# BEGIN TAG HEADER (autogenerated, see validate_tag_consistency.py)
# OS
# tags: [ android android-oreo android-pie android-r android-s android-t
# android-14
# chromeos
# fuchsia
# linux ubuntu
# mac highsierra mojave catalina bigsur monterey ventura sonoma
# win win8 win10 win11 ]
# Devices
# tags: [ android-nexus-5x android-pixel-2 android-pixel-4
# android-pixel-6 android-shield-android-tv android-sm-a135m
# android-sm-a235m android-sm-s911u1 android-moto-g-power-5g---2023
# chromeos-board-amd64-generic chromeos-board-eve chromeos-board-jacuzzi
# chromeos-board-octopus chromeos-board-volteer
# fuchsia-board-astro fuchsia-board-nelson fuchsia-board-sherlock
# fuchsia-board-qemu-x64 ]
# Platform
# tags: [ desktop
# mobile ]
# Browser
# tags: [ android-chromium
# android-webview-instrumentation
# debug debug-x64
# release release-x64
# fuchsia-chrome
# web-engine-shell
# lacros-chrome
# cros-chrome ]
# tags: [ amd amd-0x6613 amd-0x679e amd-0x67ef amd-0x6821 amd-0x7340
# apple apple-apple-m1 apple-apple-m2
# apple-angle-metal-renderer:-apple-m1
# apple-angle-metal-renderer:-apple-m2
# arm
# google google-0xffff google-0xc0de
# imagination
# intel intel-gen-9 intel-gen-12 intel-0xa2e intel-0xd26 intel-0xa011
# intel-0x3e92 intel-0x3e9b intel-0x4680 intel-0x5912 intel-0x9bc5
# nvidia nvidia-0xfe9 nvidia-0x1cb3 nvidia-0x2184 nvidia-0x2783
# qualcomm qualcomm-0x41333430 qualcomm-0x36333630 qualcomm-0x36334330 ]
# Architecture
# tags: [ mac-arm64 mac-x86_64 ]
# Decoder
# tags: [ passthrough no-passthrough ]
# Browser Target CPU
# tags: [ target-cpu-64 target-cpu-32 target-cpu-31 ]
# ANGLE Backend
# tags: [ angle-disabled
# angle-d3d9 angle-d3d11
# angle-metal
# angle-opengl angle-opengles
# angle-swiftshader
# angle-vulkan ]
# Skia Renderer
# tags: [ renderer-skia-gl
# renderer-skia-vulkan
# renderer-software ]
# Driver
# tags: [ mesa_lt_19.1
# mesa_ge_21.0
# mesa_ge_23.2
# nvidia_ge_31.0.15.4601 nvidia_lt_31.0.15.4601
# nvidia_ge_535.183.01 nvidia_lt_535.183.01 ]
# ASan
# tags: [ asan no-asan ]
# Display Server
# tags: [ display-server-wayland display-server-x ]
# OOP-Canvas
# tags: [ oop-c no-oop-c ]
# WebGPU Backend Validation
# tags: [ dawn-backend-validation dawn-no-backend-validation ]
# WebGPU Adapter
# tags: [ webgpu-adapter-default webgpu-adapter-swiftshader ]
# tags: [ webgpu-dxc-enabled webgpu-dxc-disabled ]
# WebGPU worker usage
# tags: [ webgpu-no-worker
# webgpu-service-worker
# webgpu-dedicated-worker
# webgpu-shared-worker ]
# Clang coverage
# tags: [ clang-coverage no-clang-coverage ]
# Skia Graphite
# tags: [ graphite-enabled graphite-disabled ]
# results: [ Failure RetryOnFailure Skip Slow ]
# Permanent Skip Expectations #
# The "Skip" expectations in this section are expected to never be removed.
# This is for things like tests that will never be supported on a particular
# platform/configuration.
# ExpectedColor_MediaRecorderFromVideoElement fails when protected memory is used.
crbug.com/1417006 [ fuchsia web-engine-shell ] ExpectedColor_MediaRecorderFromVideoElement [ Skip ]
crbug.com/1417006 [ fuchsia web-engine-shell ] ExpectedColor_MediaRecorderFromVideoElementWithOoprCanvasDisabled [ Skip ]
# Temporary Skip Expectations #
# The "Skip" expectations in this section are expected to be removable at some
# point. This is for things like tests that fail in a way that negatively and
# significantly impacts other tests, e.g. killing the test device.
# Android Graphite/Dawn/Vulkan video isn't implemented yet.
crbug.com/41488897 [ android android-pixel-6 passthrough graphite-enabled ] ExpectedColor_MediaRecorderFrom2DCanvas [ Skip ]
crbug.com/41488897 [ android android-pixel-6 passthrough graphite-enabled ] ExpectedColor_MediaRecorderFromVideoElement [ Skip ]
crbug.com/41488897 [ android android-pixel-6 passthrough graphite-enabled ] ExpectedColor_MediaRecorderFromVideoElementWithOoprCanvasDisabled [ Skip ]
# Failures/Flakes #
# Non-"Skip" expectations go here to suppress regular flakes/failures.
# ExpectedColor_MediaRecorderFromVideoElement fails on several FYI bots
crbug.com/1382332 [ android-nexus-5x android angle-disabled no-clang-coverage no-passthrough qualcomm renderer-skia-gl target-cpu-64 ] ExpectedColor_MediaRecorderFromVideoElementWithOoprCanvasDisabled [ Failure ]
crbug.com/1469270 [ bigsur nvidia-0xfe9 angle-opengl ] ExpectedColor_MediaRecorderFromVideoElementWithOoprCanvasDisabled [ Failure ]
# Gardener 2024-03-18
crbug.com/330132405 [ fuchsia fuchsia-board-qemu-x64 ] ExpectedColor_MediaRecorderFrom2DCanvas [ Failure ]
# Gardener 2024-04-29 - page reported failure
crbug.com/40877266 [ amd-0x7340 angle-d3d11 graphite-enabled passthrough release-x64 win10 ] ExpectedColor_MediaRecorderFromVideoElementWithOoprCanvasDisabled [ Failure ]
# Automated Entries After This Point - Do Not Manually Add Below Here #