
# Crosier Development Guide

This doc assumes you're already familiar with ChromeOS on-device development.
If not, please follow
[Simple Chrome workflow](

## Demo test
We've had several tests.

[NewTab demo](
is a test that opens a browser and open a tab which can run DUT or VM.

[Bluetooth test](
is a test that toggle to turn on and off bluetooth which can only
run on DUT.

## How to run Ash test
Please see: [go/crosier-run](http://go/crosier-run)

## How to run Lacros test
See the [demo test](;l=19)
for instructions

## Test metadata

Each Crosier test being added should include test metadata in `yaml` format.

See [Crosier metadata guide](
for more information on how to add it.

## Debugging Crosier tests

Debugging a Crosier test is like debugging any Chrome test on device. Following
developer library resources are available:

## Continuous builders
Currently the test binary runs against both Ash and Lacros on CI only.



Target name is 'chromeos_integration_tests'.

When you make contributions, please add 'Include-Ci-Only-Tests: true' to the
changelist footer so the tests can run on CQ.