
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Histogram is an object that aggregates statistics, and can summarize them in
// various forms, including ASCII graphical, HTML, and numerically (as a
// vector of numbers corresponding to each of the aggregating buckets).

// It supports calls to accumulate either time intervals (which are processed
// as integral number of milliseconds), or arbitrary integral units.

// For Histogram (exponential histogram), LinearHistogram and CustomHistogram,
// the minimum for a declared range is 1 (instead of 0), while the maximum is
// (HistogramBase::kSampleType_MAX - 1). However, there will always be underflow
// and overflow buckets added automatically, so a 0 bucket will always exist
// even when a minimum value of 1 is specified.

// Each use of a histogram with the same name will reference the same underlying
// data, so it is safe to record to the same histogram from multiple locations
// in the code. It is a runtime error if all uses of the same histogram do not
// agree exactly in type, bucket size and range.

// For Histogram and LinearHistogram, the maximum for a declared range should
// always be larger (not equal) than minimal range. Zero and
// HistogramBase::kSampleType_MAX are implicitly added as first and last ranges,
// so the smallest legal bucket_count is 3. However CustomHistogram can have
// bucket count as 2 (when you give a custom ranges vector containing only 1
// range).
// For these 3 kinds of histograms, the max bucket count is always
// (Histogram::kBucketCount_MAX - 1).

// The buckets layout of class Histogram is exponential. For example, buckets
// might contain (sequentially) the count of values in the following intervals:
// [0,1), [1,2), [2,4), [4,8), [8,16), [16,32), [32,64), [64,infinity)
// That bucket allocation would actually result from construction of a histogram
// for values between 1 and 64, with 8 buckets, such as:
// Histogram count("some name", 1, 64, 8);
// Note that the underflow bucket [0,1) and the overflow bucket [64,infinity)
// are also counted by the constructor in the user supplied "bucket_count"
// argument.
// The above example has an exponential ratio of 2 (doubling the bucket width
// in each consecutive bucket).  The Histogram class automatically calculates
// the smallest ratio that it can use to construct the number of buckets
// selected in the constructor.  An another example, if you had 50 buckets,
// and millisecond time values from 1 to 10000, then the ratio between
// consecutive bucket widths will be approximately somewhere around the 50th
// root of 10000.  This approach provides very fine grain (narrow) buckets
// at the low end of the histogram scale, but allows the histogram to cover a
// gigantic range with the addition of very few buckets.

// Usually we use macros to define and use a histogram, which are defined in
// base/metrics/histogram_macros.h. Note: Callers should include that header
// directly if they only access the histogram APIs through macros.
// Macros use a pattern involving a function static variable, that is a pointer
// to a histogram.  This static is explicitly initialized on any thread
// that detects a uninitialized (NULL) pointer.  The potentially racy
// initialization is not a problem as it is always set to point to the same
// value (i.e., the FactoryGet always returns the same value).  FactoryGet
// is also completely thread safe, which results in a completely thread safe,
// and relatively fast, set of counters.  To avoid races at shutdown, the static
// pointer is NOT deleted, and we leak the histograms at process termination.


#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>

#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/metrics/bucket_ranges.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_base.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_samples.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"

namespace base {

class BooleanHistogram;
class CustomHistogram;
class DelayedPersistentAllocation;
class Histogram;
class HistogramTest;
class LinearHistogram;
class Pickle;
class PickleIterator;
class SampleVector;
class SampleVectorBase;

class BASE_EXPORT Histogram : public HistogramBase {};


// LinearHistogram is a more traditional histogram, with evenly spaced
// buckets.
class BASE_EXPORT LinearHistogram : public Histogram {};


// ScaledLinearHistogram is a wrapper around a linear histogram that scales the
// counts down by some factor. Remainder values are kept locally but lost when
// uploaded or serialized. The integral counts are rounded up/down so should
// average to the correct value when many reports are added.
// This is most useful when adding many counts at once via AddCount() that can
// cause overflows of the 31-bit counters, usually with an enum as the value.
class BASE_EXPORT ScaledLinearHistogram {};


// BooleanHistogram is a histogram for booleans.
class BASE_EXPORT BooleanHistogram : public LinearHistogram {};


// CustomHistogram is a histogram for a set of custom integers.
class BASE_EXPORT CustomHistogram : public Histogram {};

namespace internal {

// Controls whether invocations of UMA_HISTOGRAM_SPLIT_BY_PROCESS_PRIORITY in
// this process log to their ".BestEffort" suffix or not. Timing metrics
// reported through UMA_HISTOGRAM_SPLIT_BY_PROCESS_PRIORITY which overlap a
// best-effort range will be suffixed with ".BestEffort".
BASE_EXPORT void SetSharedLastForegroundTimeForMetrics(
    const std::atomic<TimeTicks>* last_foreground_time_ref);

// Reports whether the interval [`now - range`, `now`] overlaps with a period
// where this process was running at Process::Priority::kBestEffort. Defaults to
// false if `last_foreground_time_ref` was never set (e.g. in processes not
// affected by priorities) but otherwise defaults to true if there's ambiguity
// (might have overlapped a best-effort range; as the reported timing might have
// been affected and shouldn't be reported as "definitely measured in
// foreground").
// This method is atomic and suitable for performance critical histogram
// samples.
BASE_EXPORT bool OverlapsBestEffortRange(TimeTicks now, TimeDelta range);

}  // namespace internal

}  // namespace base