
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This file contains common data used to test CTAP/U2F register and sign
// request/responses.


#include <stdint.h>

namespace device {

namespace test_data {

// U2F request parameters ------------------------------------------------------

// Sample U2F register request parameters used in example 6 of the CTAP spec.
constexpr uint8_t kChallengeParameter[] =;

// SHA256(kRelyingPartyId)
constexpr uint8_t kApplicationParameter[] =;

// SHA256(kAppId)
constexpr uint8_t kAlternativeApplicationParameter[] =;

constexpr char kClientDataJson[] =;

// SHA-256 hash of kClientDataJson.
constexpr uint8_t kClientDataHash[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kUserId[] =;

// "allowedCredential" encoded as uint8_t array
constexpr uint8_t kCredentialId[] =;

constexpr char kRelyingPartyId[] =;
constexpr char kAppId[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fRegisterCommandApduWithIndividualAttestation[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fRegisterCommandApdu[] =;

// kU2fBogusRegisterCommandApdu is the U2F register command generated by
// |ConstructBogusU2fRegistrationCommand|.
constexpr uint8_t kU2fBogusRegisterCommandApdu[] =;

// Sample U2F sign request parameters used in example 7 of the CTAP spec.
constexpr uint8_t kU2fSignKeyHandle[] =;

// Signed signature of above |kU2fSignKeyHandle|.
constexpr uint8_t kU2fSignature[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kKeyHandleAlpha[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kKeyHandleBeta[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kKeyHandleGamma[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fSignCommandApduWithKeyAlpha[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fSignCommandApduWithKeyAlphaAndBogusChallenge[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fSignCommandApduWithKeyBeta[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fSignCommandApduWithKeyBetaAndBogusChallenge[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fSignCommandApduWithKeyGamma[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fSignCommandApduWithKeyGammaAndBogusChallenge[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fSignCommandApdu[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fSignCommandApduWithAlternativeApplicationParameter[] =;

// Encoded U2fSign command excluding key handle length and key handle. Precise
// key handle length and key handle shall be added based on different testing
// scenarios.
constexpr uint8_t kU2fSignCommandWithoutKeyHandle[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fFakeRegisterCommand[] =;

// U2F responses ---------------------------------------------------------------

constexpr uint8_t kU2fConditionNotSatisfiedApduResponse[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fWrongDataApduResponse[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fWrongLengthApduResponse[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kU2fKeyHandleSizeApduResponse[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kApduEncodedNoErrorRegisterResponse[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kApduEncodedNoErrorSignResponse[] =;

// U2F response blob produced by a U2F registration request used in example 6
// of the CTAP spec.
constexpr uint8_t kTestU2fRegisterResponse[] =;

// EC public key encoded in COSE_Key format extracted from above
// |kTestU2fRegisterResponse|.
constexpr uint8_t kTestECPublicKeyCOSE[] =;

// The attestation statement extracted from above |kTestU2fRegisterResponse|, a
// CBOR-encoded byte array.
// Diagnostic notation:
// {"sig":
// h'30450220324779C68F3380288A1197B6095F7A6EB9B1B1C127F66AE12A99FE8532EC23B9
//   022100E39516AC4D61EE64044D50B415A6A4D4D84BA6D895CB5AB7A1AA7D081DE341FA',
// "x5c": [h'3082024A30820132A0030201020204046C8822300D06092A864886F70D01010B0 \
// 500302E312C302A0603550403132359756269636F2055324620526F6F742043412053657269 \
// 616C203435373230303633313020170D3134303830313030303030305A180F3230353030393 \
// 0343030303030305A302C312A302806035504030C2159756269636F20553246204545205365 \
// 7269616C203234393138323332343737303059301306072A8648CE3D020106082A8648CE3D0 \
// 30107034200043CCAB92CCB97287EE8E639437E21FCD6B6F165B2D5A3F3DB131D31C16B742B \
// B476D8D1E99080EB546C9BBDF556E6210FD42785899E78CC589EBE310F6CDB9FF4A33B30393 \
// 02206092B0601040182C40A020415312E332E362E312E342E312E34313438322E312E323013 \
// 060B2B0601040182E51C020101040403020430300D06092A864886F70D01010B05000382010 \
// 1009F9B052248BC4CF42CC5991FCAABAC9B651BBE5BDCDC8EF0AD2C1C1FFB36D18715D42E78 \
// B249224F92C7E6E7A05C49F0E7E4C881BF2E94F45E4A21833D7456851D0F6C145A29540C874 \
// F3092C934B43D222B8962C0F410CEF1DB75892AF116B44A96F5D35ADEA3822FC7146F600438 \
// 5BCB69B65C99E7EB6919786703C0D8CD41E8F75CCA44AA8AB725AD8E799FF3A8696A6F1B265 \
// 6E631B1E40183C08FDA53FA4A8F85A05693944AE179A1339D002D15CABD810090EC722EF5DE \
// F9965A371D415D624B68A2707CAD97BCDD1785AF97E258F33DF56A031AA0356D8E8D5EBCADC \
// 74E071636C6B110ACE5CC9B90DFEACAE640FF1BB0F1FE5DB4EFF7A95F060733F5']}
constexpr uint8_t kU2fAttestationStatementCBOR[] =;

// Like kU2fAttestationStatementCBOR but in 'packed' format.
constexpr uint8_t kPackedAttestationStatementCBOR[] =;

// Like kPackedAttestationStatementCBOR but certs are omitted.
constexpr uint8_t kPackedAttestationStatementCBORNoCerts[] =;

// U2F response blob produced by a U2F sign request used in example 7 of the
// CTAP spec.
constexpr uint8_t kTestU2fSignResponse[] =;

// Signature counter returned within the authenticator data extracted from above
// |kTestU2fSignResponse|.
constexpr uint8_t kTestSignatureCounter[] =;

// The authenticator data for sign responses extracted from above
// |kTestU2fSignResponse|.
constexpr uint8_t kTestSignAuthenticatorData[] =;

// A sample APDU encoded response to a U2F sign request that contains NO_ERROR
// status but has a corrupted data.
constexpr uint8_t kTestCorruptedU2fSignResponse[] =;

// CTAP requests ---------------------------------------------------------------
// A MakeCredential request with no RK and no UV.
constexpr uint8_t kCtapSimpleMakeCredentialRequest[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kCtapMakeCredentialRequest[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kTestComplexCtapGetAssertionRequest[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kCtapGetAssertionRequest[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kCtapSilentGetAssertionRequest[] =;

// CTAP responses --------------------------------------------------------------

// A sample well formed response to CTAP AuthenticatorGetInfo request. Cross
// platform device that supports resident key, and user verification.
constexpr uint8_t kTestAuthenticatorGetInfoResponse[] =;

// AuthenticatorGetInfo response with all configurations equal to that of
// kTestAuthenticatorGetInfoResponse except that U2F protocol is not supported.
constexpr uint8_t kTestCtap2OnlyAuthenticatorGetInfoResponse[] =;

// AuthenticatorGetInfo response with all configurations equal to that of
// kTestAuthenticatorGetInfoResponse except user verification option is set to
// false.
constexpr uint8_t kTestGetInfoResponseWithoutUvSupport[] =;

// AuthenticatorGetInfo request with all configurations equal to that of
// kTestAuthenticatorGetInfoResponse except resident key option is set to false.
constexpr uint8_t kTestGetInfoResponseWithoutResidentKeySupport[] =;

// AuthenticatorGetInfo request with all configurations equal to that of
// kTestAuthenticatorGetInfoResponse except platform device option is set to
// true.
constexpr uint8_t kTestGetInfoResponsePlatformDevice[] =;

// AuthenticatorGetInfo request with all configurations equal to that of
// kTestAuthenticatorGetInfoResponse except clientPin option is set to true.
constexpr uint8_t kTestGetInfoResponseWithClientPinSet[] =;

// A Sample well formed response to CTAP MakeCredential request.
constexpr uint8_t kTestMakeCredentialResponse[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kTestMakeCredentialResponseWithIncorrectRpIdHash[] =;

// Credential ID to be used in a request to yield the below
// kTestGetAssertionResponse.
constexpr uint8_t kTestGetAssertionCredentialId[64] =;

constexpr uint8_t kTestGetAssertionResponse[] =;

// {1: {"id": h'010203', "type": "public-key"}, 2:
// h'1194228DA8FDBDEEFD261BD7B6595CFD70A50D70C6407BCF013DE96D4EFB17DE010000005F',
// 3: h'101112', 4: {"id": h'01020304', "name": "..."}}
constexpr uint8_t kTestGetAssertionResponseWithTruncatedUTF8[] =;

// {1: {"id": h'010203', "type": "public-key"}, 2:
// h'1194228DA8FDBDEEFD261BD7B6595CFD70A50D70C6407BCF013DE96D4EFB17DE010000005F',
// 3: h'101112', 4: {"id": h'01020304', "name": "..."}}
constexpr uint8_t kTestGetAssertionResponseWithTruncatedAndInvalidUTF8[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kTestGetAssertionResponseWithEmptyCredential[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kTestGetAssertionResponseWithIncorrectRpIdHash[] =;

// Below |kCtap2MakeCredentialCertificate|, |kCtap2MakeCredentialAuthData|, and
// |kCtap2MakeCredentialSignature| leverage example 4 of the CTAP spec.
constexpr uint8_t kCtap2MakeCredentialCertificate[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kCtap2MakeCredentialAuthData[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kCtap2MakeCredentialSignature[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kCtap2MakeCredentialCredentialId[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kNoneAttestationResponse[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kCtap2GetAssertionAuthData[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kCtap2GetAssertionSignature[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kDeviceGetAssertionResponse[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kX962UncompressedPublicKey[] =;

}  // namespace test_data

}  // namespace device