
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


// Low-level UTF handling functions. Most code will want to use the functions
// in utf_string_conversions.h

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/third_party/icu/icu_utf.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"

namespace base {

inline bool IsValidCodepoint(base_icu::UChar32 code_point) {}

inline bool IsValidCharacter(base_icu::UChar32 code_point) {}

// CountUnicodeCharacters ------------------------------------------------------

// Returns the number of Unicode characters in `text`, up to the supplied
// `limit`, if `text` contains valid UTF-8. Returns `nullopt` otherwise.
BASE_EXPORT std::optional<size_t> CountUnicodeCharacters(
    std::string_view text,
    size_t limit = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());

// ReadUnicodeCharacter --------------------------------------------------------

// Reads a UTF-8 stream, placing the next code point into the given output
// |*code_point|. |src| represents the entire string to read, and |*char_index|
// is the character offset within the string to start reading at. |*char_index|
// will be updated to index the last character read, such that incrementing it
// (as in a for loop) will take the reader to the next character.
// Returns true on success. On false, |*code_point| will be invalid.
BASE_EXPORT bool ReadUnicodeCharacter(const char* src,
                                      size_t src_len,
                                      size_t* char_index,
                                      base_icu::UChar32* code_point_out);

// Reads a UTF-16 character. The usage is the same as the 8-bit version above.
BASE_EXPORT bool ReadUnicodeCharacter(const char16_t* src,
                                      size_t src_len,
                                      size_t* char_index,
                                      base_icu::UChar32* code_point);

#if defined(WCHAR_T_IS_32_BIT)
// Reads UTF-32 character. The usage is the same as the 8-bit version above.
BASE_EXPORT bool ReadUnicodeCharacter(const wchar_t* src,
                                      size_t src_len,
                                      size_t* char_index,
                                      base_icu::UChar32* code_point);
#endif  // defined(WCHAR_T_IS_32_BIT)

// WriteUnicodeCharacter -------------------------------------------------------

// Appends a UTF-8 character to the given 8-bit string.  Returns the number of
// bytes written.
BASE_EXPORT size_t WriteUnicodeCharacter(base_icu::UChar32 code_point,
                                         std::string* output);

// Appends the given code point as a UTF-16 character to the given 16-bit
// string.  Returns the number of 16-bit values written.
BASE_EXPORT size_t WriteUnicodeCharacter(base_icu::UChar32 code_point,
                                         std::u16string* output);

#if defined(WCHAR_T_IS_32_BIT)
// Appends the given UTF-32 character to the given 32-bit string.  Returns the
// number of 32-bit values written.
inline size_t WriteUnicodeCharacter(base_icu::UChar32 code_point,
                                    std::wstring* output) {}
#endif  // defined(WCHAR_T_IS_32_BIT)

// Generalized Unicode converter -----------------------------------------------

// Guesses the length of the output in UTF-8 in bytes, clears that output
// string, and reserves that amount of space.  We assume that the input
// character types are unsigned, which will be true for UTF-16 and -32 on our
// systems.
template<typename CHAR>
void PrepareForUTF8Output(const CHAR* src, size_t src_len, std::string* output);

// Prepares an output buffer (containing either UTF-16 or -32 data) given some
// UTF-8 input that will be converted to it.  See PrepareForUTF8Output().
template<typename STRING>
void PrepareForUTF16Or32Output(const char* src, size_t src_len, STRING* output);

}  // namespace base