
// Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace vm_tools {
namespace plugin_dispatcher {

const char kVmPluginDispatcherInterface[] =;
const char kVmPluginDispatcherServicePath[] =;
const char kVmPluginDispatcherServiceName[] =;

const char kShutdownDispatherMethod[] =;
const char kSendProblemReportMethod[] =;

const char kRegisterVmMethod[] =;
const char kUnregisterVmMethod[] =;

const char kListVmsMethod[] =;

const char kStartVmMethod[] =;
const char kStopVmMethod[] =;
const char kSuspendVmMethod[] =;
const char kResetVmMethod[] =;

const char kShowVmMethod[] =;

const char kVmStateChangedSignal[] =;
const char kVmToolsStateChangedSignal[] =;

}  // namespace plugin_dispatcher
}  // namespace vm_tools