
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/sequence_token.h"

#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace base::internal {

TEST(SequenceTokenTest, IsValid) {}

TEST(SequenceTokenTest, OperatorEquals) {}

TEST(SequenceTokenTest, OperatorNotEquals) {}

TEST(SequenceTokenTest, GetForCurrentThread) {}

TEST(SequenceTokenTest, ToInternalValue) {}

// Expect a default-constructed TaskToken to be invalid and not equal to
// another invalid TaskToken.
TEST(TaskTokenTest, InvalidDefaultConstructed) {}

// Expect a TaskToken returned by TaskToken::GetForCurrentThread() outside the
// scope of a TaskScope to be invalid.
TEST(TaskTokenTest, InvalidOutsideScope) {}

// Expect an invalid TaskToken not to be equal with a valid TaskToken.
TEST(TaskTokenTest, ValidNotEqualsInvalid) {}

// Expect TaskTokens returned by TaskToken::GetForCurrentThread() in the scope
// of the same TaskScope instance to be
// valid and equal with each other.
TEST(TaskTokenTest, EqualInSameScope) {}

// Expect TaskTokens returned by TaskToken::GetForCurrentThread() in the scope
// of different TaskScope instances to be
// valid but not equal to each other.
TEST(TaskTokenTest, NotEqualInDifferentScopes) {}

TEST(TaskScopeTest, ThreadBound) {}

}  // namespace base::internal