# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
mojom_component("mojom") {
sources = [ "gamepad.mojom" ]
deps = [ "//mojo/public/mojom/base" ]
output_prefix = "gamepad_mojom"
macro_prefix = "GAMEPAD_MOJOM"
shared_cpp_typemap = {
types = [
mojom = "device.mojom.Gamepad"
cpp = "::device::Gamepad"
mojom = "device.mojom.GamepadButton"
cpp = "::device::GamepadButton"
mojom = "device.mojom.GamepadHand"
cpp = "::device::GamepadHand"
mojom = "device.mojom.GamepadHapticActuator"
cpp = "::device::GamepadHapticActuator"
nullable_is_same_type = true
mojom = "device.mojom.GamepadHapticActuatorType"
cpp = "::device::GamepadHapticActuatorType"
mojom = "device.mojom.GamepadMapping"
cpp = "::device::GamepadMapping"
mojom = "device.mojom.GamepadPose"
cpp = "::device::GamepadPose"
nullable_is_same_type = true
mojom = "device.mojom.GamepadQuaternion"
cpp = "::device::GamepadQuaternion"
nullable_is_same_type = true
mojom = "device.mojom.GamepadTouch"
cpp = "::device::GamepadTouch"
mojom = "device.mojom.GamepadVector"
cpp = "::device::GamepadVector"
nullable_is_same_type = true
traits_headers = [ "//device/gamepad/public/cpp/gamepad_mojom_traits.h" ]
traits_public_deps = [
cpp_typemaps = [ shared_cpp_typemap ]
blink_cpp_typemaps = [ shared_cpp_typemap ]