
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "base/process/process_metrics.h"

#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <optional>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>

#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/cpu.h"
#include "base/files/dir_reader_posix.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/numerics/clamped_math.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/process/internal_linux.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_tokenizer.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/system/sys_info.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
#include "base/types/expected.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/ascii.h"

namespace base {

class ScopedAllowBlockingForProcessMetrics : public ScopedAllowBlocking {};

namespace {

// Read a file with a single number string and return the number as a uint64_t.
uint64_t ReadFileToUint64(const FilePath& file) {
  std::string file_contents;
  if (!ReadFileToString(file, &file_contents))
    return 0;
  TrimWhitespaceASCII(file_contents, TRIM_ALL, &file_contents);
  uint64_t file_contents_uint64 = 0;
  if (!StringToUint64(file_contents, &file_contents_uint64))
    return 0;
  return file_contents_uint64;

// Get the total CPU from a proc stat buffer. Return value is a TimeDelta
// converted from a number of jiffies on success or an error code if parsing
// failed.
base::expected<TimeDelta, ProcessCPUUsageError> ParseTotalCPUTimeFromStats(
    base::span<const std::string> proc_stats) {}

}  // namespace

// static
std::unique_ptr<ProcessMetrics> ProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics(
    ProcessHandle process) {}

size_t ProcessMetrics::GetResidentSetSize() const {}

base::expected<TimeDelta, ProcessCPUUsageError>
ProcessMetrics::GetCumulativeCPUUsage() {}

bool ProcessMetrics::GetCumulativeCPUUsagePerThread(
    CPUUsagePerThread& cpu_per_thread) {}

uint64_t ProcessMetrics::GetVmSwapBytes() const {}

bool ProcessMetrics::GetPageFaultCounts(PageFaultCounts* counts) const {}

int ProcessMetrics::GetOpenFdCount() const {}

int ProcessMetrics::GetOpenFdSoftLimit() const {}

ProcessMetrics::ProcessMetrics(ProcessHandle process)
ProcessMetrics::ProcessMetrics(ProcessHandle process) : process_(process) {}

size_t GetSystemCommitCharge() {}

size_t GetSystemCommitChargeFromMeminfo(const SystemMemoryInfoKB& meminfo) {}

int ParseProcStatCPU(std::string_view input) {}

int64_t GetNumberOfThreads(ProcessHandle process) {}

const char kProcSelfExe[] =;

namespace {

// The format of /proc/diskstats is:
//  Device major number
//  Device minor number
//  Device name
//  Field  1 -- # of reads completed
//      This is the total number of reads completed successfully.
//  Field  2 -- # of reads merged, field 6 -- # of writes merged
//      Reads and writes which are adjacent to each other may be merged for
//      efficiency.  Thus two 4K reads may become one 8K read before it is
//      ultimately handed to the disk, and so it will be counted (and queued)
//      as only one I/O.  This field lets you know how often this was done.
//  Field  3 -- # of sectors read
//      This is the total number of sectors read successfully.
//  Field  4 -- # of milliseconds spent reading
//      This is the total number of milliseconds spent by all reads (as
//      measured from __make_request() to end_that_request_last()).
//  Field  5 -- # of writes completed
//      This is the total number of writes completed successfully.
//  Field  6 -- # of writes merged
//      See the description of field 2.
//  Field  7 -- # of sectors written
//      This is the total number of sectors written successfully.
//  Field  8 -- # of milliseconds spent writing
//      This is the total number of milliseconds spent by all writes (as
//      measured from __make_request() to end_that_request_last()).
//  Field  9 -- # of I/Os currently in progress
//      The only field that should go to zero. Incremented as requests are
//      given to appropriate struct request_queue and decremented as they
//      finish.
//  Field 10 -- # of milliseconds spent doing I/Os
//      This field increases so long as field 9 is nonzero.
//  Field 11 -- weighted # of milliseconds spent doing I/Os
//      This field is incremented at each I/O start, I/O completion, I/O
//      merge, or read of these stats by the number of I/Os in progress
//      (field 9) times the number of milliseconds spent doing I/O since the
//      last update of this field.  This can provide an easy measure of both
//      I/O completion time and the backlog that may be accumulating.

const size_t kDiskDriveName =;
const size_t kDiskReads =;
const size_t kDiskReadsMerged =;
const size_t kDiskSectorsRead =;
const size_t kDiskReadTime =;
const size_t kDiskWrites =;
const size_t kDiskWritesMerged =;
const size_t kDiskSectorsWritten =;
const size_t kDiskWriteTime =;
const size_t kDiskIO =;
const size_t kDiskIOTime =;
const size_t kDiskWeightedIOTime =;

}  // namespace

Value::Dict SystemMemoryInfoKB::ToDict() const {}

bool ParseProcMeminfo(std::string_view meminfo_data,
                      SystemMemoryInfoKB* meminfo) {}

bool ParseProcVmstat(std::string_view vmstat_data, VmStatInfo* vmstat) {}

bool GetSystemMemoryInfo(SystemMemoryInfoKB* meminfo) {}

Value::Dict VmStatInfo::ToDict() const {}

bool GetVmStatInfo(VmStatInfo* vmstat) {}

SystemDiskInfo::SystemDiskInfo() {}

SystemDiskInfo::SystemDiskInfo(const SystemDiskInfo&) = default;

SystemDiskInfo& SystemDiskInfo::operator=(const SystemDiskInfo&) = default;

Value::Dict SystemDiskInfo::ToDict() const {}

bool IsValidDiskName(std::string_view candidate) {}

bool GetSystemDiskInfo(SystemDiskInfo* diskinfo) {}

TimeDelta GetUserCpuTimeSinceBoot() {}

Value::Dict SwapInfo::ToDict() const {
  Value::Dict res;

  // Write out uint64_t variables as doubles.
  // Note: this may discard some precision, but for JS there's no other option.
  res.Set("num_reads", static_cast<double>(num_reads));
  res.Set("num_writes", static_cast<double>(num_writes));
  res.Set("orig_data_size", static_cast<double>(orig_data_size));
  res.Set("compr_data_size", static_cast<double>(compr_data_size));
  res.Set("mem_used_total", static_cast<double>(mem_used_total));
  double ratio = compr_data_size ? static_cast<double>(orig_data_size) /
                                 : 0;
  res.Set("compression_ratio", ratio);

  return res;

Value::Dict GraphicsMemoryInfoKB::ToDict() const {
  Value::Dict res;

  res.Set("gpu_objects", gpu_objects);
  res.Set("gpu_memory_size", static_cast<double>(gpu_memory_size));

  return res;

bool ParseZramMmStat(std::string_view mm_stat_data, SwapInfo* swap_info) {
  // There are 7 columns in /sys/block/zram0/mm_stat,
  // split by several spaces. The first three columns
  // are orig_data_size, compr_data_size and mem_used_total.
  // Example:
  // 17715200 5008166 566062  0 1225715712  127 183842
  // For more details:

  std::vector<std::string_view> tokens = SplitStringPiece(
      mm_stat_data, kWhitespaceASCII, TRIM_WHITESPACE, SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY);
  if (tokens.size() < 7) {
    DLOG(WARNING) << "zram mm_stat: tokens: " << tokens.size()
                  << " malformed line: " << mm_stat_data;
    return false;

  if (!StringToUint64(tokens[0], &swap_info->orig_data_size))
    return false;
  if (!StringToUint64(tokens[1], &swap_info->compr_data_size))
    return false;
  if (!StringToUint64(tokens[2], &swap_info->mem_used_total))
    return false;

  return true;

bool ParseZramStat(std::string_view stat_data, SwapInfo* swap_info) {
  // There are 11 columns in /sys/block/zram0/stat,
  // split by several spaces. The first column is read I/Os
  // and fifth column is write I/Os.
  // Example:
  // 299    0    2392    0    1    0    8    0    0    0    0
  // For more details:

  std::vector<std::string_view> tokens = SplitStringPiece(
  if (tokens.size() < 11) {
    DLOG(WARNING) << "zram stat: tokens: " << tokens.size()
                  << " malformed line: " << stat_data;
    return false;

  if (!StringToUint64(tokens[0], &swap_info->num_reads))
    return false;
  if (!StringToUint64(tokens[4], &swap_info->num_writes))
    return false;

  return true;

namespace {

bool IgnoreZramFirstPage(uint64_t orig_data_size, SwapInfo* swap_info) {
  if (orig_data_size <= 4096) {
    // A single page is compressed at startup, and has a high compression
    // ratio. Ignore this as it doesn't indicate any real swapping.
    swap_info->orig_data_size = 0;
    swap_info->num_reads = 0;
    swap_info->num_writes = 0;
    swap_info->compr_data_size = 0;
    swap_info->mem_used_total = 0;
    return true;
  return false;

void ParseZramPath(SwapInfo* swap_info) {
  FilePath zram_path("/sys/block/zram0");
  uint64_t orig_data_size =
  if (IgnoreZramFirstPage(orig_data_size, swap_info))

  swap_info->orig_data_size = orig_data_size;
  swap_info->num_reads = ReadFileToUint64(zram_path.Append("num_reads"));
  swap_info->num_writes = ReadFileToUint64(zram_path.Append("num_writes"));
  swap_info->compr_data_size =
  swap_info->mem_used_total =

bool GetSwapInfoImpl(SwapInfo* swap_info) {
  // Synchronously reading files in /sys/block/zram0 does not hit the disk.
  ScopedAllowBlockingForProcessMetrics allow_blocking;

  // Since ZRAM update, it shows the usage data in different places.
  // If file "/sys/block/zram0/mm_stat" exists, use the new way, otherwise,
  // use the old way.
  static std::optional<bool> use_new_zram_interface;
  FilePath zram_mm_stat_file("/sys/block/zram0/mm_stat");
  if (!use_new_zram_interface.has_value()) {
    use_new_zram_interface = PathExists(zram_mm_stat_file);

  if (!use_new_zram_interface.value()) {
    return true;

  std::string mm_stat_data;
  if (!ReadFileToStringNonBlocking(zram_mm_stat_file, &mm_stat_data)) {
    DLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to open " << zram_mm_stat_file.value();
    return false;
  if (!ParseZramMmStat(mm_stat_data, swap_info)) {
    DLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to parse " << zram_mm_stat_file.value();
    return false;
  if (IgnoreZramFirstPage(swap_info->orig_data_size, swap_info))
    return true;

  FilePath zram_stat_file("/sys/block/zram0/stat");
  std::string stat_data;
  if (!ReadFileToStringNonBlocking(zram_stat_file, &stat_data)) {
    DLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to open " << zram_stat_file.value();
    return false;
  if (!ParseZramStat(stat_data, swap_info)) {
    DLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to parse " << zram_stat_file.value();
    return false;

  return true;

}  // namespace

bool GetSwapInfo(SwapInfo* swap_info) {
  if (!GetSwapInfoImpl(swap_info)) {
    *swap_info = SwapInfo();
    return false;
  return true;

namespace {

size_t ParseSize(const std::string& value) {
  size_t pos = value.find(' ');
  std::string base = value.substr(0, pos);
  std::string units = value.substr(pos + 1);

  size_t ret = 0;

  base::StringToSizeT(base, &ret);

  if (units == "KiB") {
    ret *= 1024;
  } else if (units == "MiB") {
    ret *= 1024 * 1024;

  return ret;

struct DrmFdInfo {
  size_t memory_total;
  size_t memory_shared;

void GetFdInfoFromPid(pid_t pid,
                      std::map<unsigned int, struct DrmFdInfo>& fdinfo_table) {
  const FilePath pid_path =
  const FilePath fd_path = pid_path.AppendASCII("fd");
  DirReaderPosix dir_reader(fd_path.value().c_str());

  if (!dir_reader.IsValid()) {

  for (; dir_reader.Next();) {
    const char* name =;

    if (strcmp(name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(name, "..") == 0) {

    struct stat stat;
    int err = fstatat(dir_reader.fd(), name, &stat, 0);
    if (err) {

    /* Skip fd's that are not drm device files: */
    if (!S_ISCHR(stat.st_mode) || major(stat.st_rdev) != 226) {

    const FilePath fdinfo_path =

    std::string fdinfo_data;
    if (!ReadFileToStringNonBlocking(fdinfo_path, &fdinfo_data)) {

    std::stringstream ss(fdinfo_data);
    std::string line;
    struct DrmFdInfo fdinfo = {};
    unsigned int client_id = 0;

    while (std::getline(ss, line, '\n')) {
      size_t pos = line.find(':');

      if (pos == std::string::npos) {

      std::string key = line.substr(0, pos);
      std::string value = line.substr(pos + 1);

      /* trim leading space from the value: */
      value = value.substr(value.find_first_not_of(" \t"));

      if (key == "drm-client-id") {
        base::StringToUint(value, &client_id);
      } else if (key == "drm-total-memory") {
        fdinfo.memory_total = ParseSize(value);
      } else if (key == "drm-shared-memory") {
        fdinfo.memory_shared = ParseSize(value);

    /* The compositor only imports buffers.. so shared==total.  Skip this
     * as it is not interesting:
    if (client_id && fdinfo.memory_shared != fdinfo.memory_total) {
      fdinfo_table[client_id] = fdinfo;

bool GetGraphicsMemoryInfoFdInfo(GraphicsMemoryInfoKB* gpu_meminfo) {
  // First parse clients file to get the tgid's of processes using the GPU
  // so that we don't need to parse *all* processes:
  const FilePath clients_path("/run/debugfs_gpu/clients");
  std::string clients_data;
  std::map<unsigned int, struct DrmFdInfo> fdinfo_table;

  if (!ReadFileToStringNonBlocking(clients_path, &clients_data)) {
    return false;

  // This has been the format since kernel commit:
  // 50d47cb318ed ("drm: Include task->name and master status in debugfs clients
  // info")
  // comm pid dev  master auth uid magic
  // %20s %5d %3d   %c    %c %5d %10u\n
  // In practice comm rarely contains spaces, but it can in fact contain
  // any character.  So we parse based on the 20 char limit (plus one
  // space):
  std::istringstream clients_stream(clients_data);
  std::string line;
  while (std::getline(clients_stream, line)) {
    pid_t pid;
    int num_res = sscanf(&line.c_str()[21], "%5d", &pid);
    if (num_res == 1) {
      GetFdInfoFromPid(pid, fdinfo_table);

  if (fdinfo_table.size() == 0) {
    return false;

  gpu_meminfo->gpu_memory_size = 0;

  for (auto const& p : fdinfo_table) {
    gpu_meminfo->gpu_memory_size += p.second.memory_total;
    /* TODO it would be nice to also be able to report shared */

  return true;

}  // namespace

bool GetGraphicsMemoryInfo(GraphicsMemoryInfoKB* gpu_meminfo) {
  if (GetGraphicsMemoryInfoFdInfo(gpu_meminfo)) {
    return true;
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY)
  // Reading i915_gem_objects on intel platform with kernel 5.4 is slow and is
  // prohibited.
  // TODO(b/170397975): Update if i915_gem_objects reading time is improved.
  static bool is_newer_kernel =
      base::StartsWith(base::SysInfo::KernelVersion(), "5.");
  static bool is_intel_cpu = base::CPU().vendor_name() == "GenuineIntel";
  if (is_newer_kernel && is_intel_cpu)
    return false;

#if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
  const FilePath geminfo_path("/run/debugfs_gpu/exynos_gem_objects");
  const FilePath geminfo_path("/run/debugfs_gpu/i915_gem_objects");
  std::string geminfo_data;
  gpu_meminfo->gpu_objects = -1;
  gpu_meminfo->gpu_memory_size = -1;
  if (ReadFileToStringNonBlocking(geminfo_path, &geminfo_data)) {
    int gpu_objects = -1;
    int64_t gpu_memory_size = -1;
    int num_res = sscanf(geminfo_data.c_str(), "%d objects, %" SCNd64 " bytes",
                         &gpu_objects, &gpu_memory_size);
    if (num_res == 2) {
      gpu_meminfo->gpu_objects = gpu_objects;
      gpu_meminfo->gpu_memory_size = gpu_memory_size;

#if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
  // Incorporate Mali graphics memory if present.
  FilePath mali_memory_file("/sys/class/misc/mali0/device/memory");
  std::string mali_memory_data;
  if (ReadFileToStringNonBlocking(mali_memory_file, &mali_memory_data)) {
    int64_t mali_size = -1;
    int num_res =
        sscanf(mali_memory_data.c_str(), "%" SCNd64 " bytes", &mali_size);
    if (num_res == 1)
      gpu_meminfo->gpu_memory_size += mali_size;
#endif  // defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)

  return gpu_meminfo->gpu_memory_size != -1;


int ProcessMetrics::GetIdleWakeupsPerSecond() {}

}  // namespace base