// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <jni.h>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "device/vr/android/xr_activity_state_handler.h"
namespace device {
// The actual cardboard SDK provides a C-Style interface. This wrapper provides
// a bit more modern interface both to help abstract some of the create/destroy
// patterns that return/take raw pointers so that we can wrap them in a class
// that will automatically clean them up, as well as provides a mechanism to
// shim out the Cardboard SDK for testing purposes.
CardboardSdk() = default;
virtual ~CardboardSdk() = default;
// Initializes the Cardboard SDK (by setting the JavaVM and Android context).
virtual void Initialize(jobject context);
// Launches the QR code scanner activity and saves the obtained encoded device
// parameters. Meant to be used when it is not required to set a callback
// function.
virtual void ScanQrCodeAndSaveDeviceParams();
// Launches the QR code scanner activity and saves the obtained encoded device
// parameters. Meant to be used when it is required to set a callback function
// for when the device parameters have been saved.
virtual void ScanQrCodeAndSaveDeviceParams(
std::unique_ptr<XrActivityStateHandler> activity_state_handler,
base::OnceClosure on_params_saved);
CardboardSdk(const CardboardSdk&) = delete;
CardboardSdk& operator=(const CardboardSdk&) = delete;
} // namespace device