// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
function debug(message) {
var span = document.createElement("span");
function done(message) {
if (document.location.hash == '#fail')
if (message)
debug('PASS: ' + message);
document.location.hash = '#pass';
function fail(message) {
debug('FAILED: ' + message);
document.location.hash = '#fail';
function getLog() {
return "" + document.getElementById('status').innerHTML;
// The following functions are based on
// blink/web_tests/resources/js-test.js
// so that the tests will look similar to the existing web tests.
function stringify(v) {
if (v === 0 && 1/v < 0)
return "-0";
else return "" + v;
function areArraysEqual(a, b) {
try {
if (a.length !== b.length)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] !== b[i])
return false;
} catch (ex) {
return false;
return true;
function isResultCorrect(_actual, _expected)
if (_expected === 0)
return _actual === _expected && (1/_actual) === (1/_expected);
if (_actual === _expected)
return true;
if (typeof(_expected) == "number" && isNaN(_expected))
return typeof(_actual) == "number" && isNaN(_actual);
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(_expected) ==
return areArraysEqual(_actual, _expected);
return false;
function shouldBe(_a, _b)
if (typeof _a != "string" || typeof _b != "string")
debug("WARN: shouldBe() expects string arguments");
var exception;
var _av;
try {
_av = eval(_a);
} catch (e) {
exception = e;
var _bv = eval(_b);
if (exception)
fail(_a + " should be " + _bv + ". Threw exception " + exception);
else if (isResultCorrect(_av, _bv))
debug(_a + " is " + _b);
else if (typeof(_av) == typeof(_bv))
fail(_a + " should be " + _bv + ". Was " + stringify(_av) + ".");
fail(_a + " should be " + _bv + " (of type " + typeof _bv + "). " +
"Was " + _av + " (of type " + typeof _av + ").");
function shouldBeTrue(_a) { shouldBe(_a, "true"); }
function shouldBeFalse(_a) { shouldBe(_a, "false"); }
function shouldBeNaN(_a) { shouldBe(_a, "NaN"); }
function shouldBeNull(_a) { shouldBe(_a, "null"); }
function shouldBeEqualToString(a, b) {
var unevaledString = '"' + b.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/"/g, "\"") + '"';
shouldBe(a, unevaledString);
if (typeof String.prototype.startsWith !== 'function') {
String.prototype.startsWith = function (str) {
return this.indexOf(str) === 0;