
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace base {

// `ScopedObservationTraits` is used to control the behavior of
// `ScopedObservation` on sources without AddObserver()/RemoveObserver()
// methods.
// The implementation of `ScopedObservation<Source, Observer>` will look up the
// most specialized version of `ScopedObservationTraits<Source, Observer>` and
// use the corresponding `Traits::AddObserver` and `Traits::RemoveObserver`.
// The default specialization takes care of any Source that exposes
// `AddObserver(Observer*)` and `RemoveObserver(Observer*)` methods -- if that's
// the case, then `ScopedObservation<Source, Observer>` will work out of the
// box.
// However, if your `CustomSource` features custom method names -- say,
// `AddFoo(FooObserver*)` and `RemoveFoo(FooObserver*)`, then you'll have to
// define a new traits specialization like this:
// `custom_source.h`:
//    #include "base/scoped_observation_traits.h"
//    class FooObserver;
//    class CustomSource {
//     public:
//      void AddFoo(FooObserver*);
//      void RemoveFoo(FooObserver*);
//    };
//    namespace base {
//    template<>
//    struct ScopedObservationTraits<CustomSource, FooObserver> {
//      static void AddObserver(CustomSource* source,
//                              FooObserver* observer) {
//        source->AddFoo(observer);
//      }
//      static void RemoveObserver(CustomSource* source,
//                                 FooObserver* observer) {
//        source->RemoveFoo(observer);
//      }
//    };
//    }  // namespace base
// ``:
//    // Now this works out of the box.
//    base::ScopedObservation<CustomSource, FooObserver> obs...

template <class Source, class Observer>
struct ScopedObservationTraits {};

}  // namespace base