
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/strings/utf_offset_string_conversions.h"

#include <stdint.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>

#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h"

namespace base {

OffsetAdjuster::Adjustment::Adjustment(size_t original_offset,
                                       size_t original_length,
                                       size_t output_length)

// static
void OffsetAdjuster::AdjustOffsets(const Adjustments& adjustments,
                                   std::vector<size_t>* offsets_for_adjustment,
                                   size_t limit) {}

// static
void OffsetAdjuster::AdjustOffset(const Adjustments& adjustments,
                                  size_t* offset,
                                  size_t limit) {}

// static
void OffsetAdjuster::UnadjustOffsets(
    const Adjustments& adjustments,
    std::vector<size_t>* offsets_for_unadjustment) {}

// static
void OffsetAdjuster::UnadjustOffset(const Adjustments& adjustments,
                                    size_t* offset) {}

// static
void OffsetAdjuster::MergeSequentialAdjustments(
    const Adjustments& first_adjustments,
    Adjustments* adjustments_on_adjusted_string) {}

// Converts the given source Unicode character type to the given destination
// Unicode character type as a STL string. The given input buffer and size
// determine the source, and the given output STL string will be replaced by
// the result.  If non-NULL, |adjustments| is set to reflect the all the
// alterations to the string that are not one-character-to-one-character.
// It will always be sorted by increasing offset.
template<typename SrcChar, typename DestStdString>
bool ConvertUnicode(const SrcChar* src,
                    size_t src_len,
                    DestStdString* output,
                    OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments* adjustments) {}

bool UTF8ToUTF16WithAdjustments(
    const char* src,
    size_t src_len,
    std::u16string* output,
    base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments* adjustments) {}

std::u16string UTF8ToUTF16WithAdjustments(
    std::string_view utf8,
    base::OffsetAdjuster::Adjustments* adjustments) {}

std::u16string UTF8ToUTF16AndAdjustOffsets(
    std::string_view utf8,
    std::vector<size_t>* offsets_for_adjustment) {}

std::string UTF16ToUTF8AndAdjustOffsets(
    std::u16string_view utf16,
    std::vector<size_t>* offsets_for_adjustment) {}

}  // namespace base