
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// PLEASE READ: Do you really need a singleton? If possible, use a
// function-local static of type base::NoDestructor<T> instead:
// Factory& Factory::GetInstance() {
//   static base::NoDestructor<Factory> instance;
//   return *instance;
// }
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Singletons make it hard to determine the lifetime of an object, which can
// lead to buggy code and spurious crashes.
// Instead of adding another singleton into the mix, try to identify either:
//   a) An existing singleton that can manage your object's lifetime
//   b) Locations where you can deterministically create the object and pass
//      into other objects
// If you absolutely need a singleton, please keep them as trivial as possible
// and ideally a leaf dependency. Singletons get problematic when they attempt
// to do too much in their destructor or have circular dependencies.


#include <atomic>

#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance_helpers.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"

namespace base {

// Default traits for Singleton<Type>. Calls operator new and operator delete on
// the object. Registers automatic deletion at process exit.
// Overload if you need arguments or another memory allocation function.
template<typename Type>
struct DefaultSingletonTraits {};

// Alternate traits for use with the Singleton<Type>.  Identical to
// DefaultSingletonTraits except that the Singleton will not be cleaned up
// at exit.
template<typename Type>
struct LeakySingletonTraits : public DefaultSingletonTraits<Type> {};

// Alternate traits for use with the Singleton<Type>.  Allocates memory
// for the singleton instance from a static buffer.  The singleton will
// be cleaned up at exit, but can't be revived after destruction unless
// the ResurrectForTesting() method is called.
// This is useful for a certain category of things, notably logging and
// tracing, where the singleton instance is of a type carefully constructed to
// be safe to access post-destruction.
// In logging and tracing you'll typically get stray calls at odd times, like
// during static destruction, thread teardown and the like, and there's a
// termination race on the heap-based singleton - e.g. if one thread calls
// get(), but then another thread initiates AtExit processing, the first thread
// may call into an object residing in unallocated memory. If the instance is
// allocated from the data segment, then this is survivable.
// The destructor is to deallocate system resources, in this case to unregister
// a callback the system will invoke when logging levels change. Note that
// this is also used in e.g. Chrome Frame, where you have to allow for the
// possibility of loading briefly into someone else's process space, and
// so leaking is not an option, as that would sabotage the state of your host
// process once you've unloaded.
template <typename Type>
struct StaticMemorySingletonTraits {};

template <typename Type>
alignas(Type) char StaticMemorySingletonTraits<Type>::buffer_[sizeof(Type)];
template <typename Type>
std::atomic<bool> StaticMemorySingletonTraits<Type>::dead_ =;

// The Singleton<Type, Traits, DifferentiatingType> class manages a single
// instance of Type which will be created on first use and will be destroyed at
// normal process exit). The Trait::Delete function will not be called on
// abnormal process exit.
// DifferentiatingType is used as a key to differentiate two different
// singletons having the same memory allocation functions but serving a
// different purpose. This is mainly used for Locks serving different purposes.
// Example usage:
// In your header:
//   namespace base {
//   template <typename T>
//   struct DefaultSingletonTraits;
//   }
//   class FooClass {
//    public:
//     static FooClass* GetInstance();  <-- See comment below on this.
//     FooClass(const FooClass&) = delete;
//     FooClass& operator=(const FooClass&) = delete;
//     void Bar() { ... }
//    private:
//     FooClass() { ... }
//     friend struct base::DefaultSingletonTraits<FooClass>;
//   };
// In your source file:
//  #include "base/memory/singleton.h"
//  FooClass* FooClass::GetInstance() {
//    return base::Singleton<FooClass>::get();
//  }
// Or for leaky singletons:
//  #include "base/memory/singleton.h"
//  FooClass* FooClass::GetInstance() {
//    return base::Singleton<
//        FooClass, base::LeakySingletonTraits<FooClass>>::get();
//  }
// And to call methods on FooClass:
//   FooClass::GetInstance()->Bar();
// NOTE: The method accessing Singleton<T>::get() has to be named as GetInstance
// and it is important that FooClass::GetInstance() is not inlined in the
// header. This makes sure that when source files from multiple targets include
// this header they don't end up with different copies of the inlined code
// creating multiple copies of the singleton.
// Singleton<> has no non-static members and doesn't need to actually be
// instantiated.
// This class is itself thread-safe. The underlying Type must of course be
// thread-safe if you want to use it concurrently. Two parameters may be tuned
// depending on the user's requirements.
// Glossary:
//   RAE = kRegisterAtExit
// On every platform, if Traits::RAE is true, the singleton will be destroyed at
// process exit. More precisely it uses AtExitManager which requires an
// object of this type to be instantiated. AtExitManager mimics the semantics
// of atexit() such as LIFO order but under Windows is safer to call. For more
// information see at_exit.h.
// If Traits::RAE is false, the singleton will not be freed at process exit,
// thus the singleton will be leaked if it is ever accessed. Traits::RAE
// shouldn't be false unless absolutely necessary. Remember that the heap where
// the object is allocated may be destroyed by the CRT anyway.
// Caveats:
// (a) Every call to get(), operator->() and operator*() incurs some overhead
//     (16ns on my P4/2.8GHz) to check whether the object has already been
//     initialized.  You may wish to cache the result of get(); it will not
//     change.
// (b) Your factory function must never throw an exception. This class is not
//     exception-safe.

template <typename Type,
          typename Traits = DefaultSingletonTraits<Type>,
          typename DifferentiatingType = Type>
class Singleton {};

template <typename Type, typename Traits, typename DifferentiatingType>
std::atomic<uintptr_t> Singleton<Type, Traits, DifferentiatingType>::instance_ =;

}  // namespace base