// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {OptionalNumericsStruct, TestEnum, WebUITsMojoTestCache} from './web_ui_ts_test.test-mojom-webui.js';
const TEST_DATA: Array<{url: string, contents: string}> = [
{ url: 'https://google.com/', contents: 'i am in fact feeling lucky' },
{ url: 'https://youtube.com/', contents: 'probably cat videos?' },
{ url: 'https://example.com/', contents: 'internets wow' },
function assert(condition: any, msg: string) {
if (!condition) {
throw new Error('assertion failed: ' + msg);
function assertArrayEquals(a: Array<any>, b: Array<any>, msg: string) {
assert(a.length === b.length, msg);
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
assert(a[i] === b[i], msg);
function assertObjectEquals(a: any, b: any, msg: string) {
assert(Object.keys(a).length === Object.keys(b).length, msg);
for (let key of Object.keys(a)) {
assert(a[key] === b[key], msg);
async function doTest(): Promise<boolean> {
const cache = WebUITsMojoTestCache.getRemote();
for (const entry of TEST_DATA) {
cache.put({ url: entry.url }, entry.contents);
const {items} = await cache.getAll();
if (items.length != TEST_DATA.length) {
return false;
const entries: {[key: string]: string } = {};
for (const item of items) {
entries[item.url.url] = item.contents;
for (const entry of TEST_DATA) {
if (!(entry.url in entries)) {
return false;
if (entries[entry.url] != entry.contents) {
return false;
const testStruct: OptionalNumericsStruct = {
optionalBool: true,
optionalUint8: null,
optionalEnum: TestEnum.kOne,
const {
} =
await cache.echo(
true, null, TestEnum.kOne, testStruct, [], [], [], {}, {}, {}, '',
if (optionalBool !== false) {
return false;
if (optionalUint8 !== null) {
return false;
if (optionalEnum !== TestEnum.kTwo) {
return false;
if (optionalNumerics.optionalBool !== false) {
return false;
if (optionalNumerics.optionalUint8 !== null) {
return false;
if (optionalNumerics.optionalEnum !== TestEnum.kTwo) {
return false;
for (const arr of [optionalBools, optionalInts, optionalEnums]) {
assertArrayEquals(arr, [], 'empty array');
for (const map of [boolMap, intMap, enumMap]) {
assertObjectEquals(map, [], 'empty map');
const testStruct: OptionalNumericsStruct = {
optionalBool: null,
optionalUint8: 1,
optionalEnum: null,
const inOptionalBools = [false, null, true];
const inOptionalInts = [null, 0, 1, null];
const inOptionalEnums = [null, 0, null, 1, null];
const inBoolMap = {0: true, 1: false, 2: null};
const inIntMap = {0: 0, 2: null};
const inEnumMap = {0: 0, 1: null};
const {
} =
await cache.echo(
null, 1, null, testStruct, inOptionalBools, inOptionalInts,
inOptionalEnums, inBoolMap, inIntMap, inEnumMap, '', {});
if (optionalBool !== null) {
return false;
if (optionalUint8 !== 254) {
return false;
if (optionalEnum !== null) {
return false;
if (optionalNumerics.optionalBool !== null) {
return false;
if (optionalNumerics.optionalUint8 !== 254) {
return false;
if (optionalNumerics.optionalEnum !== null) {
return false;
assertArrayEquals(inOptionalBools, optionalBools, 'optional bools');
assertArrayEquals(inOptionalInts, optionalInts, 'optional ints');
assertArrayEquals(inOptionalEnums, optionalEnums, 'optional enums');
assertObjectEquals(inBoolMap, boolMap, 'bool map');
assertObjectEquals(inIntMap, intMap, 'bool int');
assertObjectEquals(inEnumMap, enumMap, 'enum map');
const testStruct: OptionalNumericsStruct = {
optionalBool: null,
optionalUint8: null,
optionalEnum: null,
// Test simple mapped type where a struct is mapped to a string.
const str = 'foobear';
const result = await cache.echo(
null, 1, null, testStruct, [], [], [], {}, {}, {}, str, {});
if (result.simpleMappedType !== str) {
return false;
// Tests an empty nested struct to test basic encoding/decoding.
const result = await cache.echo(
null, 1, null, testStruct, [], [], [], {}, {}, {}, '', {});
{}, result.nestedMappedType,
'nested mappped type: got: ' + JSON.stringify(result.nestedMappedType) +
', expected: {}');
// Tests a nested type where a struct includes itself.
const depth = 10;
const testNested: any = {};
let cursor = testNested;
for (let i = 0; i < depth; ++i) {
cursor.nested = {} as Object;
cursor = cursor.nested;
const result = await cache.echo(
null, 1, null, testStruct, [], [], [], {}, {}, {}, '', testNested);
if (JSON.stringify(testNested) !==
JSON.stringify(result.nestedMappedType)) {
throw new Error(
'nested mappped type: got: ' +
JSON.stringify(result.nestedMappedType) +
', expected: ' + JSON.stringify(testNested));
return true;
async function runTest(): Promise<boolean> {
return doTest();
Object.assign(window, {runTest});