
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <vector>

#include "base/memory/raw_ptr_exclusion.h"
#include "device/vr/public/mojom/vr_service.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/openxr/src/include/openxr/openxr.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"

namespace device {
// -------- Constants/Helpers used for working with ViewConfigurations --------

// The primary view configuration is always enabled and active in OpenXR. We
// currently only support the stereo view configuration.
static constexpr XrViewConfigurationType kPrimaryViewConfiguration =

// Secondary view configurations that we currently support. The OpenXR runtime
// must also support these for them to be enabled. There can be an arbitrary
// number of secondary views enabled.
static constexpr std::array<XrViewConfigurationType, 1>
    kSecondaryViewConfigurations = {

// The number of views in the primary view configuration. Each frame must return
// at least this number of views, in addition to any secondary views that are
// enabled and active.
static constexpr uint32_t kNumPrimaryViews = 2;

// view configuration: View index 0 must represent the left eye and view index 1
// must represent the right eye.
static constexpr uint32_t kLeftView = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t kRightView = 1;
// Since kNumPrimaryViews is used to size a vector that uses
// kLeftView/kRightView as indices, ensure that kNumPrimaryViews is greater than
// the largest index.
static_assert(kRightView < kNumPrimaryViews,
              "kNumPrimaryViews must be greater than kRightView");

mojom::XREye GetEyeFromIndex(int i);
// ------ End constants/helpers used for working with ViewConfigurations ------

// A helper class to abstract away decisions that may need to be made about how
// to use/consume/interpret the properties.
class OpenXrViewProperties {
  OpenXrViewProperties(XrViewConfigurationView xr_properties,
                       uint32_t view_count);

  uint32_t Width() const;
  uint32_t Height() const;
  uint32_t RecommendedSwapchainSampleCount() const;
  uint32_t MaxSwapchainSampleCount() const;

  XrViewConfigurationView GetPropertiesForTest() const {
    return xr_properties_;

  XrViewConfigurationView xr_properties_;

  // Unused on some platforms, but leaving in to simplify the usage and not
  // introduce per-platform constructors or a factory method.
  [[maybe_unused]] uint32_t view_count_;

// Stores information about an OpenXR view configuration that is available in
// the OpenXR runtime, as well as any properties associated with the view
// configuration. These are intiialized at the beginning of a session and
// updated on each frame.
class OpenXrViewConfiguration {
  OpenXrViewConfiguration(XrViewConfigurationType type,
                          bool active,
                          uint32_t num_views,
                          uint32_t dimension,
                          uint32_t swap_count);
  OpenXrViewConfiguration(const OpenXrViewConfiguration&);
  OpenXrViewConfiguration& operator=(const OpenXrViewConfiguration&);

  void Initialize(XrViewConfigurationType type,
                  std::vector<XrViewConfigurationView> properties);
  bool Initialized() const;

  XrViewConfigurationType Type() const;

  bool Active() const;
  void SetActive(bool active);

  const gfx::Rect& Viewport() const;
  void SetViewport(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);

  const std::vector<OpenXrViewProperties>& Properties() const;
  void SetProperties(std::vector<XrViewConfigurationView> properties);

  const std::vector<XrView>& Views() const;
  void SetViews(std::vector<XrView> views);

  const std::vector<XrCompositionLayerProjectionView>& ProjectionViews() const;
  XrCompositionLayerProjectionView& GetProjectionView(uint32_t view_index);

  bool CanEnableAntiAliasing() const;

  XrViewConfigurationType type_ = XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_MAX_ENUM;
  bool active_ = false;
  bool initialized_ = false;

  // The viewport is only set when active_ is true. Otherwise, the viewport is
  // meaningless. This is the viewport of this entire view configuration within
  // the single OpenXR texture.
  gfx::Rect viewport_ = gfx::Rect();
  std::vector<OpenXrViewProperties> properties_;

  std::vector<XrView> local_from_view_;
  std::vector<XrCompositionLayerProjectionView> projection_views_;

// A wrapper around all of the layers to be submitted to a certain frame. Each
// frame creates its own OpenXrLayers object and populates it with all the
// layers of active view configurations. This information is passed into
// xrEndFrame to complete the frame.
class OpenXrLayers {
  OpenXrLayers(XrSpace space,
               XrEnvironmentBlendMode blend_mode,
               const std::vector<XrCompositionLayerProjectionView>&

  void AddSecondaryLayerForType(
      XrViewConfigurationType type,
      const std::vector<XrCompositionLayerProjectionView>& projection_views);

  uint32_t PrimaryLayerCount() const { return 1; }

  const XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader* const* PrimaryLayerData() const {
    return &primary_composition_layer_;

  uint32_t SecondaryConfigCount() const { return secondary_layer_info_.size(); }

  const XrSecondaryViewConfigurationLayerInfoMSFT* SecondaryConfigData() const {

  void InitializeLayer(
      const std::vector<XrCompositionLayerProjectionView>& projection_views,
      XrCompositionLayerProjection& layer);

  XrSpace space_ = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
  XrEnvironmentBlendMode blend_mode_ = XR_ENVIRONMENT_BLEND_MODE_MAX_ENUM;

  // In OpenXR, it is possible to have multiple layers, as well as multiple
  // types of layers (such as projection and quad layers). We currently only
  // support a single projection layer. XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader* is needed
  // because xrEndFrame expects an array containing pointers of all the layers.
  XrCompositionLayerProjection primary_projection_layer_;
  // This field is not a raw_ptr<> because it was filtered by the rewriter for:
  // #addr-of
  RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader* primary_composition_layer_ =

  // The layers for secondary view configurations. We currently only support a
  // single layer per view configuration, so each element in this vector is the
  // layer for a specific view configuration.
  std::vector<XrCompositionLayerProjection> secondary_projection_layers_;
  // Pointers to the corresponding layer in secondary_projection_layers_.
  // This field is not vector<raw_ptr<...>> due to interaction with third_party
  // api.
  RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION std::vector<XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader*>

  // The secondary view configuration layer info containing the data above,
  // which is passed to xrEndFrame.
  std::vector<XrSecondaryViewConfigurationLayerInfoMSFT> secondary_layer_info_;

}  // namespace device