
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace vm_tools {
namespace cicerone {

const char kVmCiceroneInterface[] =;
const char kVmCiceroneServicePath[] =;
const char kVmCiceroneServiceName[] =;

// Methods to be called from vm_concierge.
const char kNotifyVmStartedMethod[] =;
const char kNotifyVmStoppingMethod[] =;
const char kNotifyVmStoppedMethod[] =;
const char kGetContainerTokenMethod[] =;

// Methods to be called from Chrome.
const char kLaunchContainerApplicationMethod[] =;
const char kGetContainerAppIconMethod[] =;
const char kLaunchVshdMethod[] =;
const char kGetLinuxPackageInfoMethod[] =;
const char kInstallLinuxPackageMethod[] =;
const char kUninstallPackageOwningFileMethod[] =;
const char kCreateLxdContainerMethod[] =;
const char kDeleteLxdContainerMethod[] =;
const char kStartLxdContainerMethod[] =;
const char kStopLxdContainerMethod[] =;
const char kSetTimezoneMethod[] =;
const char kGetLxdContainerUsernameMethod[] =;
const char kSetUpLxdContainerUserMethod[] =;
const char kExportLxdContainerMethod[] =;
const char kImportLxdContainerMethod[] =;
const char kCancelExportLxdContainerMethod[] =;
const char kCancelImportLxdContainerMethod[] =;
const char kApplyAnsiblePlaybookMethod[] =;
const char kUpgradeContainerMethod[] =;
const char kCancelUpgradeContainerMethod[] =;
const char kConfigureForArcSideloadMethod[] =;
const char kStartLxdMethod[] =;
const char kAddFileWatchMethod[] =;
const char kRemoveFileWatchMethod[] =;
const char kRegisterVshSessionMethod[] =;
const char kGetVshSessionMethod[] =;
const char kFileSelectedMethod[] =;
const char kAttachUsbToContainerMethod[] =;
const char kDetachUsbFromContainerMethod[] =;
const char kListRunningContainersMethod[] =;
const char kGetGarconSessionInfoMethod[] =;
const char kUpdateContainerDevicesMethod[] =;

// Methods to be called from chunneld.
const char kConnectChunnelMethod[] =;

// Methods to be called from debugd.
const char kGetDebugInformationMethod[] =;

// Signals.
const char kContainerStartedSignal[] =;
const char kContainerShutdownSignal[] =;
const char kInstallLinuxPackageProgressSignal[] =;
const char kUninstallPackageProgressSignal[] =;
const char kLxdContainerCreatedSignal[] =;
const char kLxdContainerDeletedSignal[] =;
const char kLxdContainerDownloadingSignal[] =;
const char kLxdContainerStartingSignal[] =;
const char kLxdContainerStoppingSignal[] =;
const char kTremplinStartedSignal[] =;
const char kExportLxdContainerProgressSignal[] =;
const char kImportLxdContainerProgressSignal[] =;
const char kPendingAppListUpdatesSignal[] =;
const char kApplyAnsiblePlaybookProgressSignal[] =;
const char kUpgradeContainerProgressSignal[] =;
const char kStartLxdProgressSignal[] =;
const char kFileWatchTriggeredSignal[] =;
const char kLowDiskSpaceTriggeredSignal[] =;
const char kInhibitScreensaverSignal[] =;
const char kUninhibitScreensaverSignal[] =;

}  // namespace cicerone
}  // namespace vm_tools