# Largest Contentful Paint Changelog
This is a list of changes to [Largest Contentful Paint](https://web.dev/lcp).
* Chrome 126
* Launch feature: [Enable NewPresentationFeedbackTimeStamps on Mac to improve the accuracy of the frame display time](2024_06_inp_lcp_fcp.md)
* Chrome 118
* Implementation optimizations: [Image loading prioritizations](2023_10_image_loading_optimizations.md)
* Chrome 117
* Bug: [Spurious LCP entries after user interaction](2023_10_lcp.md)
* Chrome 116
* Metric definition improvement: [Changes to how LCP handles videos and animated images](2023_08_lcp.md)
* Implementation optimizations: [Optimizing image load scheduling](2023_08_image_loading.md)
* Chrome 112
* Metric definition improvement: [Largest Contentful Paint ignores low-entropy images](2023_04_lcp.md)
* Chrome 111
* Implementation optimizations: [Changes related to LCP, FCP and Paint Holding](2023_03_lcp_fcp.md)
* Chrome 99
* Implementation optimizations: [Navigation optimizations and timeOrigin changes](2022_03_lcp_fcp.md)
* Chrome 98
* Metric bug fix: [Text paints are more accurate](2021_11_lcp.md)
* Chrome 96
* Metric bug fix: [Largest Contentful Paint uses the page viewport](2021_09_lcp.md)
* Chrome 88
* Metric definition improvement: [Largest Contentful Paint ignores full viewport images](2020_11_lcp.md)
* Metric definition improvement: [Largest Contentful Paint stops recording after input in an iframe](2020_11_lcp.md)
* Metric definition improvement: [Largest Contentful Paint bug fix for some images with source changes](2020_11_lcp.md)
* Metric definition improvement: [Largest Contentful Paint ignores removed content by default](2020_11_lcp_2.md)
* Chrome 86
* Metric definition improvement: [Largest Contentful Paint ignores paints with opacity 0](2020_08_lcp.md)
* Chrome 83
* Metric definition improvement: [Largest Contentful Paint measurement stops at first input or scroll](2020_05_lcp.md)
* Metric definition improvement: [Largest Contentful Paint properly accounts for visual size of background images](2020_05_lcp.md)
* Chrome 81
* Metric definition improvement: [Largest Text Paint correctly reported while largest image is loading](2020_04_lcp.md)
* Chrome 79
* Metric is elevated to stable; changes in metric definition will be reported in this log.
* Chrome 77
* Experimental metric exposed via API: [Largest Contentful Paint](https://web.dev/lcp/) available via [PerformanceObserver API](https://wicg.github.io/largest-contentful-paint/)