# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
from telemetry.testing import fakes
from telemetry.testing import browser_test_context
from gpu_tests import gpu_integration_test
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
class _BaseSampleIntegrationTest(gpu_integration_test.GpuIntegrationTest):
_test_state = {}
def SetUpProcess(cls):
finder_options = fakes.CreateBrowserFinderOptions()
finder_options.browser_options.platform = fakes.FakeLinuxPlatform()
finder_options.output_formats = ['none']
finder_options.suppress_gtest_report = True
finder_options.output_dir = None
finder_options.upload_bucket = 'public'
finder_options.upload_results = False
cls._finder_options = finder_options
cls.platform = None
cls.browser = None
def AddCommandlineArgs(cls, parser):
super(_BaseSampleIntegrationTest, cls).AddCommandlineArgs(parser)
help=('Where to dump the test state json (this is used by '
def TearDownProcess(cls):
actual_finder_options = browser_test_context.GetCopy().finder_options
test_state_json_path = actual_finder_options.test_state_json_path
with open(test_state_json_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(cls._test_state, f)
super(_BaseSampleIntegrationTest, cls).TearDownProcess()
# pylint: enable=abstract-method
class SimpleTest(_BaseSampleIntegrationTest):
_test_state = {'num_flaky_runs_to_fail': 2, 'num_browser_starts': 0}
def Name(cls):
return 'simple_integration_unittest'
def GenerateGpuTests(cls, options):
yield ('expected_failure', 'failure.html', ())
yield ('expected_flaky', 'flaky.html', ())
yield ('expected_skip', 'failure.html', ())
yield ('unexpected_failure', 'failure.html', ())
yield ('unexpected_error', 'error.html', ())
def StartBrowser(cls):
super(SimpleTest, cls).StartBrowser()
cls._test_state['num_browser_starts'] += 1
def RunActualGpuTest(self, test_path, *args):
logging.warning('Running %s', test_path)
if test_path == 'failure.html':
self.fail('Expected failure')
elif test_path == 'flaky.html':
if self._test_state['num_flaky_runs_to_fail'] > 0:
self._test_state['num_flaky_runs_to_fail'] -= 1
self.fail('Expected flaky failure')
elif test_path == 'error.html':
raise Exception('Expected exception')
def ExpectationsFiles(cls):
return [
class BrowserStartFailureTest(_BaseSampleIntegrationTest):
_test_state = {'num_browser_crashes': 0, 'num_browser_starts': 0}
def SetUpProcess(cls):
cls._fake_browser_options = \
cls._fake_browser_options.browser_options.platform = \
cls._fake_browser_options.output_formats = ['none']
cls._fake_browser_options.suppress_gtest_report = True
cls._fake_browser_options.output_dir = None
cls._fake_browser_options.upload_bucket = 'public'
cls._fake_browser_options.upload_results = False
cls._finder_options = cls._fake_browser_options
cls.platform = None
cls.browser = None
def CrashOnStart(cls):
cls._test_state['num_browser_starts'] += 1
if cls._test_state['num_browser_crashes'] < 2:
cls._test_state['num_browser_crashes'] += 1
raise Exception('Fake browser crash')
def Name(cls):
return 'browser_start_failure_integration_unittest'
def GenerateGpuTests(cls, options):
# This test causes the browser to try and restart the browser 3 times.
yield ('restart', 'restart.html', ())
def RunActualGpuTest(self, test_path, *args):
# The logic of this test is run when the browser starts, it fails twice
# and then succeeds on the third time so we are just testing that this
# is successful based on the parameters.
class BrowserCrashAfterStartTest(_BaseSampleIntegrationTest):
_test_state = {
'num_browser_crashes': 0,
'num_browser_starts': 0,
def SetUpProcess(cls):
cls._fake_browser_options = fakes.CreateBrowserFinderOptions(
cls._fake_browser_options.browser_options.platform = \
cls._fake_browser_options.output_formats = ['none']
cls._fake_browser_options.suppress_gtest_report = True
cls._fake_browser_options.output_dir = None
cls._fake_browser_options.upload_bucket = 'public'
cls._fake_browser_options.upload_results = False
cls._finder_options = cls._fake_browser_options
cls.platform = None
cls.browser = None
def CrashAfterStart(cls, browser):
cls._test_state['num_browser_starts'] += 1
if cls._test_state['num_browser_crashes'] < 2:
cls._test_state['num_browser_crashes'] += 1
# This simulates the first tab's renderer process crashing upon
# startup. The try/catch forces the GpuIntegrationTest's first
# fetch of this tab to fail. crbug.com/682819
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
def Name(cls):
return 'browser_crash_after_start_integration_unittest'
def GenerateGpuTests(cls, options):
# This test causes the browser to try and restart the browser 3 times.
yield ('restart', 'restart.html', ())
def RunActualGpuTest(self, test_path, *args):
# The logic of this test is run when the browser starts, it fails twice
# and then succeeds on the third time so we are just testing that this
# is successful based on the parameters.
class RunTestsWithExpectationsFiles(_BaseSampleIntegrationTest):
def __init__(self, methodName):
self._flaky_test_run = 0
def GetPlatformTags(cls, browser):
assert isinstance(browser, fakes.FakeBrowser)
return ['foo']
def Name(cls):
return 'run_tests_with_expectations_files'
def GenerateGpuTests(cls, options):
tests = [('a/b/unexpected-fail.html', 'failure.html', ()),
('a/b/expected-fail.html', 'failure.html', ()),
('a/b/expected-flaky.html', 'flaky.html', ()),
('should_skip', 'skip.html', ())]
for test in tests:
yield test
def RunActualGpuTest(self, test_path, *args):
if test_path == 'failure.html' or self._flaky_test_run < 3:
self._flaky_test_run += test_path == 'flaky.html'
def ExpectationsFiles(cls):
return [
class TestRetryLimit(_BaseSampleIntegrationTest):
_test_state = {
'num_test_runs': 0,
def Name(cls):
return 'test_retry_limit'
def GenerateGpuTests(cls, options):
yield ('unexpected_failure', 'failure.html', ())
def RunActualGpuTest(self, test_path, *args):
self._test_state['num_test_runs'] += 1
if test_path == 'failure.html':
self.fail('Expected failure')
raise Exception('Unexpected test name ' + test_path)
class TestRepeat(_BaseSampleIntegrationTest):
_test_state = {
'num_test_runs': 0,
def Name(cls):
return 'test_repeat'
def GenerateGpuTests(cls, options):
yield ('success', 'success.html', ())
def RunActualGpuTest(self, test_path, *args):
self._test_state['num_test_runs'] += 1
if test_path != 'success.html':
raise Exception('Unexpected test name ' + test_path)
class TestAlsoRunDisabledTests(_BaseSampleIntegrationTest):
_test_state = {'num_flaky_test_runs': 0, 'num_test_runs': 0}
def Name(cls):
return 'test_also_run_disabled_tests'
def GenerateGpuTests(cls, options):
tests = [('skip', 'skip.html', ()), ('expected_failure', 'fail.html', ()),
('flaky', 'flaky.html', ())]
for test in tests:
yield test
def RunActualGpuTest(self, test_path, *args):
self._test_state['num_test_runs'] += 1
self._test_state['num_flaky_test_runs'] += test_path == 'flaky.html'
raise Exception('Everything fails')
def ExpectationsFiles(cls):
return [
def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
del loader, tests, pattern # Unused.
return gpu_integration_test.LoadAllTestsInModule(sys.modules[__name__])