
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// DeclarativeRule<>, DeclarativeConditionSet<>, and DeclarativeActionSet<>
// templates usable with multiple different declarativeFoo systems.  These are
// templated on the Condition and Action types that define the behavior of a
// particular declarative event.


#include <limits>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/url_matcher/url_matcher.h"
#include "extensions/common/api/events.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"

namespace base {
class Time;

namespace content {
class BrowserContext;

namespace extensions {

// This class stores a set of conditions that may be part of a DeclarativeRule.
// If any condition is fulfilled, the Actions of the DeclarativeRule can be
// triggered.
// ConditionT should be immutable after creation.  It must define the following
// members:
//   // Arguments passed through from DeclarativeConditionSet::Create.
//   static std::unique_ptr<ConditionT> Create(
//       const Extension* extension,
//       URLMatcherConditionFactory* url_matcher_condition_factory,
//       // Except this argument gets elements of the Values array.
//       const base::Value& definition,
//       std::string* error);
//   // If the Condition needs to be filtered by some URLMatcherConditionSets,
//   // append them to |condition_sets|.
//   // DeclarativeConditionSet::GetURLMatcherConditionSets forwards here.
//   void GetURLMatcherConditionSets(
//       URLMatcherConditionSet::Vector* condition_sets);
//   // |match_data| passed through from DeclarativeConditionSet::IsFulfilled.
//   bool IsFulfilled(const ConditionT::MatchData& match_data);
template<typename ConditionT>
class DeclarativeConditionSet {};

// Immutable container for multiple actions.
// ActionT should be immutable after creation.  It must define the following
// members:
//   // Arguments passed through from ActionSet::Create.
//   static std::unique_ptr<ActionT> Create(
//       const Extension* extension,
//       // Except this argument gets elements of the Values array.
//       const base::Value::Dict& definition,
//       std::string* error, bool* bad_message);
//   void Apply(const ExtensionId& extension_id,
//              const base::Time& extension_install_time,
//              // Contains action-type-specific in/out parameters.
//              typename ActionT::ApplyInfo* apply_info) const;
//   // Only needed if the RulesRegistry calls DeclarativeActionSet::Revert().
//   void Revert(const ExtensionId& extension_id,
//               const base::Time& extension_install_time,
//               // Contains action-type-specific in/out parameters.
//               typename ActionT::ApplyInfo* apply_info) const;
//   // Return the minimum priority of rules that can be evaluated after this
//   // action runs.  A suitable default value is MIN_INT.
//   int minimum_priority() const;
// TODO(battre): As DeclarativeActionSet can become the single owner of all
// actions, we can optimize here by making some of them singletons (e.g. Cancel
// actions).
template<typename ActionT>
class DeclarativeActionSet {};

// Representation of a rule of a declarative API:
// Generally a RulesRegistry will hold a collection of Rules for a given
// declarative API and contain the logic for matching and applying them.
// See DeclarativeConditionSet and DeclarativeActionSet for the requirements on
// ConditionT and ActionT.
template<typename ConditionT, typename ActionT>
class DeclarativeRule {};

// Implementation details below here.

// DeclarativeConditionSet

template <typename ConditionT>
bool DeclarativeConditionSet<ConditionT>::IsFulfilled(
    base::MatcherStringPattern::ID url_match_trigger,
    const typename ConditionT::MatchData& match_data) const {}

template<typename ConditionT>
void DeclarativeConditionSet<ConditionT>::GetURLMatcherConditionSets(
    url_matcher::URLMatcherConditionSet::Vector* condition_sets) const {}

// static
template <typename ConditionT>
    const Extension* extension,
    url_matcher::URLMatcherConditionFactory* url_matcher_condition_factory,
    const base::Value::List& condition_values,
    std::string* error) {}

template <typename ConditionT>
    Conditions conditions,
    const URLMatcherIdToCondition& match_id_to_condition,
    const std::vector<const ConditionT*>& conditions_without_urls)

// DeclarativeActionSet

template<typename ActionT>
DeclarativeActionSet<ActionT>::DeclarativeActionSet(const Actions& actions)

// static
template <typename ActionT>
DeclarativeActionSet<ActionT>::Create(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
                                      const Extension* extension,
                                      const base::Value::List& action_values,
                                      std::string* error,
                                      bool* bad_message) {}

template <typename ActionT>
void DeclarativeActionSet<ActionT>::Apply(
    const ExtensionId& extension_id,
    const base::Time& extension_install_time,
    typename ActionT::ApplyInfo* apply_info) const {}

template <typename ActionT>
void DeclarativeActionSet<ActionT>::Reapply(
    const ExtensionId& extension_id,
    const base::Time& extension_install_time,
    typename ActionT::ApplyInfo* apply_info) const {}

template <typename ActionT>
void DeclarativeActionSet<ActionT>::Revert(
    const ExtensionId& extension_id,
    const base::Time& extension_install_time,
    typename ActionT::ApplyInfo* apply_info) const {}

template<typename ActionT>
int DeclarativeActionSet<ActionT>::GetMinimumPriority() const {}

// DeclarativeRule

template <typename ConditionT, typename ActionT>
DeclarativeRule<ConditionT, ActionT>::DeclarativeRule(
    const GlobalRuleId& id,
    const Tags& tags,
    base::Time extension_installation_time,
    std::unique_ptr<ConditionSet> conditions,
    std::unique_ptr<ActionSet> actions,
    Priority priority)

// static
template <typename ConditionT, typename ActionT>
std::unique_ptr<DeclarativeRule<ConditionT, ActionT>>
DeclarativeRule<ConditionT, ActionT>::Create(
    url_matcher::URLMatcherConditionFactory* url_matcher_condition_factory,
    content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
    const Extension* extension,
    base::Time extension_installation_time,
    const JsonRule& rule,
    ConsistencyChecker check_consistency,
    std::string* error) {}

template<typename ConditionT, typename ActionT>
void DeclarativeRule<ConditionT, ActionT>::Apply(
    typename ActionT::ApplyInfo* apply_info) const {}

template<typename ConditionT, typename ActionT>
int DeclarativeRule<ConditionT, ActionT>::GetMinimumPriority() const {}

}  // namespace extensions