
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This file contains routines for gathering resource statistics for processes
// running on the system.


#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <memory>
#include <string_view>

#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/types/expected.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"

#include <mach/mach.h>
#include "base/process/port_provider_mac.h"

#include <mach/mach_vm.h>

#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
#include "base/win/windows_types.h"

#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"

namespace base {

// Minor and major page fault counts since the process creation.
// Both counts are process-wide, and exclude child processes.
// minor: Number of page faults that didn't require disk IO.
// major: Number of page faults that required disk IO.
struct PageFaultCounts {};

// Convert a POSIX timeval to microseconds.
BASE_EXPORT int64_t TimeValToMicroseconds(const struct timeval& tv);

enum class ProcessCPUUsageError {};

// Provides performance metrics for a specified process (CPU usage and IO
// counters). Use CreateCurrentProcessMetrics() to get an instance for the
// current process, or CreateProcessMetrics() to get an instance for an
// arbitrary process. Then, access the information with the different get
// methods.
// This class exposes a few platform-specific APIs for parsing memory usage, but
// these are not intended to generalize to other platforms, since the memory
// models differ substantially.
// To obtain consistent memory metrics, use the memory_instrumentation service.
// For further documentation on memory, see
class BASE_EXPORT ProcessMetrics {};

// Returns the memory committed by the system in KBytes.
// Returns 0 if it can't compute the commit charge.
BASE_EXPORT size_t GetSystemCommitCharge();

// Returns the maximum number of file descriptors that can be open by a process
// at once. If the number is unavailable, a conservative best guess is returned.
BASE_EXPORT size_t GetMaxFds();

// Returns the maximum number of handles that can be open at once per process.
BASE_EXPORT size_t GetHandleLimit();

// Increases the file descriptor soft limit to |max_descriptors| or the OS hard
// limit, whichever is lower. If the limit is already higher than
// |max_descriptors|, then nothing happens.
BASE_EXPORT void IncreaseFdLimitTo(unsigned int max_descriptors);

// Data about system-wide memory consumption. Values are in KB. Available on
// Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and Chrome OS.
// Total memory are available on all platforms that implement
// GetSystemMemoryInfo(). Total/free swap memory are available on all platforms
// except on Mac. Buffers/cached/active_anon/inactive_anon/active_file/
// inactive_file/dirty/reclaimable/pswpin/pswpout/pgmajfault are available on
// Linux/Android/Chrome OS. Shmem/slab are Chrome OS only.
// Speculative/file_backed/purgeable are Mac and iOS only.
// Free is absent on Windows (see "avail_phys" below).
struct BASE_EXPORT SystemMemoryInfoKB {};

// On Linux/Android/Chrome OS, system-wide memory consumption data is parsed
// from /proc/meminfo and /proc/vmstat. On Windows/Mac, it is obtained using
// system API calls.
// Fills in the provided |meminfo| structure. Returns true on success.
// Exposed for memory debugging widget.
BASE_EXPORT bool GetSystemMemoryInfo(SystemMemoryInfoKB* meminfo);


// Parse the data found in /proc/<pid>/stat and return the sum of the
// CPU-related ticks.  Returns -1 on parse error.
// Exposed for testing.
BASE_EXPORT int ParseProcStatCPU(std::string_view input);

// Get the number of threads of |process| as available in /proc/<pid>/stat.
// This should be used with care as no synchronization with running threads is
// done. This is mostly useful to guarantee being single-threaded.
// Returns 0 on failure.
BASE_EXPORT int64_t GetNumberOfThreads(ProcessHandle process);

// /proc/self/exe refers to the current executable.
BASE_EXPORT extern const char kProcSelfExe[];

// Parses a string containing the contents of /proc/meminfo
// returns true on success or false for a parsing error
// Exposed for testing.
BASE_EXPORT bool ParseProcMeminfo(std::string_view input,
                                  SystemMemoryInfoKB* meminfo);

// Returns the memory committed by the system in KBytes, as from
// GetSystemCommitCharge(), using data from `meminfo` instead of /proc/meminfo.
// Exposed for testing.
GetSystemCommitChargeFromMeminfo(const SystemMemoryInfoKB& meminfo);

// Data from /proc/vmstat.
struct BASE_EXPORT VmStatInfo {};

// Retrieves data from /proc/vmstat about system-wide vm operations.
// Fills in the provided |vmstat| structure. Returns true on success.
BASE_EXPORT bool GetVmStatInfo(VmStatInfo* vmstat);

// Parses a string containing the contents of /proc/vmstat
// returns true on success or false for a parsing error
// Exposed for testing.
BASE_EXPORT bool ParseProcVmstat(std::string_view input, VmStatInfo* vmstat);

// Data from /proc/diskstats about system-wide disk I/O.
struct BASE_EXPORT SystemDiskInfo {};

// Checks whether the candidate string is a valid disk name, [hsv]d[a-z]+
// for a generic disk or mmcblk[0-9]+ for the MMC case.
// Names of disk partitions (e.g. sda1) are not valid.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsValidDiskName(std::string_view candidate);

// Retrieves data from /proc/diskstats about system-wide disk I/O.
// Fills in the provided |diskinfo| structure. Returns true on success.
BASE_EXPORT bool GetSystemDiskInfo(SystemDiskInfo* diskinfo);

// Returns the amount of time spent in user space since boot across all CPUs.
BASE_EXPORT TimeDelta GetUserCpuTimeSinceBoot();


// Data from files in directory /sys/block/zram0 about ZRAM usage.
struct BASE_EXPORT SwapInfo {
      : num_reads(0),
        mem_used_total(0) {

  // Serializes the platform specific fields to value.
  Value::Dict ToDict() const;

  uint64_t num_reads = 0;
  uint64_t num_writes = 0;
  uint64_t compr_data_size = 0;
  uint64_t orig_data_size = 0;
  uint64_t mem_used_total = 0;

// Parses a string containing the contents of /sys/block/zram0/mm_stat.
// This should be used for the new ZRAM sysfs interfaces.
// Returns true on success or false for a parsing error.
// Exposed for testing.
BASE_EXPORT bool ParseZramMmStat(std::string_view mm_stat_data,
                                 SwapInfo* swap_info);

// Parses a string containing the contents of /sys/block/zram0/stat
// This should be used for the new ZRAM sysfs interfaces.
// Returns true on success or false for a parsing error.
// Exposed for testing.
BASE_EXPORT bool ParseZramStat(std::string_view stat_data, SwapInfo* swap_info);

// In ChromeOS, reads files from /sys/block/zram0 that contain ZRAM usage data.
// Fills in the provided |swap_data| structure.
// Returns true on success or false for a parsing error.
BASE_EXPORT bool GetSwapInfo(SwapInfo* swap_info);

// Data about GPU memory usage. These fields will be -1 if not supported.
struct BASE_EXPORT GraphicsMemoryInfoKB {
  // Serializes the platform specific fields to value.
  Value::Dict ToDict() const;

  int gpu_objects = -1;
  int64_t gpu_memory_size = -1;

// Report on Chrome OS graphics memory. Returns true on success.
// /run/debugfs_gpu is a bind mount into /sys/kernel/debug and synchronously
// reading the in-memory files in /sys is fast in most cases. On platform that
// reading the graphics memory info is slow, this function returns false.
BASE_EXPORT bool GetGraphicsMemoryInfo(GraphicsMemoryInfoKB* gpu_meminfo);


struct BASE_EXPORT SystemPerformanceInfo {};

// Retrieves performance counters from the operating system.
// Fills in the provided |info| structure. Returns true on success.
BASE_EXPORT bool GetSystemPerformanceInfo(SystemPerformanceInfo* info);

// Collects and holds performance metrics for system memory and disk.
// Provides functionality to retrieve the data on various platforms and
// to serialize the stored data.
class BASE_EXPORT SystemMetrics {};

enum class MachVMRegionResult {
  // There were no more memory regions between |address| and the end of the
  // virtual address space.

  // All output parameters are invalid.

  // All output parameters are filled in.

// Returns info on the first memory region at or after |address|, including
// protection values. On Success, |size| reflects the size of the
// memory region.
// Returns info on the first memory region at or after |address|, including
// resident memory and share mode.
// |size| and |info| are output parameters, only valid on Success.
BASE_EXPORT MachVMRegionResult GetBasicInfo(mach_port_t task,
                                            mach_vm_size_t* size,
                                            mach_vm_address_t* address,
                                            vm_region_basic_info_64* info);

// Returns info on the first memory region at or after |address|, including
// resident memory and share mode. On Success, |size| reflects the size of the
// memory region.
// |size| and |info| are output parameters, only valid on Success.
// |address| is an in-out parameter, than represents both the address to start
// looking, and the start address of the memory region.
BASE_EXPORT MachVMRegionResult GetTopInfo(mach_port_t task,
                                          mach_vm_size_t* size,
                                          mach_vm_address_t* address,
                                          vm_region_top_info_data_t* info);

}  // namespace base