[] =;
// Deprecated. TODO(b/333634158): Remove after all usage in Chrome has been
// removed.
constexpr char kStatePortalSuspected[] =;

// Shill CheckPortal property values.
constexpr char kCheckPortalTrue[] =;
constexpr char kCheckPortalAuto[] =;
constexpr char kCheckPortalFalse[] =;
constexpr char kCheckPortalHTTPOnly[] =;

// Shill WiFi roam state options.
constexpr char kRoamStateIdle[] =;
constexpr char kRoamStateAssociation[] =;
constexpr char kRoamStateConfiguration[] =;
constexpr char kRoamStateReady[] =;

// Shill Passpoint match type options.
constexpr char kPasspointMatchTypeHome[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointMatchTypeRoaming[] =;
constexpr char kPasspointMatchTypeUnknown[] =;

// Flimflam property names for SIMLock status.
// kSIMLockStatusProperty is a Cellular Device property.
constexpr char kSIMLockStatusProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSIMLockTypeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSIMLockRetriesLeftProperty[] =;
constexpr char kSIMLockEnabledProperty[] =;

// Shill SIMSlotInfo properties.
constexpr char kSIMSlotInfoEID[] =;
constexpr char kSIMSlotInfoICCID[] =;
constexpr char kSIMSlotInfoPrimary[] =;

// Flimflam property names for Cellular.FoundNetworks.
constexpr char kLongNameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kStatusProperty[] =;
constexpr char kShortNameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTechnologyProperty[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkIdProperty[] =;

// Flimflam SIMLock status types.
constexpr char kSIMLockPin[] =;
constexpr char kSIMLockPuk[] =;
constexpr char kSIMLockNetworkPin[] =;
constexpr int kUnknownLockRetriesLeft =;

// APN info property names.
constexpr char kApnProperty[] =;
constexpr char kApnNetworkIdProperty[] =;
constexpr char kApnUsernameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kApnPasswordProperty[] =;
constexpr char kApnNameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kApnLocalizedNameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kApnLanguageProperty[] =;
constexpr char kApnAuthenticationProperty[] =;
constexpr char kApnIsRequiredByCarrierSpecProperty[] =;
// TODO(b/251551314): Remove kApnAttachProperty after 2025Q2
constexpr char kApnAttachProperty[] =;
constexpr char kApnIpTypeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kApnTypesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kApnIdProperty[] =;
constexpr char kApnSourceProperty[] =;
// The Profile ID property will be ignored if sent by Chrome or
// otherwise set in a custom APN.
constexpr char kApnProfileIdProperty[] =;

// APN authentication property values (as expected by ModemManager).
constexpr char kApnAuthenticationPap[] =;
constexpr char kApnAuthenticationChap[] =;

// IP type property values.
constexpr char kApnIpTypeV4[] =;
constexpr char kApnIpTypeV6[] =;
constexpr char kApnIpTypeV4V6[] =;

// APN type property values.
constexpr char kApnTypeDefault[] =;
constexpr char kApnTypeIA[] =;
constexpr char kApnTypeDun[] =;

// APN source property values.
constexpr char kApnSourceAdmin[] =;
constexpr char kApnSourceUi[] =;
constexpr char kApnSourceMoDb[] =;
constexpr char kApnSourceModem[] =;

// APN IsRequiredByCarrierSpec values.
constexpr char kApnIsRequiredByCarrierSpecTrue[] =;
constexpr char kApnIsRequiredByCarrierSpecFalse[] =;

// Payment Portal property names.
constexpr char kPaymentPortalURL[] =;
constexpr char kPaymentPortalMethod[] =;
constexpr char kPaymentPortalPostData[] =;

// Operator info property names.
constexpr char kOperatorNameKey[] =;
constexpr char kOperatorCodeKey[] =;
constexpr char kOperatorCountryKey[] =;
constexpr char kOperatorUuidKey[] =;

// Flimflam network technology options.
constexpr char kNetworkTechnology1Xrtt[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkTechnologyEvdo[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkTechnologyGsm[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkTechnologyGprs[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkTechnologyEdge[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkTechnologyUmts[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkTechnologyHspa[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkTechnologyHspaPlus[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkTechnologyLte[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkTechnologyLteAdvanced[] =;
constexpr char kNetworkTechnology5gNr[] =;

// Flimflam roaming state options
constexpr char kRoamingStateHome[] =;
constexpr char kRoamingStateRoaming[] =;
constexpr char kRoamingStateUnknown[] =;

// Flimflam activation state options
constexpr char kActivationStateActivated[] =;
constexpr char kActivationStateActivating[] =;
constexpr char kActivationStateNotActivated[] =;
constexpr char kActivationStatePartiallyActivated[] =;
constexpr char kActivationStateUnknown[] =;

// Flimflam EAP method options.
constexpr char kEapMethodPEAP[] =;
constexpr char kEapMethodTLS[] =;
constexpr char kEapMethodTTLS[] =;
constexpr char kEapMethodLEAP[] =;
constexpr char kEapMethodMSCHAPV2[] =;

// Flimflam EAP phase 2 auth options.
constexpr char kEapPhase2AuthPEAPMD5[] =;
constexpr char kEapPhase2AuthPEAPMSCHAPV2[] =;
constexpr char kEapPhase2AuthPEAPGTC[] =;
constexpr char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSMD5[] =;  // crosbug/26822
constexpr char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSEAPMD5[] =;
constexpr char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSEAPMSCHAPV2[] =;
constexpr char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSMSCHAPV2[] =;
constexpr char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSMSCHAP[] =;
constexpr char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSPAP[] =;
constexpr char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSCHAP[] =;
constexpr char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSGTC[] =;
constexpr char kEapPhase2AuthTTLSEAPGTC[] =;

// Flimflam EAP TLS versions.
constexpr char kEapTLSVersion1p0[] =;
constexpr char kEapTLSVersion1p1[] =;
constexpr char kEapTLSVersion1p2[] =;

// Flimflam VPN provider types.
constexpr char kProviderArcVpn[] =;
constexpr char kProviderIKEv2[] =;
constexpr char kProviderL2tpIpsec[] =;
constexpr char kProviderOpenVpn[] =;
constexpr char kProviderThirdPartyVpn[] =;
constexpr char kProviderWireGuard[] =;

// Flimflam monitored properties
constexpr char kMonitorPropertyChanged[] =;

// Flimflam type options.
constexpr char kTypeEthernet[] =;
constexpr char kTypeWifi[] =;
constexpr char kTypeCellular[] =;
constexpr char kTypeVPN[] =;

// Flimflam mode options.
constexpr char kModeManaged[] =;

// WiFi SecurityClass options.
constexpr char kSecurityClassNone[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityClassWep[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityClassPsk[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityClass8021x[] =;
// These two are deprecated.  Use kSecurityClass* equivalents above.
// TODO(b/226138492) Remove this once references in Chrome and Shill are
// removed.
constexpr char kSecurityPsk[] =;
constexpr char kSecurity8021x[] =;

// WiFi Security options.
constexpr char kSecurityNone[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityTransOwe[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityOwe[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityWep[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityWpa[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityWpaWpa2[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityWpaAll[] =;
// Deprecated.  Use kSecurityWpa2 instead.
// TODO(b/226138492) Remove this once references in Chrome and Shill are
// removed.
constexpr char kSecurityRsn[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityWpa2[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityWpa2Wpa3[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityWpa3[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityWpaEnterprise[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityWpaWpa2Enterprise[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityWpaAllEnterprise[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityWpa2Enterprise[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityWpa2Wpa3Enterprise[] =;
constexpr char kSecurityWpa3Enterprise[] =;

// WiFi Band options.
constexpr char kBand2GHz[] =;
constexpr char kBand5GHz[] =;
constexpr char kBandAll[] =;
constexpr char kBandUnknown[] =;

// Compress option values as expected by OpenVPN.
constexpr char kOpenVPNCompressFramingOnly[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNCompressLz4[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNCompressLz4V2[] =;
constexpr char kOpenVPNCompressLzo[] =;

// FlimFlam technology family options
constexpr char kTechnologyFamilyCdma[] =;
constexpr char kTechnologyFamilyGsm[] =;

// IPConfig type options.
constexpr char kTypeIPv4[] =;
constexpr char kTypeIPv6[] =;
constexpr char kTypeDHCP[] =;
constexpr char kTypeBOOTP[] =;
constexpr char kTypeZeroConf[] =;
constexpr char kTypeDHCP6[] =;
constexpr char kTypeSLAAC[] =;
// kTypeVPN[] = "vpn" is defined above in device type session.

// Flimflam error options.
constexpr char kErrorAaaFailed[] =;
constexpr char kErrorActivationFailed[] =;
constexpr char kErrorBadPassphrase[] =;
constexpr char kErrorBadWEPKey[] =;
constexpr char kErrorConnectFailed[] =;
constexpr char kErrorDNSLookupFailed[] =;
constexpr char kErrorDhcpFailed[] =;
constexpr char kErrorHTTPGetFailed[] =;
constexpr char kErrorInternal[] =;
constexpr char kErrorInvalidFailure[] =;
constexpr char kErrorInvalidAPN[] =;
constexpr char kErrorIpsecCertAuthFailed[] =;
constexpr char kErrorIpsecPskAuthFailed[] =;
constexpr char kErrorNeedEvdo[] =;
constexpr char kErrorNeedHomeNetwork[] =;
constexpr char kErrorNoFailure[] =;
constexpr char kErrorNotAssociated[] =;
constexpr char kErrorNotAuthenticated[] =;
constexpr char kErrorOtaspFailed[] =;
constexpr char kErrorOutOfRange[] =;
constexpr char kErrorPinMissing[] =;
constexpr char kErrorPppAuthFailed[] =;
constexpr char kErrorSimLocked[] =;
constexpr char kErrorSimCarrierLocked[] =;
constexpr char kErrorNotRegistered[] =;
constexpr char kErrorTooManySTAs[] =;
constexpr char kErrorDisconnect[] =;
constexpr char kErrorDelayedConnectSetup[] =;
constexpr char kErrorSuspectInactiveSim[] =;
constexpr char kErrorSuspectSubscriptionError[] =;
constexpr char kErrorSuspectModemDisallowed[] =;
constexpr char kErrorUnknownFailure[] =;

// Flimflam error result codes.
constexpr char kErrorResultSuccess[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultFailure[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultAlreadyConnected[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultAlreadyExists[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultIllegalOperation[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultIncorrectPin[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultInProgress[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultInternalError[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultInvalidApn[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultInvalidArguments[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultInvalidNetworkName[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultInvalidPassphrase[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultInvalidProperty[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultNoCarrier[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultNotConnected[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultNotFound[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultNotImplemented[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultNotOnHomeNetwork[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultNotRegistered[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultNotSupported[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultOperationAborted[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultOperationInitiated[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultOperationTimeout[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultPassphraseRequired[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultPermissionDenied[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultPinBlocked[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultPinRequired[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultTechnologyNotAvailable[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultThrottled[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultWepNotSupported[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultWrongState[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultSuspectInactiveSim[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultSuspectSubscriptionIssue[] =;
constexpr char kErrorResultSuspectModemDisallowed[] =;

constexpr char kUnknownString[] =;

// Device bus types.
constexpr char kDeviceBusTypePci[] =;
constexpr char kDeviceBusTypeUsb[] =;

// Technology types (augments "Flimflam type options" above).
constexpr char kTypeEthernetEap[] =;
constexpr char kTypeTunnel[] =;
constexpr char kTypeLoopback[] =;
constexpr char kTypePPP[] =;
constexpr char kTypeGuestInterface[] =;
constexpr char kTypeUnknown[] =;

// Error strings.
constexpr char kErrorEapAuthenticationFailed[] =;
constexpr char kErrorEapLocalTlsFailed[] =;
constexpr char kErrorEapRemoteTlsFailed[] =;

// Subject alternative name match type property values as expected by
// wpa_supplicant.
constexpr char kEapSubjectAlternativeNameMatchTypeEmail[] =;
constexpr char kEapSubjectAlternativeNameMatchTypeDNS[] =;
constexpr char kEapSubjectAlternativeNameMatchTypeURI[] =;

// WiFi Device kLinkStatisticsProperty sub-property names.
constexpr char kAverageReceiveSignalDbmProperty[] =;
constexpr char kByteReceiveSuccessesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kByteTransmitSuccessesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kInactiveTimeMillisecondsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kLastReceiveSignalDbmProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPacketReceiveDropProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPacketReceiveSuccessesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPacketTransmitFailuresProperty[] =;
constexpr char kPacketTransmitSuccessesProperty[] =;
constexpr char kReceiveBitrateProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTransmitBitrateProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTransmitRetriesProperty[] =;

// Wake on WiFi features.
constexpr char kWakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabledDarkConnect[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabledNone[] =;

// Wake on WiFi wake reasons.
// These (except Unknown) will also be sent to powerd via
// RecordDarkResumeWakeReason, to tell it the reason of the current dark
// resume.
constexpr char kWakeOnWiFiReasonDisconnect[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnWiFiReasonPattern[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnWiFiReasonSSID[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnWiFiReasonUnknown[] =;

// kEapKeyMgmtProperty values.
constexpr char kKeyManagementIEEE8021X[] =;

// Wake on WiFi Packet Type Constants.
constexpr char kWakeOnTCP[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnUDP[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnIDP[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnIPIP[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnIGMP[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnICMP[] =;
constexpr char kWakeOnIP[] =;

// ONC Source constants.
static constexpr char kONCSourceUnknown[] =;
static constexpr char kONCSourceNone[] =;
static constexpr char kONCSourceUserImport[] =;
static constexpr char kONCSourceDevicePolicy[] =;
static constexpr char kONCSourceUserPolicy[] =;

// MAC Randomization constants
static constexpr char kWifiRandomMacPolicyHardware[] =;
static constexpr char kWifiRandomMacPolicyFullRandom[] =;
static constexpr char kWifiRandomMacPolicyOUIRandom[] =;
static constexpr char kWifiRandomMacPolicyPersistentRandom[] =;
static constexpr char kWifiRandomMacPolicyNonPersistentRandom[] =;

// Cellular activation types.
constexpr char kActivationTypeNonCellular[] =;  // For future use
constexpr char kActivationTypeOMADM[] =;              // For future use
constexpr char kActivationTypeOTA[] =;
constexpr char kActivationTypeOTASP[] =;

// USB Ethernet MAC address sources.
constexpr char kUsbEthernetMacAddressSourceDesignatedDockMac[] =;
constexpr char kUsbEthernetMacAddressSourceBuiltinAdapterMac[] =;
constexpr char kUsbEthernetMacAddressSourceUsbAdapterMac[] =;

// Geolocation property field names.
// Reference:
// Top level properties for a Geolocation request.
constexpr char kGeoHomeMobileCountryCodeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kGeoHomeMobileNetworkCodeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kGeoRadioTypePropertyProperty[] =;
constexpr char kGeoCellTowersProperty[] =;
constexpr char kGeoWifiAccessPointsProperty[] =;
// Cell tower object property names.
constexpr char kGeoCellIdProperty[] =;
constexpr char kGeoLocationAreaCodeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kGeoMobileCountryCodeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kGeoMobileNetworkCodeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kGeoTimingAdvanceProperty[] =;
// WiFi access point property names.
constexpr char kGeoMacAddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kGeoChannelProperty[] =;
constexpr char kGeoSignalToNoiseRatioProperty[] =;
// Common property names for geolocation objects.
constexpr char kGeoAgeProperty[] =;
constexpr char kGeoSignalStrengthProperty[] =;
// ThirdPartyVpn parameters and constants.
constexpr char kAddressParameterThirdPartyVpn[] =;
constexpr char kBroadcastAddressParameterThirdPartyVpn[] =;
constexpr char kGatewayParameterThirdPartyVpn[] =;
constexpr char kBypassTunnelForIpParameterThirdPartyVpn[] =;
constexpr char kSubnetPrefixParameterThirdPartyVpn[] =;
constexpr char kMtuParameterThirdPartyVpn[] =;
constexpr char kDomainSearchParameterThirdPartyVpn[] =;
constexpr char kDnsServersParameterThirdPartyVpn[] =;
constexpr char kInclusionListParameterThirdPartyVpn[] =;
constexpr char kExclusionListParameterThirdPartyVpn[] =;
constexpr char kReconnectParameterThirdPartyVpn[] =;
constexpr char kObjectPathBase[] =;
constexpr char kNonIPDelimiter =;
constexpr char kIPDelimiter =;

// Always-on VPN modes for the kAlwaysOnVpnModeProperty Profile property.
constexpr char kAlwaysOnVpnModeOff[] =;
constexpr char kAlwaysOnVpnModeBestEffort[] =;
constexpr char kAlwaysOnVpnModeStrict[] =;

// Possible traffic sources. Note that these sources should be kept in sync with
// the sources defined in TrafficCounter::Source at:
// src/platform2/system_api/dbus/patchpanel/patchpanel_service.proto
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceUnknown[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceChrome[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceUser[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceUpdateEngine[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceSystem[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceVpn[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceArc[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceBorealisVM[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceBruschettaVM[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceCrostiniVM[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceParallelsVM[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceTethering[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceWiFiDirect[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceWiFiLOHS[] =;
// Deprecated
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourceCrosvm[] =;
constexpr char kTrafficCounterSourcePluginvm[] =;

// Manager kTetheringConfigProperty dictionary key names.
constexpr char kTetheringConfAutoDisableProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringConfBandProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringConfMARProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringConfPassphraseProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringConfSecurityProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringConfSSIDProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringConfUpstreamTechProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringConfDownstreamDeviceForTestProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringConfDownstreamPhyIndexForTestProperty[] =;

// Manager kTetheringCapabilitiesProperty dictionary key names.
constexpr char kTetheringCapDownstreamProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringCapSecurityProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringCapUpstreamProperty[] =;

// Manager kTetheringStatusProperty dictionary key names.
constexpr char kTetheringStatusClientHostnameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStatusClientIPv4Property[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStatusClientIPv6Property[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStatusClientMACProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStatusClientsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStatusDownstreamTechProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStatusIdleReasonProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStatusStateProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStatusUpstreamTechProperty[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStatusUpstreamServiceProperty[] =;

// kTetheringStatusIdleReasonProperty values
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonClientStop[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonConfigChange[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonDownstreamLinkDisconnect[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonDownstreamNetworkDisconnect[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonError[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonInactive[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonInitialState[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonResourceBusy[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonStartTimeout[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonSuspend[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonUpstreamDisconnect[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonUpstreamNoInternet[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonUpstreamNotAvailable[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringIdleReasonUserExit[] =;

// kTetheringStatusStateProperty values
constexpr char kTetheringStateActive[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStateIdle[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStateRestarting[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStateStarting[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringStateStopping[] =;

// SetTetheringEnabled and {Enable,Disable}Tethering result values
constexpr char kTetheringEnableResultAbort[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringEnableResultBusy[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringEnableResultConcurrencyNotSupported[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringEnableResultDownstreamWiFiFailure[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringEnableResultFailure[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringEnableResultInvalidProperties[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringEnableResultNetworkSetupFailure[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringEnableResultNotAllowed[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringEnableResultSuccess[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringEnableResultUpstreamFailure[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringEnableResultUpstreamNotAvailable[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringEnableResultWrongState[] =;
// Deprecated in crrev/c/5082857
constexpr char kTetheringEnableResultUpstreamWithoutInternet[] =;

// kCheckTetheringReadinessFunction return status
constexpr char kTetheringReadinessNotAllowed[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringReadinessNotAllowedByCarrier[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringReadinessNotAllowedOnFw[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringReadinessNotAllowedOnVariant[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringReadinessNotAllowedUserNotEntitled[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringReadinessReady[] =;
constexpr char kTetheringReadinessUpstreamNetworkNotAvailable[] =;

// WiFi RequestScan types
constexpr char kWiFiRequestScanTypeActive[] =;
constexpr char kWiFiRequestScanTypeDefault[] =;
constexpr char kWiFiRequestScanTypePassive[] =;

// P2P device state values
constexpr char kP2PDeviceStateUninitialized[] =;
constexpr char kP2PDeviceStateReady[] =;
constexpr char kP2PDeviceStateClientAssociating[] =;
constexpr char kP2PDeviceStateClientConfiguring[] =;
constexpr char kP2PDeviceStateClientConnected[] =;
constexpr char kP2PDeviceStateClientDisconnecting[] =;
constexpr char kP2PDeviceStateGOStarting[] =;
constexpr char kP2PDeviceStateGOConfiguring[] =;
constexpr char kP2PDeviceStateGOActive[] =;
constexpr char kP2PDeviceStateGOStopping[] =;

// Manager kP2PCapabilitiesProperty dictionary key names.
constexpr char kP2PCapabilitiesP2PSupportedProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PCapabilitiesGroupReadinessProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PCapabilitiesClientReadinessProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PCapabilitiesSupportedChannelsProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PCapabilitiesPreferredChannelsProperty[] =;

// kP2PCapabilitiesGroupReadinessProperty values
constexpr char kP2PCapabilitiesGroupReadinessReady[] =;
constexpr char kP2PCapabilitiesGroupReadinessNotReady[] =;

// kP2PCapabilitiesClientReadinessProperty values
constexpr char kP2PCapabilitiesClientReadinessReady[] =;
constexpr char kP2PCapabilitiesClientReadinessNotReady[] =;

// Manager kP2PGroupInfosProperty dictionary key names.
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoInterfaceProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoShillIDProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoStateProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoSSIDProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoPassphraseProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoBSSIDProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoIPv4AddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoIPv6AddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoMACAddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoNetworkIDProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoFrequencyProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoClientsProperty[] =;

// kP2PGroupInfoStateProperty values
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoStateIdle[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoStateStarting[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoStateConfiguring[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoStateActive[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoStateStopping[] =;

// Manager kP2PGroupInfoClientsProperty dictionary key names
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoClientMACAddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoClientIPv4AddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoClientIPv6AddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoClientHostnameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PGroupInfoClientVendorClassProperty[] =;

// Manager kP2PClientInfoProperty dictionary key names.
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoInterfaceProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoShillIDProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoStateProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoSSIDProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoPassphraseProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoGroupBSSIDProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoIPv4AddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoIPv6AddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoMACAddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoNetworkIDProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoFrequencyProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoGroupOwnerProperty[] =;

// kP2PClientInfoStateProperty values
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoStateIdle[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoStateAssociating[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoStateConfiguring[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoStateConnected[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoStateDisconnecting[] =;

// Manager kP2PClientInfoGroupOwnerProperty dictionary key names
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoGroupOwnerMACAddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoGroupOwnerIPv4AddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoGroupOwnerIPv6AddressProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoGroupOwnerHostnameProperty[] =;
constexpr char kP2PClientInfoGroupOwnerVendorClassProperty[] =;

// Manager CreateP2PGroup and ConnectToP2PGroup dictionary argument key names
constexpr char kP2PDeviceSSID[] =;
constexpr char kP2PDevicePassphrase[] =;
constexpr char kP2PDeviceFrequency[] =;
constexpr char kP2PDeviceBSSID[] =;
constexpr char kP2PDevicePriority[] =;

// P2P result dictionary key names
constexpr char kP2PDeviceShillID[] =;
constexpr char kP2PResultCode[] =;

// Manager CreateP2PGroup result values
constexpr char kCreateP2PGroupResultSuccess[] =;
constexpr char kCreateP2PGroupResultNotAllowed[] =;
constexpr char kCreateP2PGroupResultNotSupported[] =;
constexpr char kCreateP2PGroupResultConcurrencyNotSupported[] =;
constexpr char kCreateP2PGroupResultTimeout[] =;
constexpr char kCreateP2PGroupResultFrequencyNotSupported[] =;
constexpr char kCreateP2PGroupResultBadSSID[] =;
constexpr char kCreateP2PGroupResultInvalidArguments[] =;
constexpr char kCreateP2PGroupResultOperationInProgress[] =;
constexpr char kCreateP2PGroupResultOperationFailed[] =;

// Manager ConnectToP2PGroup result values
constexpr char kConnectToP2PGroupResultSuccess[] =;
constexpr char kConnectToP2PGroupResultNotAllowed[] =;
constexpr char kConnectToP2PGroupResultNotSupported[] =;
constexpr char kConnectToP2PGroupResultConcurrencyNotSupported[] =;
constexpr char kConnectToP2PGroupResultTimeout[] =;
constexpr char kConnectToP2PGroupResultAuthFailure[] =;
constexpr char kConnectToP2PGroupResultFrequencyNotSupported[] =;
constexpr char kConnectToP2PGroupResultGroupNotFound[] =;
constexpr char kConnectToP2PGroupResultAlreadyConnected[] =;
constexpr char kConnectToP2PGroupResultInvalidArguments[] =;
constexpr char kConnectToP2PGroupResultOperationInProgress[] =;
constexpr char kConnectToP2PGroupResultOperationFailed[] =;

// Manager DestroyP2PGroup result values
constexpr char kDestroyP2PGroupResultSuccess[] =;
constexpr char kDestroyP2PGroupResultNotAllowed[] =;
constexpr char kDestroyP2PGroupResultNotSupported[] =;
constexpr char kDestroyP2PGroupResultTimeout[] =;
constexpr char kDestroyP2PGroupResultNoGroup[] =;
constexpr char kDestroyP2PGroupResultOperationInProgress[] =;
constexpr char kDestroyP2PGroupResultOperationFailed[] =;

// Manager DisconnectFromP2PGroup result values
constexpr char kDisconnectFromP2PGroupResultSuccess[] =;
constexpr char kDisconnectFromP2PGroupResultNotAllowed[] =;
constexpr char kDisconnectFromP2PGroupResultNotSupported[] =;
constexpr char kDisconnectFromP2PGroupResultTimeout[] =;
constexpr char kDisconnectFromP2PGroupResultNotConnected[] =;
constexpr char kDisconnectFromP2PGroupResultOperationInProgress[] =;
constexpr char kDisconnectFromP2PGroupResultOperationFailed[] =;

// Manager DNSProxyDOHProviders wildcard IP address value.
constexpr char kDNSProxyDOHProvidersMatchAnyIPAddress[] =;

// Represents the priority level of a Wi-Fi interface. When a new interface is
// requested, existing interfaces of lower priority may be destroyed to make
// room for the new interfaces.
enum class WiFiInterfacePriority {};

}  // namespace shill