// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module device.mojom;
import "device/vr/public/mojom/browser_test_interfaces.mojom";
import "device/vr/public/mojom/vr_service.mojom";
import "device/vr/public/mojom/xr_device.mojom";
import "device/vr/public/mojom/xr_session.mojom";
import "gpu/ipc/common/luid.mojom";
import "gpu/ipc/common/sync_token.mojom";
import "sandbox/policy/mojom/sandbox.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/frame_sink_id.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/gpu.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/mojom/buffer_types.mojom";
// The XRSessionController lives in the xr runtime service, and corresponds to
// a set of the XRSession bindings. The client is the browser process, which
// will pause or stop sessions depending events/state such as focus or other
// tabs requesting immersive sessions.
// Sessions are stopped by closing the mojo connection.
interface XRSessionController {
// A session may be paused temporarily for example when a non-presenting
// tab loses focus. When paused, a session will hand out null poses.
// Eventually we may hand out poses at a throttled rate instead.
SetFrameDataRestricted(bool restricted);
// The XRRuntimeEventListener lives in the xr runtime service, and allows the
// browser to listen to state changes about a device.
interface XRRuntimeEventListener {
// A device has indicated that the visibility of the content it's displaying
// has changed.
OnVisibilityStateChanged(device.mojom.XRVisibilityState visibility_state);
// Called when the device exits presentation.
struct XRRuntimeSessionOptions {
// Represents the type of session that is being requested.
XRSessionMode mode;
// The below arrays combine the active required and optional features as
// resolved by BrowserXRRuntime and VRServiceImpl.
array<XRSessionFeature> required_features;
array<XRSessionFeature> optional_features;
// The following options are used for permission requests and showing module
// install UI.
// TODO(crbug.com/41395699): Remove these fields, and do permission checks,
// show module install UI in the browser process before calling out to
// devices.
int32 render_process_id;
int32 render_frame_id;
array<XRTrackedImage> tracked_images;
XRDepthOptions? depth_options;
// ID of this request, used for tracing.
uint64 trace_id;
// Used to contain all data from the session created by the runtime, and meant
// to be consumed by the browser process.
struct XRRuntimeSessionResult {
// Used to provide the Browser with the ability to control the session created
// by the runtime. Closing the pipe will terminate the session.
pending_remote<XRSessionController> controller;
// Session data needed by the renderer process. The browser process may need
// to validate and/or manipulate this data before passing it on as part of
// brokering the session request.
XRSession session;
// If the session is handling its own compositing in a way that exposes a
// FrameSinkId, it should be set here. This allows for Tab/Screen Capture to
// to capture this FrameSinkId, and thus the XrSession, rather than only the
// FrameSinkId of the main contents of the WebContents.
viz.mojom.FrameSinkId? frame_sink_id;
// Provides a connection to the ImmersiveOverlay compositor. This is intended
// to be used by the browser process to drive a privileged rendering path to
// the device to show code that can be rendered on top of the page's content.
// In some cases, this may totally obscure the page content.
pending_remote<ImmersiveOverlay>? overlay;
// An XRRuntime may live in the browser process or a utility process. The
// browser process is the client, and may in turn expose device information to
// render processes using vr_service interfaces, such as XRDevice.
interface XRRuntime {
// Attempt to start a session. Called by the browser process, but the result
// will probably be passed to the renderer process to allow getting data and
// possibly submitting graphics without going through an extra IPC hop through
// the browser process.
RequestSession(XRRuntimeSessionOptions options) => (
XRRuntimeSessionResult? session);
// Initiate shutdown of a session, and call the callback once the runtime
// is ready for starting a new session.
ShutdownSession() => ();
// The browser may register for changes to a device.
pending_associated_remote<XRRuntimeEventListener> listener);
// Information required for rendering, used by ImmersiveOverlay.
// TODO(crbug.com/40718594): This struct currently contains subset of
// data contained by XRFrameData, move it to vr_service.mojom and refactor
// XRFrameData so that it embeds this struct.
struct XRRenderInfo
// The frame_id maps frame data to a frame arriving from the compositor. IDs
// will be reused after the frame arrives from the compositor. Negative IDs
// imply no mapping.
int16 frame_id;
// The pose may be null if the device lost tracking.
VRPose? mojo_from_viewer;
// Information about all the views in a frame. Views can appear in any order
// so it should not be assumed the left eye comes before the right eye. It is
// valid for the array to contain multiple views of the same eye. An example
// of this scenario are displays that have dominant left/right eyes and inset
// left/right eyes. In these scenarios, the dominant views comes before the
// inset views in the array.
array<XRView> views;
// Represents an overlay that the browser may show on top of or instead of WebXR
// content. Consumed in the browser process, and implemented in the XRRuntime
// process.
interface ImmersiveOverlay {
// Request a pose. If there is WebXR and an overlay visible at the same time,
// the same pose will be given to both.
RequestNextOverlayPose() => (XRRenderInfo render_info);
// Submit a frame to show in the headset. Only can be called when an overlay
// is visible. The frame will be composited on top of WebXR content.
// |texture| should only be used after |sync_token| has passed.
SubmitOverlayTexture(int16 frame_id, gfx.mojom.GpuMemoryBufferHandle texture,
gpu.mojom.SyncToken sync_token, gfx.mojom.RectF left_bounds,
gfx.mojom.RectF right_bounds) => (bool success);
// Allows the browser to hide WebXR content or overlays temporarily.
SetOverlayAndWebXRVisibility(bool overlay_visible, bool webxr_visible);
// The browser may request to be notified the browser that the current page
// has submitted a frame. This call returns when the current page submits a
// frame.
// If the current page's WebXR session is not visible because the browser has
// made its own UI visible, the page may receive one frame's worth of pose
// data to unblock rendering. This allows frame-timeout UI to show while
// still allowing a timed-out page to recover and start submitting frames.
RequestNotificationOnWebXrSubmitted() => ();
// Information about a particular XR device that is available. All information
// about an available XR device should be wrapped in this struct.
struct XRDeviceData {
// List of XR Session Features supported by the device.
array<XRSessionFeature> supported_features;
// The LUID of the GPU that the device is plugged into.
gpu.mojom.Luid? luid;
// Indicates whether the device supports AR or not
bool is_ar_blend_mode_supported;
// Notify the browser process about a set of runtimes. The browser process
// implements this interface to be notified about runtime changes from the XR
// device service.
interface IsolatedXRRuntimeProviderClient {
// Called when runtimes are initially enumerated, or when devices are later
// attached and become available.
OnDeviceAdded(pending_remote<XRRuntime> runtime,
XRDeviceData device_data,
device.mojom.XRDeviceId device_id);
// Called when runtimes become unavailable - for example if the hardware is
// disconnected or the APIs notify us that they are shutting down.
// device_index corresponds to display_info->index for a previously added
// device.
OnDeviceRemoved(device.mojom.XRDeviceId device_index);
// Called once after all the initial OnDeviceAdded calls are completed.
// This is a signal to the browser that it knows what hardware is available,
// and can unblock any callbacks/promises that WebXR APIs are blocked.
// Provides access to XRRuntimes. This is implemented in the XR device service,
// and consumed by the browser.
interface IsolatedXRRuntimeProvider {
// Register a client, and triggers OnDeviceAdded for all available runtimes,
// followed by OnDevicesEnumerated.
// Should only be called once.
RequestDevices(pending_remote<IsolatedXRRuntimeProviderClient> client);
const sandbox.mojom.Sandbox kXrSandbox = sandbox.mojom.Sandbox.kXrCompositing;
const sandbox.mojom.Sandbox kXrSandbox = sandbox.mojom.Sandbox.kUtility;
// The main interface for the XR Device Service. Called from the browser
// process.
interface XRDeviceService {
// Binds a IsolatedXRRuntimeProvider pipe in the service and passes along
// the device service host.
BindRuntimeProvider(pending_receiver<IsolatedXRRuntimeProvider> receiver,
pending_remote<XRDeviceServiceHost> host);
// Binds the main testing interface pipe in the service. Only used by
// browser tests.
BindTestHook(pending_receiver<device_test.mojom.XRServiceTestHook> receiver);
// XRDeviceServiceHost is implemented in the browser process and called from
// the XR process.
interface XRDeviceServiceHost {
// BindGpu is implemented in the browser process and allows the XR process to
// establish a connection to the GPU process.
BindGpu(pending_receiver<viz.mojom.Gpu> receiver);