# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import posixpath
import sys
from typing import Any, List
import unittest
from gpu_tests import common_typing as ct
from gpu_tests import gpu_integration_test
from gpu_tests import pixel_test_pages
from gpu_tests import skia_gold_integration_test_base
import gpu_path_util
class CastStreamingIntegrationTest(
"""GPU pixel tests for Fuchsia Cast Streaming backed by Skia Gold and
This is a separate test since this uses the cast-streaming-shell browser.
Furthermore, this test harness actually drives test progress by configuring
how the CastStreamingTestSender is started."""
test_base_name = 'CastStreaming'
def Name(cls) -> str:
"""The name by which this test is invoked on the command line."""
return 'cast_streaming'
def GenerateGpuTests(cls, options: ct.ParsedCmdArgs) -> ct.TestGenerator:
namespace = pixel_test_pages.PixelTestPages
pages = namespace.CastStreamingReceiverPages(cls.test_base_name)
for p in pages:
yield (p.name, posixpath.join(gpu_path_util.GPU_DATA_RELATIVE_PATH,
p.url), [p])
def RunActualGpuTest(self, test_path: str, args: ct.TestArgs) -> None:
page = args[0]
# This property actually comes off the class, not 'self'.
tab = self.tab
# Request a frame.
# Wait until the test is done.
'domAutomationController._done', timeout=10)
has_failed = tab.EvaluateJavaScript('domAutomationController._failure')
if has_failed:
self.fail('page indicated test failure')
# Actually run the test and capture the screenshot.
screenshot = tab.Screenshot(5)
self._UploadTestResultToSkiaGold(page.name, screenshot, page)
self._RestartBrowser('Must restart after every test')
def ExpectationsFiles(cls) -> List[str]:
return [
'test_expectations', 'cast_streaming_expectations.txt')
def load_tests(loader: unittest.TestLoader, tests: Any,
pattern: Any) -> unittest.TestSuite:
del loader, tests, pattern # Unused.
return gpu_integration_test.LoadAllTestsInModule(sys.modules[__name__])