# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
mojom("mojom") {
generate_java = true
sources = [
webui_module_path = "/"
# Indirect dependency of Blink test support so generate legacy bindings for
# Blink in JavaScript.
generate_legacy_js_bindings = true
cpp_typemaps = [
types = [
mojom = "bluetooth.mojom.UUID"
cpp = "::device::BluetoothUUID"
mojom = "bluetooth.mojom.GattCharacteristicProperties"
cpp = "::device::BluetoothGattCharacteristic::Properties"
mojom = "bluetooth.mojom.GattCharacteristicPermissions"
cpp = "::device::BluetoothGattCharacteristic::Permissions"
mojom = "bluetooth.mojom.GattServiceErrorCode"
cpp = "::device::BluetoothGattService::GattErrorCode"
traits_headers = [
traits_sources = [
traits_public_deps = [ "//device/bluetooth/public/cpp" ]
mojom("fake_bluetooth_interfaces") {
sources = [ "emulation/fake_bluetooth.mojom" ]
public_deps = [ ":mojom" ]
cpp_typemaps = [
types = [
mojom = "bluetooth.mojom.ServiceDataMap"
cpp = "::device::BluetoothDevice::ServiceDataMap"
traits_headers = [ "//device/bluetooth/public/mojom/emulation/fake_bluetooth_mojom_traits.h" ]
traits_public_deps = [ "//device/bluetooth" ]
# Experimental interfaces are not ready for production use yet. See README.md
mojom("deprecated_experimental_interfaces") {
sources = [
webui_module_path = "/"
public_deps = [ ":mojom" ]
visibility = [
# Experimental interfaces are not ready for production use yet. See
# Implementation of the mojom interfaces:
# Bluetooth internals page
# Nearby Sharing feature
# For device unittests