
# First Contentful Paint Changelog

This is a list of changes to [First Contentful Paint](

* Chrome 126
  * Launch feature: [Enable NewPresentationFeedbackTimeStamps on Mac to improve the accuracy of the frame display time](
* Chrome 111
  * Implementation optimizations: [Changes related to LCP, FCP and Paint Holding](
* Chrome 102
  * Implementation issue: [Changes related to FCP and document opacity](
* Chrome 99
  * Implementation optimizations: [Navigation optimizations and timeOrigin changes](
* Chrome 94
  * Metric definition improvement: [Paint timing is only reported when the painted content
  is not under opacity:0](
* Chrome 89
  * Metric definition improvement: [First Contentful Paint reported for quick tab switches](
* Chrome 86
  * Metric definition improvements: [First Contentful Paint reported for videos, webgl2 canvases, and non-contentful SVG](
* Chrome 84
  * Metric definition improvement: [First Contentful Paint not reported for opacity:0](
* Chrome 77
  * Metric definition improvement: [First Contentful Paint ending switches from swap time to presentation time](
  * Chrome performance regression: [First Contentful Paint regression (recovered in Chrome 78)](
* Chrome 60
  * Metric exposed via API: [First Contentful Paint]( available via [Paint Timing API](