# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
set -e
for cmd in gen-signedexchange gen-certurl dump-signedexchange; do
if ! command -v $cmd > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "$cmd is not installed. Please run:"
echo " GO111MODULE=on go install github.com/WICG/webpackage/go/signedexchange/cmd/{gen-signedexchange,gen-certurl,dump-signedexchange}@latest"
echo ' export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin'
exit 1
dumpSignature() {
echo "constexpr char $1[] = R\"($(dump-signedexchange -signature -i $2))\";"
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
mkdir $sctdir
# Make dummy OCSP and SCT data for cbor certificate chains.
echo -n OCSP >$tmpdir/ocsp; echo -n SCT >$sctdir/dummy.sct
# Generate the certificate chain of "*.example.org", whose validity period is
# exactly 90 days.
gen-certurl -pem prime256v1-sha256.public.pem \
-ocsp $tmpdir/ocsp -sctDir $sctdir > test.example.org.public.pem.cbor
# Same as above, but for google-com.example.org.
gen-certurl -pem prime256v1-sha256-google-com.public.pem \
-ocsp $tmpdir/ocsp -sctDir $sctdir > google-com.example.org.public.pem.cbor
# Generate the certificate chain of "*.example.org", whose validity period is
# more than 90 days.
gen-certurl -pem prime256v1-sha256-validity-too-long.public.pem \
-ocsp $tmpdir/ocsp -sctDir $sctdir \
> test.example.org-validity-too-long.public.pem.cbor
# Generate the certificate chain of "*.example.org", without
# CanSignHttpExchangesDraft extension.
gen-certurl -pem prime256v1-sha256-noext.public.pem \
-ocsp $tmpdir/ocsp -sctDir $sctdir > test.example.org-noext.public.pem.cbor
# Generate the certificate chain of "*.example.org", for
# SignedExchangeRequestHandlerRealCertVerifierBrowserTest.
gen-certurl -pem prime256v1-sha256-long-validity.public.pem \
-ocsp $tmpdir/ocsp -sctDir $sctdir \
> test.example.org-long-validity.public.pem.cbor
# Generate the signed exchange file.
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.org/test/ \
-status 200 \
-content test.html \
-certificate prime256v1-sha256.public.pem \
-certUrl https://cert.example.org/cert.msg \
-validityUrl https://test.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-privateKey prime256v1.key \
-date $signature_date \
-expire 168h \
-o test.example.org_test.sxg \
-miRecordSize 100
# Generate the signed exchange file for google-com.example.org. This is used
# for lookalike URL testing.
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://google-com.example.org/test/ \
-status 200 \
-content test.html \
-certificate prime256v1-sha256-google-com.public.pem \
-certUrl https://google-com.example.org/cert.msg \
-validityUrl https://google-com.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-privateKey prime256v1.key \
-date $signature_date \
-expire 168h \
-o google-com.example.org_test.sxg \
-miRecordSize 100
# Generate the signed exchange for the missing nosniff header test case.
cp test.example.org_test.sxg test.example.org_test_missing_nosniff.sxg
# Generate the signed exchange for the invalid content-type test case.
cp test.example.org_test.sxg test.example.org_test_invalid_content_type.sxg
# Generate the signed exchange for downloading test case.
cp test.example.org_test.sxg test.example.org_test_download.sxg
# Generate the signed exchange file with invalid magic string
xxd -p test.example.org_test.sxg |
sed '1s/^737867312d62..00/737867312d787800/' |
xxd -r -p > test.example.org_test_invalid_magic_string.sxg
# Generate the signed exchange file with invalid cbor header.
# 0xa4 : start map of 4 element -> 0xa5 : 5 elements.
xxd -p test.example.org_test.sxg |
tr -d '\n' |
sed 's/a44664/a54664/' |
xxd -r -p > test.example.org_test_invalid_cbor_header.sxg
# Generate the signed exchange file with bad MICE integrity.
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.org/test/ \
-status 200 \
-content badmice_test.html \
-certificate prime256v1-sha256.public.pem \
-certUrl https://cert.example.org/cert.msg \
-validityUrl https://test.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-privateKey prime256v1.key \
-date $signature_date \
-expire 168h \
-o - \
-miRecordSize 32 |
xxd -p |
tr -d '\n' |
sed 's/585858/4f4f4f/' |
xxd -r -p > test.example.org_test_bad_mice.sxg
# Generate the signed exchange file with bad MICE integrity (small).
# s/Loc/OOO/
xxd -p test.example.org_test.sxg |
tr -d '\n' |
sed 's/4c6f63/4f4f4f/' |
xxd -r -p > test.example.org_test_bad_mice_small.sxg
# Generate the signed exchange file with noext certificate
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.org/test/ \
-status 200 \
-content test.html \
-certificate prime256v1-sha256-noext.public.pem \
-certUrl https://cert.example.org/cert.msg \
-validityUrl https://test.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-privateKey prime256v1.key \
-date $signature_date \
-expire 168h \
-o test.example.org_noext_test.sxg \
-miRecordSize 100
# Generate the signed exchange file whose certificate's validity period is more
# than 90 days.
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.org/test/ \
-status 200 \
-content test.html \
-certificate prime256v1-sha256-validity-too-long.public.pem \
-certUrl https://cert.example.org/cert.msg \
-validityUrl https://test.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-privateKey prime256v1.key \
-date $signature_date \
-expire 168h \
-o test.example.org_cert_validity_too_long.sxg \
-miRecordSize 100
# Generate the signed exchange file for
# SignedExchangeRequestHandlerRealCertVerifierBrowserTest.
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.org/test/ \
-status 200 \
-content test.html \
-certificate prime256v1-sha256-long-validity.public.pem \
-certUrl https://cert.example.org/cert.msg \
-validityUrl https://test.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-privateKey prime256v1.key \
-date $signature_date \
-expire 168h \
-o test.example.org_long_cert_validity.sxg \
-miRecordSize 100
# Generate the signed exchange file with invalid URL.
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.com/test/ \
-status 200 \
-content test.html \
-certificate prime256v1-sha256.public.pem \
-certUrl https://cert.example.org/cert.msg \
-validityUrl https://test.example.com/resource.validity.msg \
-privateKey prime256v1.key \
-date $signature_date \
-expire 168h \
-o test.example.com_invalid_test.sxg \
-miRecordSize 100
# Generate the signed exchange for a plain text file.
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.org/hello.txt \
-status 200 \
-content hello.txt \
-certificate prime256v1-sha256.public.pem \
-certUrl https://cert.example.org/cert.msg \
-validityUrl https://test.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-privateKey prime256v1.key \
-responseHeader 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' \
-date $signature_date \
-expire 168h \
-o test.example.org_hello.txt.sxg
# Generate the signed exchange whose content is a HTML but content-type is
# an invalid value.
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.org/test/ \
-status 200 \
-content test.html \
-certificate prime256v1-sha256.public.pem \
-certUrl https://cert.example.org/cert.msg \
-validityUrl https://test.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-privateKey prime256v1.key \
-responseHeader 'Content-Type: 0' \
-date $signature_date \
-expire 168h \
-o test.example.org_bad_content_type.sxg \
-miRecordSize 100
# Generate the signed exchange whose content is gzip-encoded.
gzip -c test.html >$tmpdir/test.html.gz
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.org/test/ \
-status 200 \
-content $tmpdir/test.html.gz \
-certificate prime256v1-sha256.public.pem \
-certUrl https://cert.example.org/cert.msg \
-validityUrl https://test.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-privateKey prime256v1.key \
-responseHeader 'Content-Encoding: gzip' \
-date $signature_date \
-expire 168h \
-o test.example.org_test.html.gz.sxg
# Generate the signed exchange with variants / variant-key headers.
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.org/test/ \
-status 200 \
-content test.html \
-certificate prime256v1-sha256.public.pem \
-certUrl https://cert.example.org/cert.msg \
-validityUrl https://test.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-privateKey prime256v1.key \
-date $signature_date \
-expire 168h \
-responseHeader "${variants_header}: accept-language;en;fr" \
-responseHeader "${variant_key_header}: fr" \
-o test.example.org_fr_variant.sxg \
-miRecordSize 100
# Generate the signed exchange with CSP.
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.org/test/ \
-status 200 \
-content test.html \
-certificate prime256v1-sha256.public.pem \
-certUrl https://cert.example.org/cert.msg \
-validityUrl https://test.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-privateKey prime256v1.key \
-date $signature_date \
-expire 168h \
-responseHeader "content-security-policy: frame-ancestors 'none'" \
-o test.example.org_csp.sxg \
-miRecordSize 100
# A signed exchange with "Vary: Cookie" response header.
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.org/test/ \
-status 200 \
-content test.html \
-certificate prime256v1-sha256.public.pem \
-certUrl https://cert.example.org/cert.msg \
-validityUrl https://test.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-privateKey prime256v1.key \
-date $signature_date \
-expire 168h \
-responseHeader "Vary: Cookie" \
-o test.example.org_vary_cookie.sxg \
-miRecordSize 100
echo "Update the test signatures in "
echo "signed_exchange_signature_verifier_unittest.cc with the followings:"
echo "===="
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.org/test/ \
-content test.html \
-certificate ./prime256v1-sha256.public.pem \
-privateKey ./prime256v1.key \
-date 2018-02-06T04:45:41Z \
-validityUrl https://test.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-o $tmpdir/out.htxg \
-dumpHeadersCbor $tmpdir/out.cborheader
dumpSignature kSignatureHeaderECDSAP256 $tmpdir/out.htxg
echo 'constexpr uint8_t kCborHeadersECDSAP256[] = {'
xxd --include $tmpdir/out.cborheader | sed '1d;$d'
gen-signedexchange \
-version 1b3 \
-uri https://test.example.org/test/ \
-validityUrl https://test.example.org/resource.validity.msg \
-content test.html \
-certificate ./secp384r1-sha256.public.pem \
-privateKey ./secp384r1.key \
-date 2018-02-06T04:45:41Z \
-o $tmpdir/out.htxg
dumpSignature kSignatureHeaderECDSAP384 $tmpdir/out.htxg
echo "===="
rm -fr $tmpdir