// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <Unknwn.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <WinDef.h>
#include <hidsdi.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/heap_array.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "device/gamepad/abstract_haptic_gamepad.h"
#include "device/gamepad/public/cpp/gamepad.h"
namespace device {
class HidHapticGamepad;
class Dualshock4Controller;
class RawInputGamepadDeviceWin final : public AbstractHapticGamepad {
// Relevant usage IDs within the Generic Desktop usage page. RawInput gamepads
// must have one of these usage IDs.
static const uint16_t kGenericDesktopJoystick = 0x04;
static const uint16_t kGenericDesktopGamePad = 0x05;
static const uint16_t kGenericDesktopMultiAxisController = 0x08;
RawInputGamepadDeviceWin(HANDLE device_handle, int source_id);
RawInputGamepadDeviceWin(const RawInputGamepadDeviceWin&) = delete;
RawInputGamepadDeviceWin& operator=(const RawInputGamepadDeviceWin&) = delete;
~RawInputGamepadDeviceWin() override;
static bool IsGamepadUsageId(uint16_t usage);
int GetSourceId() const { return source_id_; }
uint16_t GetVendorId() const { return vendor_id_; }
uint16_t GetVersionNumber() const { return version_number_; }
uint16_t GetProductId() const { return product_id_; }
std::wstring GetDeviceName() const { return name_; }
std::wstring GetProductString() const { return product_string_; }
// Return true if this device is a gamepad.
bool IsValid() const { return is_valid_; }
// Return true if this device supports vibration effects.
bool SupportsVibration() const;
// Updates the current gamepad state with data from a RAWINPUT event.
void UpdateGamepad(RAWINPUT* input);
// Read the current gamepad state into |pad|.
void ReadPadState(Gamepad* pad) const;
// AbstractHapticGamepad implementation.
void SetVibration(mojom::GamepadEffectParametersPtr params) override;
base::WeakPtr<AbstractHapticGamepad> GetWeakPtr() override;
// Axis state and capabilities for a single RawInput axis.
struct RawGamepadAxis {
float value;
bool active;
unsigned long bitmask;
// AbstractHapticGamepad implementation.
void DoShutdown() override;
// "Returns an open handle for the HID device, or an invalid handle if the
// device could not be opened."
base::win::ScopedHandle OpenHidHandle();
// Fetch information about this device. Returns true if the device appears to
// be a valid gamepad.
bool QueryDeviceInfo();
// Fetch HID properties (RID_DEVICE_INFO_HID). Returns false on failure.
bool QueryHidInfo();
// Fetch the device name (RIDI_DEVICENAME). Returns false on failure.
bool QueryDeviceName();
// Fetch the product string. Returns false if none is available.
bool QueryProductString(base::win::ScopedHandle& hid_handle);
// These methods fetch information about the capabilities of buttons and axes
// on the device.
bool QueryDeviceCapabilities();
void QueryButtonCapabilities(uint16_t button_count);
void QueryNormalButtonCapabilities(
base::span<const HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS> button_caps);
void QuerySpecialButtonCapabilities(
base::span<const HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS> button_caps);
void QueryAxisCapabilities(uint16_t axis_count);
// Reads the value of the axis at index |axis_index| from |input| and scales
// to the range [-1.0,+1.0].
void UpdateAxisValue(size_t axis_index, RAWINPUT& input);
// True if the device described by this object is a valid RawInput gamepad.
bool is_valid_ = false;
// The device handle.
HANDLE handle_ = nullptr;
// The index assigned to this gamepad by the data fetcher.
int source_id_ = 0;
// The last time the pad state was updated.
int64_t last_update_timestamp_;
uint16_t vendor_id_ = 0;
uint16_t product_id_ = 0;
uint16_t version_number_ = 0;
uint16_t usage_ = 0;
std::wstring name_;
std::wstring product_string_;
size_t buttons_length_ = 0;
bool buttons_[Gamepad::kButtonsLengthCap];
// The report ID for each button index, or nullopt if the button is not used.
std::vector<std::optional<uint8_t>> button_report_id_;
// Bitfield to keep track of which axes indices are in use.
uint32_t axes_used_ = 0;
static_assert(Gamepad::kAxesLengthCap <=
"axes_used_ is not large enough");
// Mapping from "Special" usage index (defined by the kSpecialUsages table)
// to an index within the |buttons_| array, or -1 if the special usage is not
// mapped for this device.
std::vector<int> special_button_map_;
size_t axes_length_ = 0;
RawGamepadAxis axes_[Gamepad::kAxesLengthCap];
bool supports_touch_events_ = false;
size_t touches_length_ = 0;
GamepadTouch touches_[Gamepad::kTouchEventsLengthCap];
// Buffer used for querying device capabilities. |ppd_buffer_| owns the
// memory pointed to by |preparsed_data_|.
base::HeapArray<uint8_t> ppd_buffer_;
PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA preparsed_data_ = nullptr;
// Dualshock4-specific functionality (e.g., haptics), if available.
std::unique_ptr<Dualshock4Controller> dualshock4_;
// A controller that uses a HID output report for vibration effects.
std::unique_ptr<HidHapticGamepad> hid_haptics_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<RawInputGamepadDeviceWin> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace device