
// Copyright 2012 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stdint.h>  // for uint32_t

// We use relative includes here to make this compatible with both the
// Chromium OS and Chromium environment.
#include "anomaly_detector/dbus-constants.h"
#include "arcvm_data_migrator/dbus-constants.h"
#include "audio/dbus-constants.h"
#include "biod/dbus-constants.h"
#include "bluetooth/dbus-constants.h"
#include "bootlockbox/dbus-constants.h"
#include "cecservice/dbus-constants.h"
#include "cfm/dbus-constants.h"
#include "chunneld/dbus-constants.h"
#include "cros-disks/dbus-constants.h"
#include "cryptohome/dbus-constants.h"
#include "dcad/dbus-constants.h"
#include "debugd/dbus-constants.h"
#include "dlp/dbus-constants.h"
#include "drivefs/dbus-constants.h"
#include "faced/dbus-constants.h"
#include "featured/dbus-constants.h"
#include "fusebox/dbus-constants.h"
#include "hammerd/dbus-constants.h"
#include "hermes/dbus-constants.h"
#include "hps/dbus-constants.h"
#include "ip_peripheral/dbus-constants.h"
#include "login_manager/dbus-constants.h"
#include "lorgnette/dbus-constants.h"
#include "missive/dbus-constants.h"
#include "modemfwd/dbus-constants.h"
#include "ocr/dbus-constants.h"
#include "oobe_config/dbus-constants.h"
#include "os_install_service/dbus-constants.h"
#include "patchpanel/dbus-constants.h"
#include "permission_broker/dbus-constants.h"
#include "power_manager/dbus-constants.h"
#include "primary_io_manager/dbus-constants.h"
#include "printscanmgr/dbus-constants.h"
#include "privacy_screen/dbus-constants.h"
#include "regmon/dbus-constants.h"
#include "resource_manager/dbus-constants.h"
#include "rgbkbd/dbus-constants.h"
#include "rmad/dbus-constants.h"
#include "runtime_probe/dbus-constants.h"
#include "seneschal/dbus-constants.h"
#include "shill/dbus-constants.h"
#include "smbfs/dbus-constants.h"
#include "smbprovider/dbus-constants.h"
#include "spaced/dbus-constants.h"
#include "swap_management/dbus-constants.h"
#include "update_engine/dbus-constants.h"
#include "usbguard/dbus-constants.h"
#include "vm_applications/dbus-constants.h"
#include "vm_cicerone/dbus-constants.h"
#include "vm_concierge/dbus-constants.h"
#include "vm_plugin_dispatcher/dbus-constants.h"
#include "vm_sk_forwarding/dbus-constants.h"

namespace dbus {
const char kDBusInterface[] =;
const char kDBusServiceName[] =;
const char kDBusServicePath[] =;

// Debug Stats Interface
const char kDBusDebugStatsInterface[] =;
const char kDBusDebugStatsGetConnectionStats[] =;

// Object Manager interface
const char kDBusObjectManagerInterface[] =;
// Methods
const char kDBusObjectManagerGetManagedObjects[] =;
// Signals
const char kDBusObjectManagerInterfacesAddedSignal[] =;
const char kDBusObjectManagerInterfacesRemovedSignal[] =;

// Properties interface
const char kDBusPropertiesInterface[] =;
// Methods
const char kDBusPropertiesGet[] =;
const char kDBusPropertiesSet[] =;
const char kDBusPropertiesGetAll[] =;
// Signals
const char kDBusPropertiesChangedSignal[] =;
}  // namespace dbus

namespace imageburn {
const char kImageBurnServiceName[] =;
const char kImageBurnServicePath[] =;
const char kImageBurnServiceInterface[] =;
// Methods
const char kBurnImage[] =;
// Signals
const char kSignalBurnFinishedName[] =;
const char kSignalBurnUpdateName[] =;
}  // namespace imageburn

namespace imageloader {
const char kImageLoaderServiceInterface[] =;
const char kImageLoaderServiceName[] =;
const char kImageLoaderServicePath[] =;
// Methods
const char kRegisterComponent[] =;
const char kLoadComponent[] =;
const char kLoadComponentAtPath[] =;
const char kGetComponentVersion[] =;
const char kRemoveComponent[] =;
const char kUnmountComponent[] =;
const char kLoadDlcImage[] =;
// Constants
const char kBadResult[] =;
const char kTerminaComponentName[] =;
const char kSlotNameA[] =;
const char kSlotNameB[] =;
}  // namespace imageloader

namespace speech_synthesis {
const char kSpeechSynthesizerInterface[] =;
const char kSpeechSynthesizerServicePath[] =;
const char kSpeechSynthesizerServiceName[] =;
// Methods
const char kSpeak[] =;
const char kStop[] =;
const char kIsSpeaking[] =;
const char kShutdown[] =;
}  // namespace speech_synthesis

namespace chromium {
const char kChromiumInterface[] =;
// Text-to-speech service signals.
const char kTTSReadySignal[] =;
const char kTTSFailedSignal[] =;
}  // namespace chromium

// Services in the chromeos namespace are owned by Chrome. Different services
// may be instantiated in different Chrome processes.
namespace chromeos {

const char kNetworkProxyServiceName[] =;
const char kNetworkProxyServicePath[] =;
const char kNetworkProxyServiceInterface[] =;
const char kNetworkProxyServiceResolveProxyMethod[] =;

// Options to override the default behaviour of system-proxy, a local daemon
// which does proxy authentication to a remote web proxy, on behalf of Chrome OS
// system services. The default behaviour is to return the address of
// system-proxy as the first entry in the PAC-style list of resolved proxy only
// if the device policy SystemProxySettings is enabled.
enum SystemProxyOverride {};

const char kLivenessServiceName[] =;
const char kLivenessServicePath[] =;
const char kLivenessServiceInterface[] =;
const char kLivenessServiceCheckLivenessMethod[] =;

const char kMetricsEventServiceName[] =;
const char kMetricsEventServicePath[] =;
const char kMetricsEventServiceInterface[] =;
const char kMetricsEventServiceChromeEventSignal[] =;

const char kComponentUpdaterServiceName[] =;
const char kComponentUpdaterServicePath[] =;
const char kComponentUpdaterServiceInterface[] =;
const char kComponentUpdaterServiceLoadComponentMethod[] =;
const char kComponentUpdaterServiceUnloadComponentMethod[] =;
const char kComponentUpdaterServiceComponentInstalledSignal[] =;

const char kKioskAppServiceName[] =;
const char kKioskAppServicePath[] =;
const char kKioskAppServiceInterface[] =;
const char kKioskAppServiceGetRequiredPlatformVersionMethod[] =;

const char kDisplayServiceName[] =;
const char kDisplayServicePath[] =;
const char kDisplayServiceInterface[] =;
const char kDisplayServiceSetPowerMethod[] =;
const char kDisplayServiceSetSoftwareDimmingMethod[] =;
const char kDisplayServiceTakeOwnershipMethod[] =;
const char kDisplayServiceReleaseOwnershipMethod[] =;
enum DisplayPowerState {};

const char kScreenLockServiceName[] =;
const char kScreenLockServicePath[] =;
const char kScreenLockServiceInterface[] =;
const char kScreenLockServiceShowLockScreenMethod[] =;

const char kUserAuthenticationServiceName[] =;
const char kUserAuthenticationServicePath[] =;
const char kUserAuthenticationServiceInterface[] =;
const char kUserAuthenticationServiceShowAuthDialogMethod[] =;
const char kUserAuthenticationServiceShowAuthDialogV2Method[] =;
const char kUserAuthenticationServiceCancelMethod[] =;
const char kUserAuthenticationServiceIsAuthenticatorAvailableMethod[] =;

constexpr char kVirtualFileRequestServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kVirtualFileRequestServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kVirtualFileRequestServiceInterface[] =;
constexpr char kVirtualFileRequestServiceHandleReadRequestMethod[] =;
constexpr char kVirtualFileRequestServiceHandleIdReleasedMethod[] =;

const char kChromeFeaturesServiceName[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServicePath[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServiceInterface[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServiceIsFeatureEnabledMethod[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServiceGetFeatureParamsMethod[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServiceIsCrostiniEnabledMethod[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServiceIsCryptohomeDistributedModelEnabledMethod[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServiceIsCryptohomeUserDataAuthEnabledMethod[] =;
const char
    kChromeFeaturesServiceIsCryptohomeUserDataAuthKillswitchEnabledMethod[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServiceIsPluginVmEnabledMethod[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServiceIsVmManagementCliAllowedMethod[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServiceIsShillSandboxingEnabledMethod[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServiceIsFsNosymfollowEnabledMethod[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServiceIsPeripheralDataAccessEnabledMethod[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServiceIsDNSProxyEnabledMethod[] =;
const char kChromeFeaturesServiceIsSuspendToDiskEnabledMethod[] =;

const char kUrlHandlerServiceName[] =;
const char kUrlHandlerServicePath[] =;
const char kUrlHandlerServiceInterface[] =;
const char kUrlHandlerServiceOpenUrlMethod[] =;

const char kPluginVmServiceName[] =;
const char kPluginVmServicePath[] =;
const char kPluginVmServiceInterface[] =;
const char kPluginVmServiceGetLicenseDataMethod[] =;
const char kPluginVmServiceShowSettingsPage[] =;
const char kPluginVmServiceGetPermissionsMethod[] =;
const char kPluginVmServiceGetAppLicenseUserId[] =;

const char kGesturePropertiesServiceName[] =;
const char kGesturePropertiesServicePath[] =;
const char kGesturePropertiesServiceInterface[] =;
const char kGesturePropertiesServiceListDevicesMethod[] =;
const char kGesturePropertiesServiceListPropertiesMethod[] =;
const char kGesturePropertiesServiceGetPropertyMethod[] =;
const char kGesturePropertiesServiceSetPropertyMethod[] =;

const char kPrintersServiceName[] =;
const char kPrintersServicePath[] =;
const char kPrintersServiceInterface[] =;
const char kPrintersServicePrintersChangedSignal[] =;

constexpr char kMlDecisionServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kMlDecisionServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kMlDecisionServiceInterface[] =;
constexpr char kMlDecisionServiceShouldDeferScreenDimMethod[] =;

const char kVmPermissionServiceName[] =;
const char kVmPermissionServicePath[] =;
const char kVmPermissionServiceInterface[] =;

const char kVmPermissionServiceRegisterVmMethod[] =;
const char kVmPermissionServiceUnregisterVmMethod[] =;
const char kVmPermissionServiceGetPermissionsMethod[] =;
const char kVmPermissionServiceSetPermissionsMethod[] =;

constexpr char kChromeReportingServiceInterface[] =;
constexpr char kChromeReportingServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kChromeReportingServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kChromeReportingServiceUploadEncryptedRecordMethod[] =;
}  // namespace chromeos

namespace media_perception {

const char kMediaPerceptionServiceName[] =;
const char kMediaPerceptionServicePath[] =;
const char kMediaPerceptionInterface[] =;

const char kStateFunction[] =;
const char kGetDiagnosticsFunction[] =;
const char kDetectionSignal[] =;
const char kBootstrapMojoConnection[] =;

}  // namespace media_perception

namespace modemmanager {
// ModemManager D-Bus service identifiers
const char kModemManagerSMSInterface[] =;

// ModemManager function names.
const char kSMSGetFunction[] =;
const char kSMSDeleteFunction[] =;
const char kSMSListFunction[] =;

// ModemManager monitored signals
const char kSMSReceivedSignal[] =;

// ModemManager1 interfaces and signals
// The canonical source for these constants is:
//   /usr/include/ModemManager/ModemManager-names.h
const char kModemManager13gppInterface[] =;
const char kModemManager1ServiceName[] =;
const char kModemManager1ServicePath[] =;
const char kModemManager1ModemInterface[] =;
const char kModemManager1MessagingInterface[] =;
const char kModemManager1SmsInterface[] =;
const char kModemManager1SarInterface[] =;

const char kModem3gppSetCarrierLock[] =;
const char kSMSAddedSignal[] =;
const char kSarEnable[] =;
const char kSarSetPowerLevel[] =;

}  // namespace modemmanager

namespace mtpd {
const char kMtpdInterface[] =;
const char kMtpdServicePath[] =;
const char kMtpdServiceName[] =;
const char kMtpdServiceError[] =;

// Methods.
const char kEnumerateStorages[] =;
const char kGetStorageInfo[] =;
const char kGetStorageInfoFromDevice[] =;
const char kOpenStorage[] =;
const char kCloseStorage[] =;
const char kReadDirectoryEntryIds[] =;
const char kGetFileInfo[] =;
const char kReadFileChunk[] =;
const char kCopyFileFromLocal[] =;
const char kDeleteObject[] =;
const char kRenameObject[] =;
const char kCreateDirectory[] =;

// Signals.
const char kMTPStorageAttached[] =;
const char kMTPStorageDetached[] =;

// For FileEntry struct:
const uint32_t kInvalidFileId =;

// For OpenStorage method:
const char kReadOnlyMode[] =;
const char kReadWriteMode[] =;

// For GetFileInfo() method:
// The id of the root node in a storage, as defined by the PTP/MTP standards.
// Use this when referring to the root node in the context of GetFileInfo().
const uint32_t kRootFileId =;
}  // namespace mtpd

namespace system_clock {
const char kSystemClockInterface[] =;
const char kSystemClockServicePath[] =;
const char kSystemClockServiceName[] =;

// Methods.
const char kSystemClockCanSet[] =;
const char kSystemClockSet[] =;
const char kSystemLastSyncInfo[] =;

// Signals.
const char kSystemClockUpdated[] =;
}  // namespace system_clock

namespace feedback {
const char kFeedbackServicePath[] =;
const char kFeedbackServiceName[] =;

// Methods.
const char kSendFeedback[] =;
}  // namespace feedback

namespace easy_unlock {
const char kEasyUnlockServicePath[] =;
const char kEasyUnlockServiceName[] =;
const char kEasyUnlockServiceInterface[] =;

// Values supplied as enrcryption type to CreateSecureMessage and
// UnwrapSecureMessage methods.
const char kEncryptionTypeNone[] =;
const char kEncryptionTypeAES256CBC[] =;

// Values supplied as signature type to CreateSecureMessage and
// UnwrapSecureMessage methods.
const char kSignatureTypeECDSAP256SHA256[] =;
const char kSignatureTypeHMACSHA256[] =;

// Values supplied as key algorithm to WrapPublicKey method.
const char kKeyAlgorithmRSA[] =;
const char kKeyAlgorithmECDSA[] =;

// Methods
const char kPerformECDHKeyAgreementMethod[] =;
const char kWrapPublicKeyMethod[] =;
const char kGenerateEcP256KeyPairMethod[] =;
const char kCreateSecureMessageMethod[] =;
const char kUnwrapSecureMessageMethod[] =;
}  // namespace easy_unlock

namespace cdm_oemcrypto {
const char kCdmFactoryDaemonServiceInterface[] =;
const char kCdmFactoryDaemonServiceName[] =;
const char kCdmFactoryDaemonServicePath[] =;
// Methods
const char kBootstrapCdmFactoryDaemonMojoConnection[] =;
const char kGetFactoryTransportKeyMaterial[] =;
const char kWrapFactoryKeybox[] =;
const char kGetClientInformation[] =;
const char kGetBootCertificateChain[] =;
}  // namespace cdm_oemcrypto

namespace midis {
constexpr char kMidisServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kMidisServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kMidisInterfaceName[] =;
// Methods
constexpr char kBootstrapMojoConnectionMethod[] =;
}  // namespace midis

namespace ml {
constexpr char kMachineLearningServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kMachineLearningServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kMachineLearningInterfaceName[] =;
// Methods
constexpr char kBootstrapMojoConnectionMethod[] =;
// Token identifying the primordial Mojo pipe passed to BootstrapMojoConnection.
constexpr char kBootstrapMojoConnectionChannelToken[] =;

constexpr char kMachineLearningAdaptiveChargingServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kMachineLearningAdaptiveChargingServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kMachineLearningAdaptiveChargingInterfaceName[] =;
// Methods
constexpr char kRequestAdaptiveChargingDecisionMethod[] =;

}  // namespace ml

namespace federated {
constexpr char kFederatedServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kFederatedServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kFederatedInterfaceName[] =;
// Methods
constexpr char kBootstrapMojoConnectionMethod[] =;
// Token identifying the primordial Mojo pipe passed to BootstrapMojoConnection.
constexpr char kBootstrapMojoConnectionChannelToken[] =;
}  // namespace federated

// D-Bus MojoConnectionServiceProvider (go/mojo_connection_service) is a D-Bus
// service provider in Chrome that bootstraps CrOS services' mojo connection.
namespace mojo_connection_service {
constexpr char kMojoConnectionServiceServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kMojoConnectionServiceServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kMojoConnectionServiceInterface[] =;

// Methods
constexpr char kBootstrapMojoConnectionForRollbackNetworkConfigMethod[] =;
}  // namespace mojo_connection_service

namespace virtual_file_provider {
constexpr char kVirtualFileProviderServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kVirtualFileProviderServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kVirtualFileProviderInterface[] =;
// Methods
constexpr char kGenerateVirtualFileIdMethod[] =;
constexpr char kOpenFileByIdMethod[] =;
}  // namespace virtual_file_provider

namespace crosdns {
constexpr char kCrosDnsServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kCrosDnsServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kCrosDnsInterfaceName[] =;
// Methods
constexpr char kSetHostnameIpMappingMethod[] =;
constexpr char kRemoveHostnameIpMappingMethod[] =;
}  // namespace crosdns

namespace arc {

namespace keymaster {
constexpr char kArcKeymasterServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kArcKeymasterServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kArcKeymasterInterfaceName[] =;
// Methods
constexpr char kBootstrapMojoConnectionMethod[] =;
}  // namespace keymaster

namespace keymint {
constexpr char kArcKeyMintServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kArcKeyMintServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kArcKeyMintInterfaceName[] =;
// Methods
constexpr char kBootstrapMojoConnectionMethod[] =;
}  // namespace keymint

namespace obb_mounter {
// D-Bus service constants.
constexpr char kArcObbMounterInterface[] =;
constexpr char kArcObbMounterServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kArcObbMounterServiceName[] =;

// Method names.
constexpr char kMountObbMethod[] =;
constexpr char kUnmountObbMethod[] =;
}  // namespace obb_mounter

namespace appfuse {
// D-Bus service constants.
constexpr char kArcAppfuseProviderInterface[] =;
constexpr char kArcAppfuseProviderServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kArcAppfuseProviderServiceName[] =;

// Method names.
constexpr char kMountMethod[] =;
constexpr char kUnmountMethod[] =;
constexpr char kOpenFileMethod[] =;
}  // namespace appfuse

namespace tracing {
// D-Bus service constants.
constexpr char kArcTracingServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kArcTracingServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kArcTracingInterfaceName[] =;

// Method names.
constexpr char kArcTracingStartMethod[] =;
constexpr char kArcTracingGetStatusMethod[] =;
}  // namespace tracing

namespace crosh {
constexpr char kArcCroshServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kArcCroshServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kArcCroshInterfaceName[] =;

constexpr char kArcCroshRequest[] =;
}  // namespace crosh

}  // namespace arc

namespace libvda {
const char kLibvdaServiceInterface[] =;
const char kLibvdaServiceName[] =;
const char kLibvdaServicePath[] =;

// Method names.
const char kProvideMojoConnectionMethod[] =;
}  // namespace libvda

namespace printing {
constexpr char kCupsProxyDaemonName[] =;
constexpr char kCupsProxyDaemonPath[] =;
constexpr char kCupsProxyDaemonInterface[] =;

// Method names.
constexpr char kBootstrapMojoConnectionMethod[] =;

// Token identifying the primordial Mojo pipe passed to BootstrapMojoConnection.
constexpr char kBootstrapMojoConnectionChannelToken[] =;
}  // namespace printing

namespace arc_camera {
constexpr char kArcCameraServiceName[] =;
constexpr char kArcCameraServicePath[] =;
constexpr char kArcCameraServiceInterface[] =;

// Method names.
constexpr char kStartServiceMethod[] =;
}  // namespace arc_camera

namespace lock_to_single_user {
const char kLockToSingleUserInterface[] =;
const char kLockToSingleUserServicePath[] =;
const char kLockToSingleUserServiceName[] =;

const char kNotifyVmStartingMethod[] =;
}  // namespace lock_to_single_user