
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"

#include <string_view>

#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_base.h"
#include "base/metrics/sparse_histogram.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"

namespace base {

void UmaHistogramBoolean(std::string_view name, bool sample) {}

void UmaHistogramBoolean(const std::string& name, bool sample) {}

void UmaHistogramBoolean(const char* name, bool sample) {}

void UmaHistogramExactLinear(std::string_view name,
                             int sample,
                             int exclusive_max) {}

void UmaHistogramExactLinear(const std::string& name,
                             int sample,
                             int exclusive_max) {}

void UmaHistogramExactLinear(const char* name, int sample, int exclusive_max) {}

void UmaHistogramPercentage(std::string_view name, int percent) {}

void UmaHistogramPercentage(const std::string& name, int percent) {}

void UmaHistogramPercentage(const char* name, int percent) {}

void UmaHistogramPercentageObsoleteDoNotUse(std::string_view name,
                                            int percent) {}

void UmaHistogramPercentageObsoleteDoNotUse(const std::string& name,
                                            int percent) {}

void UmaHistogramPercentageObsoleteDoNotUse(const char* name, int percent) {}

void UmaHistogramCustomCounts(std::string_view name,
                              int sample,
                              int min,
                              int exclusive_max,
                              size_t buckets) {}

void UmaHistogramCustomCounts(const std::string& name,
                              int sample,
                              int min,
                              int exclusive_max,
                              size_t buckets) {}

void UmaHistogramCustomCounts(const char* name,
                              int sample,
                              int min,
                              int exclusive_max,
                              size_t buckets) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts100(std::string_view name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts100(const std::string& name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts100(const char* name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts1000(std::string_view name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts1000(const std::string& name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts1000(const char* name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts10000(std::string_view name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts10000(const std::string& name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts10000(const char* name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts100000(std::string_view name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts100000(const std::string& name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts100000(const char* name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts1M(std::string_view name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts1M(const std::string& name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts1M(const char* name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts10M(std::string_view name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts10M(const std::string& name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCounts10M(const char* name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCustomTimes(std::string_view name,
                             TimeDelta sample,
                             TimeDelta min,
                             TimeDelta max,
                             size_t buckets) {}

void UmaHistogramCustomTimes(const std::string& name,
                             TimeDelta sample,
                             TimeDelta min,
                             TimeDelta max,
                             size_t buckets) {}

void UmaHistogramCustomTimes(const char* name,
                             TimeDelta sample,
                             TimeDelta min,
                             TimeDelta max,
                             size_t buckets) {}

void UmaHistogramTimes(std::string_view name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramTimes(const std::string& name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramTimes(const char* name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMediumTimes(std::string_view name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMediumTimes(const std::string& name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMediumTimes(const char* name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramLongTimes(std::string_view name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramLongTimes(const std::string& name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramLongTimes(const char* name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramLongTimes100(std::string_view name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramLongTimes100(const std::string& name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramLongTimes100(const char* name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramCustomMicrosecondsTimes(std::string_view name,
                                         TimeDelta sample,
                                         TimeDelta min,
                                         TimeDelta max,
                                         size_t buckets) {}

void UmaHistogramCustomMicrosecondsTimes(const std::string& name,
                                         TimeDelta sample,
                                         TimeDelta min,
                                         TimeDelta max,
                                         size_t buckets) {}

void UmaHistogramCustomMicrosecondsTimes(const char* name,
                                         TimeDelta sample,
                                         TimeDelta min,
                                         TimeDelta max,
                                         size_t buckets) {}

void UmaHistogramMicrosecondsTimes(std::string_view name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMicrosecondsTimes(const std::string& name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMicrosecondsTimes(const char* name, TimeDelta sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMemoryKB(std::string_view name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMemoryKB(const std::string& name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMemoryKB(const char* name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMemoryMB(std::string_view name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMemoryMB(const std::string& name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMemoryMB(const char* name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMemoryLargeMB(std::string_view name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMemoryLargeMB(const std::string& name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramMemoryLargeMB(const char* name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramSparse(std::string_view name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramSparse(const std::string& name, int sample) {}

void UmaHistogramSparse(const char* name, int sample) {}

ScopedUmaHistogramTimer::ScopedUmaHistogramTimer(std::string_view name,
                                                 ScopedHistogramTiming timing)

ScopedUmaHistogramTimer::~ScopedUmaHistogramTimer() {}

}  // namespace base