
// Copyright 2002 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// mathutil.h: Math and bit manipulation functions.


#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>

#include <anglebase/numerics/safe_math.h>

#include "common/debug.h"
#include "common/platform.h"

namespace angle
}  // namespace angle

namespace gl

const unsigned int Float32One   =;
const unsigned short Float16One =;

template <typename T>
inline constexpr bool isPow2(T x)

template <typename T>
inline int log2(T x)

inline unsigned int ceilPow2(unsigned int x)

template <typename DestT, typename SrcT>
inline DestT clampCast(SrcT value)

// Specialize clampCast for bool->int conversion to avoid MSVS 2015 performance warning when the max
// value is casted to the source type.
template <>
inline unsigned int clampCast(bool value)

template <>
inline int clampCast(bool value)

template <typename T, typename MIN, typename MAX>
inline T clamp(T x, MIN min, MAX max)

template <typename T>
T clampForBitCount(T value, size_t bitCount)

inline float clamp01(float x)

template <const int n>
inline unsigned int unorm(float x)

template <typename destType, typename sourceType>
destType bitCast(const sourceType &source)

template <typename DestT, typename SrcT>
DestT unsafe_int_to_pointer_cast(SrcT src)

template <typename DestT, typename SrcT>
DestT unsafe_pointer_to_int_cast(SrcT src)

template <typename T>
static constexpr double normalize(T value)

inline unsigned short float32ToFloat16(float fp32)

float float16ToFloat32(unsigned short h);

unsigned int convertRGBFloatsTo999E5(float red, float green, float blue);
void convert999E5toRGBFloats(unsigned int input, float *red, float *green, float *blue);

inline unsigned short float32ToFloat11(float fp32)

inline unsigned short float32ToFloat10(float fp32)

inline float float11ToFloat32(unsigned short fp11)

inline float float10ToFloat32(unsigned short fp10)

// Converts to and from float and 16.16 fixed point format.
inline float ConvertFixedToFloat(int32_t fixedInput)

inline uint32_t ConvertFloatToFixed(float floatInput)

template <typename T>
inline float normalizedToFloat(T input)

template <unsigned int inputBitCount, typename T>
inline float normalizedToFloat(T input)

template <typename T, typename R>
inline R roundToNearest(T input)

template <typename T>
inline T floatToNormalized(float input)

template <unsigned int outputBitCount, typename T>
inline T floatToNormalized(float input)

template <unsigned int inputBitCount, unsigned int inputBitStart, typename T>
inline T getShiftedData(T input)

template <unsigned int inputBitCount, unsigned int inputBitStart, typename T>
inline T shiftData(T input)

inline unsigned int CountLeadingZeros(uint32_t x)

inline unsigned char average(unsigned char a, unsigned char b)

inline signed char average(signed char a, signed char b)

inline unsigned short average(unsigned short a, unsigned short b)

inline signed short average(signed short a, signed short b)

inline unsigned int average(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)

inline int average(int a, int b)

inline float average(float a, float b)

inline unsigned short averageHalfFloat(unsigned short a, unsigned short b)

inline unsigned int averageFloat11(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)

inline unsigned int averageFloat10(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)

template <typename T>
class Range


struct IndexRange

// Combine a floating-point value representing a mantissa (x) and an integer exponent (exp) into a
// floating-point value. As in GLSL ldexp() built-in.
inline float Ldexp(float x, int exp)

// First, both normalized floating-point values are converted into 16-bit integer values.
// Then, the results are packed into the returned 32-bit unsigned integer.
// The first float value will be written to the least significant bits of the output;
// the last float value will be written to the most significant bits.
// The conversion of each value to fixed point is done as follows :
// packSnorm2x16 : round(clamp(c, -1, +1) * 32767.0)
inline uint32_t packSnorm2x16(float f1, float f2)

// First, unpacks a single 32-bit unsigned integer u into a pair of 16-bit unsigned integers. Then,
// each component is converted to a normalized floating-point value to generate the returned two
// float values. The first float value will be extracted from the least significant bits of the
// input; the last float value will be extracted from the most-significant bits. The conversion for
// unpacked fixed-point value to floating point is done as follows: unpackSnorm2x16 : clamp(f /
// 32767.0, -1, +1)
inline void unpackSnorm2x16(uint32_t u, float *f1, float *f2)

// First, both normalized floating-point values are converted into 16-bit integer values.
// Then, the results are packed into the returned 32-bit unsigned integer.
// The first float value will be written to the least significant bits of the output;
// the last float value will be written to the most significant bits.
// The conversion of each value to fixed point is done as follows:
// packUnorm2x16 : round(clamp(c, 0, +1) * 65535.0)
inline uint32_t packUnorm2x16(float f1, float f2)

// First, unpacks a single 32-bit unsigned integer u into a pair of 16-bit unsigned integers. Then,
// each component is converted to a normalized floating-point value to generate the returned two
// float values. The first float value will be extracted from the least significant bits of the
// input; the last float value will be extracted from the most-significant bits. The conversion for
// unpacked fixed-point value to floating point is done as follows: unpackUnorm2x16 : f / 65535.0
inline void unpackUnorm2x16(uint32_t u, float *f1, float *f2)

// Helper functions intended to be used only here.
namespace priv

inline uint8_t ToPackedUnorm8(float f)

inline int8_t ToPackedSnorm8(float f)

}  // namespace priv

// Packs 4 normalized unsigned floating-point values to a single 32-bit unsigned integer. Works
// similarly to packUnorm2x16. The floats are clamped to the range 0.0 to 1.0, and written to the
// unsigned integer starting from the least significant bits.
inline uint32_t PackUnorm4x8(float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4)

// Unpacks 4 normalized unsigned floating-point values from a single 32-bit unsigned integer into f.
// Works similarly to unpackUnorm2x16. The floats are unpacked starting from the least significant
// bits.
inline void UnpackUnorm4x8(uint32_t u, float *f)

// Packs 4 normalized signed floating-point values to a single 32-bit unsigned integer. The floats
// are clamped to the range -1.0 to 1.0, and written to the unsigned integer starting from the least
// significant bits.
inline uint32_t PackSnorm4x8(float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4)

// Unpacks 4 normalized signed floating-point values from a single 32-bit unsigned integer into f.
// Works similarly to unpackSnorm2x16. The floats are unpacked starting from the least significant
// bits, and clamped to the range -1.0 to 1.0.
inline void UnpackSnorm4x8(uint32_t u, float *f)

// Returns an unsigned integer obtained by converting the two floating-point values to the 16-bit
// floating-point representation found in the OpenGL ES Specification, and then packing these
// two 16-bit integers into a 32-bit unsigned integer.
// f1: The 16 least-significant bits of the result;
// f2: The 16 most-significant bits.
inline uint32_t packHalf2x16(float f1, float f2)

// Returns two floating-point values obtained by unpacking a 32-bit unsigned integer into a pair of
// 16-bit values, interpreting those values as 16-bit floating-point numbers according to the OpenGL
// ES Specification, and converting them to 32-bit floating-point values. The first float value is
// obtained from the 16 least-significant bits of u; the second component is obtained from the 16
// most-significant bits of u.
inline void unpackHalf2x16(uint32_t u, float *f1, float *f2)

inline float sRGBToLinear(uint8_t srgbValue)

inline uint8_t linearToSRGB(float value)

// Reverse the order of the bits.
inline uint32_t BitfieldReverse(uint32_t value)

// Count the 1 bits.
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
#    if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64)
namespace priv
// Check POPCNT instruction support and cache the result.
static const bool kHasPopcnt = [] {
    int info[4];
    __cpuid(&info[0], 1);
    return static_cast<bool>(info[2] & 0x800000);
}  // namespace priv

// Polyfills for x86/x64 CPUs without POPCNT.
inline int BitCountPolyfill(uint32_t bits)
    bits = bits - ((bits >> 1) & 0x55555555);
    bits = (bits & 0x33333333) + ((bits >> 2) & 0x33333333);
    bits = ((bits + (bits >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F) * 0x01010101) >> 24;
    return static_cast<int>(bits);

inline int BitCountPolyfill(uint64_t bits)
    bits = bits - ((bits >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555ull);
    bits = (bits & 0x3333333333333333ull) + ((bits >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333ull);
    bits = ((bits + (bits >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0Full) * 0x0101010101010101ull) >> 56;
    return static_cast<int>(bits);

inline int BitCount(uint32_t bits)
    if (priv::kHasPopcnt)
        return static_cast<int>(__popcnt(bits));
    return BitCountPolyfill(bits);

inline int BitCount(uint64_t bits)
    if (priv::kHasPopcnt)
#        if defined(_M_X64)
        return static_cast<int>(__popcnt64(bits));
#        else   // x86
        return static_cast<int>(__popcnt(static_cast<uint32_t>(bits >> 32)) +
#        endif  // defined(_M_X64)
    return BitCountPolyfill(bits);

#    elif defined(_M_ARM) || defined(_M_ARM64)

// MSVC's _CountOneBits* intrinsics are not defined for ARM64, moreover they do not use dedicated
// NEON instructions.

inline int BitCount(uint32_t bits)
    // cast bits to 8x8 datatype and use VCNT on it
    const uint8x8_t vsum = vcnt_u8(vcreate_u8(static_cast<uint64_t>(bits)));

    // pairwise sums: 8x8 -> 16x4 -> 32x2
    return static_cast<int>(vget_lane_u32(vpaddl_u16(vpaddl_u8(vsum)), 0));

inline int BitCount(uint64_t bits)
    // cast bits to 8x8 datatype and use VCNT on it
    const uint8x8_t vsum = vcnt_u8(vcreate_u8(bits));

    // pairwise sums: 8x8 -> 16x4 -> 32x2 -> 64x1
    return static_cast<int>(vget_lane_u64(vpaddl_u32(vpaddl_u16(vpaddl_u8(vsum))), 0));
#    endif  // defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64)
#endif      // defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)

#if defined(ANGLE_PLATFORM_POSIX) || defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
inline int BitCount(uint32_t bits)

inline int BitCount(uint64_t bits)
#endif  // defined(ANGLE_PLATFORM_POSIX) || defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)

inline int BitCount(uint8_t bits)

inline int BitCount(uint16_t bits)

// Return the index of the least significant bit set. Indexing is such that bit 0 is the least
// significant bit. Implemented for different bit widths on different platforms.
inline unsigned long ScanForward(uint32_t bits)
    ASSERT(bits != 0u);
    unsigned long firstBitIndex = 0ul;
    unsigned char ret           = _BitScanForward(&firstBitIndex, bits);
    ASSERT(ret != 0u);
    return firstBitIndex;

inline unsigned long ScanForward(uint64_t bits)
    ASSERT(bits != 0u);
    unsigned long firstBitIndex = 0ul;
#    if defined(ANGLE_IS_64_BIT_CPU)
    unsigned char ret = _BitScanForward64(&firstBitIndex, bits);
#    else
    unsigned char ret;
    if (static_cast<uint32_t>(bits) == 0)
        ret = _BitScanForward(&firstBitIndex, static_cast<uint32_t>(bits >> 32));
        firstBitIndex += 32ul;
        ret = _BitScanForward(&firstBitIndex, static_cast<uint32_t>(bits));
#    endif  // defined(ANGLE_IS_64_BIT_CPU)
    ASSERT(ret != 0u);
    return firstBitIndex;

// Return the index of the most significant bit set. Indexing is such that bit 0 is the least
// significant bit.
inline unsigned long ScanReverse(uint32_t bits)
    ASSERT(bits != 0u);
    unsigned long lastBitIndex = 0ul;
    unsigned char ret          = _BitScanReverse(&lastBitIndex, bits);
    ASSERT(ret != 0u);
    return lastBitIndex;

inline unsigned long ScanReverse(uint64_t bits)
    ASSERT(bits != 0u);
    unsigned long lastBitIndex = 0ul;
#    if defined(ANGLE_IS_64_BIT_CPU)
    unsigned char ret = _BitScanReverse64(&lastBitIndex, bits);
#    else
    unsigned char ret;
    if (static_cast<uint32_t>(bits >> 32) == 0)
        ret = _BitScanReverse(&lastBitIndex, static_cast<uint32_t>(bits));
        ret = _BitScanReverse(&lastBitIndex, static_cast<uint32_t>(bits >> 32));
        lastBitIndex += 32ul;
#    endif  // defined(ANGLE_IS_64_BIT_CPU)
    ASSERT(ret != 0u);
    return lastBitIndex;
#endif  // defined(ANGLE_PLATFORM_WINDOWS)

inline unsigned long ScanForward(uint32_t bits)

inline unsigned long ScanForward(uint64_t bits)

inline unsigned long ScanReverse(uint32_t bits)

inline unsigned long ScanReverse(uint64_t bits)
#endif  // defined(ANGLE_PLATFORM_POSIX)

inline unsigned long ScanForward(uint8_t bits)

inline unsigned long ScanForward(uint16_t bits)

inline unsigned long ScanReverse(uint8_t bits)

inline unsigned long ScanReverse(uint16_t bits)

// Returns -1 on 0, otherwise the index of the least significant 1 bit as in GLSL.
template <typename T>
int FindLSB(T bits)

// Returns -1 on 0, otherwise the index of the most significant 1 bit as in GLSL.
template <typename T>
int FindMSB(T bits)

// Returns whether the argument is Not a Number.
// IEEE 754 single precision NaN representation: Exponent(8 bits) - 255, Mantissa(23 bits) -
// non-zero.
inline bool isNaN(float f)

// Returns whether the argument is infinity.
// IEEE 754 single precision infinity representation: Exponent(8 bits) - 255, Mantissa(23 bits) -
// zero.
inline bool isInf(float f)

namespace priv
template <unsigned int N, unsigned int R>
struct iSquareRoot

iSquareRoot<N, N>;

}  // namespace priv

template <unsigned int N>
constexpr unsigned int iSquareRoot()

// Sum, difference and multiplication operations for signed ints that wrap on 32-bit overflow.
// Unsigned types are defined to do arithmetic modulo 2^n in C++. For signed types, overflow
// behavior is undefined.

template <typename T>
inline T WrappingSum(T lhs, T rhs)

template <typename T>
inline T WrappingDiff(T lhs, T rhs)

inline int32_t WrappingMul(int32_t lhs, int32_t rhs)

inline float scaleScreenDimensionToNdc(float dimensionScreen, float viewportDimension)

inline float scaleScreenCoordinateToNdc(float coordinateScreen, float viewportDimension)

}  // namespace gl

namespace rx

template <typename T>
T roundUp(const T value, const T alignment)

template <typename T>
constexpr T roundUpPow2(const T value, const T alignment)

template <typename T>
constexpr T roundDownPow2(const T value, const T alignment)

template <typename T>
angle::CheckedNumeric<T> CheckedRoundUp(const T value, const T alignment)

inline constexpr unsigned int UnsignedCeilDivide(unsigned int value, unsigned int divisor)

#if defined(__has_builtin)

#if defined(_MSC_VER)

#define ANGLE_ROTL
#define ANGLE_ROTL64
#define ANGLE_ROTR16

#elif defined(__clang__) && ANGLE_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_rotateleft32) && \
    ANGLE_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_rotateleft64) && ANGLE_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_rotateright16)

#define ANGLE_ROTL(x, y)
#define ANGLE_ROTL64(x, y)
#define ANGLE_ROTR16(x, y)


inline uint32_t RotL(uint32_t x, int8_t r)
    return (x << r) | (x >> (32 - r));

inline uint64_t RotL64(uint64_t x, int8_t r)
    return (x << r) | (x >> (64 - r));

inline uint16_t RotR16(uint16_t x, int8_t r)
    return (x >> r) | (x << (16 - r));

#define ANGLE_ROTL
#define ANGLE_ROTL64
#define ANGLE_ROTR16

#endif  // namespace rx

constexpr unsigned int Log2(unsigned int bytes)
}  // namespace rx