
@WAIT-FOR:Dies ist ein
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr-FR">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
    // Perform multiple updates to content in order to exercise dynamic language
    // detection.
    // This test will likely run language detection four times. Once initially
    // for static content after page load which will see no text, then
    // dynamically after each of our 3 updates.
    // This means we have covered the case of the first dynamic detection run,
    // running after initial static detection, as well as the case for
    // subsequent runs where dynamic detection is running multiple times on the
    // same page.
    // We want to perform at least two updates to test that dynamic language
    // detection doesn't invalidate its state or prevent itself from running
    // more than once (e.g. if it unregistered its Observer).

    // Strings to dynamically insert into the page, one at a time.
    var translated_strings = [
      "This is text created using Google Translate, it is unlikely to be idiomatic in the given target language. This text is only used to test language detection",
      "Ce texte a été créé avec Google Translate, il est peu probable qu'il soit idiomatique dans la langue cible indiquée Ce texte est uniquement utilisé pour tester la détection de la langue.",
      "Dies ist ein mit Google Translate erstellter Text. Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass er in der angegebenen Zielsprache idiomatisch ist. Dieser Text wird nur zum Testen der Spracherkennung verwendet."

    // Insert one string into page and, if there are more strings to insert,
    // will schedule itself to re-run at a later time.
    function perform_update() {
      // Take first string out of array and insert it into the page.
      const str = translated_strings.shift();
      const new_div = document.createElement("div");
      new_div.innerHTML = str;

      // If there is more work to do in the future, schedule myself to do it.
      if (translated_strings.length) {
        setTimeout(perform_update, 50);

    setTimeout(perform_update, 50);

  <div id="translations"></div>
