
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module device.mojom;

// OpenXrInteractionProfileType is used to indicate a type of controller to/from
// the OpenXR Runtime, so that we can map the controller buttons to the buttons
// that are ultimately either processed internally or exposed to the page, as
// well as defining the descriptions that the page receives. These maps are
// defined in
// Usage of this type *should* be kept internal to //device, but it is
// unfortunately also needed by the xr browser tests to simulate sending
// commands for each type of controller, and thus has to be a mojo enum.
enum OpenXrInteractionProfileType {
  kMicrosoftMotion = 0,
  kKHRSimple = 1,
  kOculusTouch = 2,
  kValveIndex = 3,
  kHTCVive = 4,
  kSamsungOdyssey = 5,
  kHPReverbG2 = 6,
  kHandSelectGrasp = 7,
  kViveCosmos = 8,
  kExtHand = 9,
  kMetaHandAim = 10,