// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
function afterCommit()
try {
debug("Accessing a committed transaction should throw");
var store = transaction.objectStore('storeName');
} catch (e) {
exc = e;
shouldBe('exc.code', 'DOMException.INVALID_STATE_ERR');
function nonExistingKey()
shouldBe("event.target.result", "undefined");
transaction.oncomplete = afterCommit;
function gotValue()
value = event.target.result;
shouldBeEqualToString('value', 'myValue');
function startTransaction()
debug("Using get in a transaction");
transaction = db.transaction('storeName');
store = transaction.objectStore('storeName');
shouldBeEqualToString("store.name", "storeName");
request = store.get('myKey');
request.onsuccess = gotValue;
request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;
var emptyRequest = store.get('nonExistingKey');
emptyRequest.onsuccess = nonExistingKey;
emptyRequest.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;
function populateObjectStore()
db = event.target.result;
window.objectStore = db.createObjectStore('storeName');
var request = objectStore.add('myValue', 'myKey');
request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;
function test() {
indexedDBTest(populateObjectStore, startTransaction);