// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "device/vr/android/arcore/arcore_math_utils.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace device {
gfx::Transform MatrixFromTransformedPoints(const base::span<const float> uvs) {
DCHECK_GE(uvs.size(), 6u);
// In order to compute the matrix, we need to solve the following 3 equations
// for 6 unknowns:
// | a b c | | u | | u' |
// | d e f | * | v | = | v' |
// | 0 0 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
// where 3 (u', v') pairs are passed in as an input to the method, and (u,v)
// pairs are assumed to come from kInputCoordinatesForTransform.
// 1. From substituting point (0, 0) for (u,v), we get:
// c = uvs[0]
// f = uvs[1]
// 2. From substituting point (1, 0) for (u,v), we get:
// a + c = uvs[2] -> a = uvs[2] - uvs[0]
// d + f = uvs[3] -> d = uvs[3] - uvs[1]
// 3. From substituting point (0, 1) for (u,v), we get:
// b + c = uvs[4] -> b = uvs[4] - uvs[0]
// e + f = uvs[5] -> e = uvs[5] - uvs[1]
DVLOG(3) << __func__ << ": uvs=[ " << uvs[0] << " , " << uvs[1] << " , "
<< uvs[2] << " , " << uvs[3] << " , " << uvs[4] << " , " << uvs[5]
<< " ]";
// Assumes that |uvs| is the result of transforming the display coordinates
// from kInputCoordinatesForTransform - size must match.
DCHECK_EQ(uvs.size(), kInputCoordinatesForTransform.size());
// Transform initializes to the identity matrix and then is modified by uvs.
gfx::Transform result;
result.set_rc(0, 0, uvs[2] - uvs[0]);
result.set_rc(0, 1, uvs[4] - uvs[0]);
result.set_rc(0, 3, uvs[0]);
result.set_rc(1, 0, uvs[3] - uvs[1]);
result.set_rc(1, 1, uvs[5] - uvs[1]);
result.set_rc(1, 3, uvs[1]);
return result;
} // namespace device